In the most simple terms, for the sake of the left: it is the promotion of bad policies to hasten the failure of capitalism.
I.E. promote Trump because he's bad for the U.S., remove universal healthcare to radicalize people, etc.
I feel it's the revolutionary equivalent of shooting yourself to get the life insurance money. But I'm not very nuanced on my approach to it, can any of you give some hot takes on it?
It would be incredibly good if your goal was actually to create a fascist dystopia instead of destroy capitalism
Jack Morris
Are there any examples of accelerationism actually working? I cant think of any examples but maybe im just a brainlet.
Benjamin Fisher
Strengthening social welfare programs and taxing the capitalist class directly attacks the profitability of capitalism. It also simultaneously makes life for the working class better. Social democracy is the true accelerationism. Social democrats might be backstabbing scum but they key is to use their policies to create the conditions for revolution.
Bentley Thomas
Nothing intentionally accelerationist, no.
Lucas Hernandez
This. Reverse accelerationism is the key, and most of the successful revolutions came from such situations.
Gabriel Walker
It's worth noting that some reforms are not actually in opposition to accelerationsism. Example? Basically, every single communist party in the world (especially every successful revolutionary party) is for land reform where there's a need for it.
What is the essence of land reform? Hyper-capitalism. Land reform is an accelerationist project because it crushes the remnants of feudalism and institutes capitalism in its most developed state. Marx even thought that land would have to be brought into the public domain for capitalism to reach its highest state.
There's no contradiction between the fact that the state owns 80% of the land in Singapore and its ultra-liberal, hyper-capitalist society and methods of governance. State seizure and nationalization of land demystifies the atavistic, primitive conceptions of property that is inherent in any society where land is privately owned and distill's the entirety of capital into its real essence, liquid mobile capital.
The track record of land reform in reducing inequality and raising living standards is actually pretty good, so this type of accelerationist capitalism is not opposed to reformist demands of a social democratic nature. Unfortunately, it often takes a revolution just to get a reform like land reform passed.
*entirety fo property into its real essence under the capitalist mode of production
Jaxson Lee
Accelerationism relies on the narcissistic belief that, if things got worse, people who were uninformed of systemic problems would come to see the same objective truth you see, because it's so obvious. When in reality, the perception of systemic problems can be shaped heavily by media, and those who are in power are going to have a better chance of coordinating their media to shape uninformed people's perceptions, and in doing so, convince them to work in ways to reinforce their positions of power. (see: the absolute Republican control over Kansas, even as the entire state goes further down the drain).
that's not what acceleration thought even is about.
Levi Gonzalez
I assume you are a Nick Landfag? If so please understand that he is a mentally disturbed liberal artsfag who doesn't know anything about technology. His opinions and writings are worthless.
Evan Johnson
That’s a damn good point and analysis, I was mainly thinking of accelerationist ideas of trying to push for neoliberal free market policies in developed capitalist nations that spread destitution in hopes that a working class opposition will arise out of pure desperation, rather than accelerating an agrarian society to capitalism.
Land is a nut yes, but his writings are still very much worth a look into. He’s the modern Evola in the sense of how he’s one of the only somewhat intellectually significant thinkers ultimately at the roots of our now growing moder fascism we see.
Jace Ross
Nick Land is batshit insane, but is right: OP doesn't know what he is talking about.
Brayden Bell
basically this>>2662092
Parker Cox
Any cynical accelerationist psuedo-leftists who wish to become Communists should be reminded: accelerationism must involve action somewhere along the line from Communists. The proletariat will, without a Communist alternative, ALWAYS fall for the lure of reactionaries regardless of what sort of turd positionists they are. Are the Silicon Valley technocrats not the successor to the old fascists in many ways? Lenin did much to combat spontaneist currents of 'Marxism'; he showed that we cannot
Jeremiah Harris
…we cannot ensure that they are class conscious even if they unionise.
Jonathan Murphy
In order to promote class conciousness you have to promote the best interest of the unions. And what the unions mostly care about is free trade, universal income and anti immigration. None of the parties check all three but donald trump checks two. So ironically donald trump is the most pro union president right now.
John Rivera
Daniel Bailey
Is this not idealist? This sounds like neocons who think that if we banned certain video games, violent crime would stop. Isn't culture a product of people's material conditions, and not the other way around?
Levi Barnes
Reminder that…you should only vote for the accelariotnist option if there are no real communist option to vote for.
So in the USA i.e. you should have vote for her, because Trump is just a loudmouth retard who plays gld and eats lay's chips.
Chase Wright
Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard, I hope your LARPers realize actions like this have a human cost. No wonder such views aren’t taken seriously IRL. Kill yourself
Leo Price
Like how the Weimar Republic went from welfare to [national] socialism. -__-
Can you give me the citation, I can't find anything.
Shit, you're right. Critically support Trump!
Owen Turner
This is always a stupid idea. I mean, bad enough that psyop types will push it due to the harm it can bring about.
Part of trump supporter base was people who wanted to "burn it all down " and former leftists who bolstered accelerationism ideas. It's garbage and hurts real people and the quality of life in the meantime. Don't give me any of that shit about sacrifice either, it's one thing when the populace makes the choice to do so, it's another entirely with something like this
Worse, in reality it also is ineffective. Putting horrid capitalist leaders into power means they will use that chance to solidify theit position . Further, when a portion of the population actually supports the policies it makes things harder .
Leftward progress socially and economically does not come from accelerationism . It's a neat discussion but has no basis outside the proverbial classroom
Brody Johnson
accelerationism is just being really positive.
its always win win.
bad anti socialist policies? win. cause it hastens the death of capitalism and its internal contradictions. good socialist policies? win.
Landed property thus receives its purely economic form by discarding all its former political and social embellishments and associations, in brief all those traditional accessories, which are denounced, as we shall see later, as useless and absurd superfluities by the industrial capitalists themselves, as well as their theoretical spokesmen, in the heat of their struggle with landed property. The rationalising of agriculture, on the one hand, which makes it for the first time capable of operating on a social scale, and the reduction ad absurdum of property in land, on the other, are the great achievements of the capitalist mode of production.
>The justification of landed property, like that of all other forms of property corresponding to a certain mode of production, is that the mode of production itself is a transient historical necessity, and this includes the relations of production and exchange which stem from it. It is true, as we shall see later, that landed property differs from other kinds of property in that it appears superfluous and harmful at a certain stage of development, even from the point of view of the capitalist mode of production.
wrong social democracy creates complacency lower levels of poverty is lower odds of civil unrest
Jacob Jackson
Accelerationism is more the idea of progressing capitalism further rather just making peoples lives shit. Consider Marx here for some support of accelerationist thought. I think tje way this kind of thpught could be furthered today is in industrialising Africa as quick as possible.
Evan Ross
Aren't you the ones who share the exact same social views with these companies' HR departments?
Anthony Garcia
Wait so does that mean Hillary was the real accelerationist choice? Since she supported free trade and Trump didn't.
That's one of the logical conclusions of it, but accelerationism is merely the belief that capitalism is accelerate in it's intensifying death. Also, accelerationism is bullshit.
Benjamin King
Accelerationism means supporting the widest possible expansion of capitalism so it inevitably dies under the weight of its own contradictions. Like how Marx counter-intuitively approved of free trade because it hastens class conflict around the globe and breaks up old nationalities.
The idea that accelerationism is voting for nazis to make stuff bad so people would revolt is retarded, misses the point and doesn't work. I suspect it is pushed by Zig Forums entryists trying to make stupid commies vote far-right. In fact I've seen many fascists bring up accelerationism as a way to make guillible leftists serve their goals.
Tactical accelerationism is voting for pro-austerity neoliberals to expand free trade and remove regulations. Not voting for fascists to epicly trigger campus feminists gangnam style and hoping that will radicalize them.
Gavin Morales
I don't think so. It's just "communists" who want to feel like real good revolutionaries while also licking that delicious boot.
Joshua Sullivan
What's funny is that voting for right-populists like le drumpft is actually counter-productive to Marxian accelerationism. Those types usually oppose the expansion of international capital and support protectionism.
Carson Lewis
Accelerationism is a meme that people who unironically believe in "dialectical materialism" fall for, there is no guarantee communism will ensure in after the collapse of capitalism, it might lead to the destruction of society as a whole, or some form of neofeudalism. Stop trying to push "left-acceleration", it's not going to work, most of the prominent figures in accelerationism are nutcases like Land who think capital is sentient and will bring about an AI singularity through reading human pattern behavior via consumerism and mass marketing. If you want to associate your ideology with the latter feel free, but don't pretend you're doing it for "the working class"
Aaron Murphy
Accelerationism is reformism by a different name. You cannot reform capitalism and voting does nothing. Accelerationism is just social democracy but the other way around.
Jordan Fisher
it means supporting policies on the basis of what they do for class consciousness which (in orthodox marxism) is the only means by which the proletarian class can be forever emancipated: revolution or bust
there's a qualified variant in the western marxist tradition called agonism which, simply put, means creating conflicts (antagonisms) in society so you may arrive at a point of resolutions more favorable to you (dialectical method)
acceleration not "making things worse to make things better", it doing things in the way that is calculated to bring about conditions for revolution. In full, it is the acceleration of socialism.
Aiden Sullivan
Accelerationism is doing whatever you want and calling it accelerationism.
Leo Brown
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The line is vote for the socialist candidate but never fall into the delusion that voting is a means of delivering socialism. Socialist parties that campaign as socialists and govern as socialists can raise class consciousness. This is evidenced by the lives of Lenin and Marx themselves.
Nobody ever encourages voting for rightist policies, you fucking fool.
Zachary Thomas
Soc dems is corporatism. It concentrate capital in fewer corporations that are easier to target for nationalization/collectivization. Maybe?
Connor Collins
Whose line you sperg? I am not talking about Zig Forums as a whole but idiots who pop up every so often to tell us to support far rightists because they will make things worse. If you haven't seen those you must be new. Work on your reading comprehension
Jonathan Brown
You can't meme.
Here's how you can fix this image: 1) give the text the same size for the top and bottom 2) take the word into and put it upfront of the hat. 3) Make the words Maximum acceleration more dramatic kinda of like how the 200% mad meme or Triggered meme works.