Anyone else noticing how a lot of these fascists don't want to admit their rally failed...

Anyone else noticing how a lot of these fascists don't want to admit their rally failed, so they're trying to pretend it was all some set up, and that they never had any intention of being a success? I've come across a dozen of these fucking retards lmao

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Apologize what? Antifa didn't make a fucking move today and when they do they get their ass beaten.
Apologize this dick. As it was demonstrated today you should let them be, giving them attention will help them.
That said it's not that the US is less fascist than yesterday and it's not like the goverment needs popular support to enact an even harsher police state.

>>>Zig Forums

way to false flag yourselves leftypol.

Antifa is a complete joke. You really made a difference protesting 20 idiots with zero power.

It's not true? lol.
Nono they are total badasses, belive that.

You idiots are going to normalise WN fun.

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Lmao twitter polls are more telling that you're winning than the fact that you could only get 20 people to show up to your cuckfest in literally the biggest tourist destination in the country

Alternative Theory. Liberals could only get 20 WN to show up to your cuckfest.

Why contain it?

A c c e l e r a T E

I mean, they're correct insofar that avoiding the rally was a really good idea.

Though I'd put it this way: If I were a fascist, would I want thousands of anti-racists, socialists, anarchists and liberals turning out by the thousands specifically to denounce everything I believe in? And be totally incapable of stopping them? Hmmmmm probably not.


Face it, your rally was a failure and so are you

Huh, where were those "87%" during the rally? :^)

It was your rally you are just mad i am pointing out the WN ghosted and played you for fools.


Yep, I'm sure it was planned by Bob Avakian in his basement, so he could have his cult members ride out and save the day from le ebil fashists and become adored by the public as a result.

I stopped being an Anarchist when they failed to kill Trump.


Why would they go to a left wing rally? What were they even suppose to demonstrate against? Just get rid of the pol/ and call yourselves idiots. Sad day when WN have more brains than all of you.

Word salad

LMAO JUST ADMIT YOUR RALLY FAILED. This is beyond pathetic. How beta do you have to be to be this in denial?

Yes your left wing rally failed. WN had enough brains not to get baited while you all chimped out and acted like a fool.

Thanks for paying for our rally and giving us free media publicity! :D

You're pathetic

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why does that guy write like a 40 year old
i haven't seen someone say
since when /new/ was around and even then it was blatantly your stormfront and freeper-types
polite sage for not really on topic

You're all getting mad now the truth is slowly dawning on you.

"We're growing and winning!"

"Wow nice set up FBI."

Here's a big think theory for you: even the rallies where Antifa gets rekt, it's still all an act and Soros-funded liberals vs. Soros-funded liberals to try to make the right look violent.

Its boomers all the way down

Don't forget how every right-wing shooting or fascist terrorist attack is a false flag as part of a Jewish plot to take away guns while any act of leftist violence is a Jewish plot to weaken the right.

The Jews apparently control everything and also actively fight one another.

I'm convinced most of you here are lumpen.


Hey man it was your rally if you want to call it a success that's up to you. Maybe play smarter next time is all.

The Fashs started the "rally" the counter protesters showed up to embarrass them and that they did

Just stop responding, at this point this thread is pushing down other more important shit and he's going to keep on responding forever. Mind you, Zig Forumsyps are awful at forum slides but that's probably the idea.

Pick one.
I don't want to live in a corporatist nightmare surrounded by white commies and liberals going slowly insane but it seems you all do.

Are you saying Kessler and the other 20 people in his goon squad weren't there?
Are you saying Kessler wasn't ranting for weeks about how he was going to have thousands of fascists marching on the National Lawn?
Damage control harder

And you believed him didn't you.

Just stop arguing with the fascist. He will do anything in his power to waste your time debating on nothing. The only thing that will change his mind is a bullet to the head.

No I actually thought from the start that it would end like this considering Kessler is in all likely hood a Literal Fed and the fact that RightNet seemed to actually be able to tell for once
But it's still good optics to have a square full of 20 Boomer NeoNazis and Zig Forums untermencsh who called out of their basement for us to laugh at and have a show of force against


Well the organizer was an admitted "political moderate" and claimed he voted for Obama, and it doesn't help that nobody has even heard of the guy until this rally. He has like 10k followers on twitter.

it was the same dude who organized the charlottesville one. Problem (for him) seems to be he said he hated racists and the alt-right so all them didn't come to the 2nd one. Also he keeps going on about white identity shit but seems to surround himself with like latinx guys so its real confusing

He wrote for the Daily Caller (founded by Tucker Carlson) and was connected to Spencer during a flash mob protest in Charlottesville in early summer 2017. This was a small affair and a kind of preview for the big rumble in August. They also sprang a small tiki torch demo when it got dark in another preview.

Kessler wrote sympathetic articles for the Caller about it, and then – he's a local – got put in charge of organizing the August rally. I don't think he was a fed (at least not as first), just someone who radicalized into white nationalism without having any organizing experience. So of course, it turned into a disaster, and he was a convenient scapegoat for the rest of the white-power movement in any case.

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Adding onto this – I have no idea why Kessler decided to do another UTR and in D.C. of all places after the disaster that was UTR 2017. He had been denounced and thrown under the bus by everyone in the movement. My only guess is that he has some psychological compulsion to dig himself into a deeper hole. Like, dude is living with his parents in his 30s and has no job; he's hated by everyone. In one livestream with Patrick Little (neo-Nazi guy from California), Kessler's dad was yelling at him to "get outta my room!" And then Kessler complained about his "cucked" parents watching World War II documentaries on T.V. about why the Nazis were the bad guys. Just unbelievable. I can imagine his dad sitting there in his Laz-E-Boy cleaning his guns while watching swastikas get detonated at Nuremberg by Allied forces, while gradually getting angrier and angrier about his loathsome son.

Anyways, I think one of the big failures of the alt-right IMO is lack of experience doing rallies at all. Like, when I got involved in the left, I was immediately introduced to a bunch of people who had been doing it for years and knew way more about it than I did, and I still don't know much.

Even in fairly small cities in America there are free classes on political organizing, protests and civil disobedience. It's not like Rosa Parks up and decided one day to sit in the front of the bus: that was planned and deliberate and she had 20 years of experience doing political organizing and knew what she was doing. There is a whole legal infrastructure in place behind the scenes in case you get arrested (which you should avoid IMO). There are a lot of armchair theoreticians out there but this shit is hard work, involves a lot of moving parts and a lot of different people in big coalitions.

The only thing the far right (and I'm talking about real neo-Nazis here) seem to really have going for them is mindfuck internet propaganda.

If Richard Spencer didn't go, it wasn't legit.

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If he did go, you would be holding up as proof it was a honeypot.

Also as said if he did go you would have just claimed Spencer was a Honeypot (which as i have seen most of you already do)

Also S*encer is Irrelevant in Current year

You can just smell the Amerimongrol
Also if independent the South would have had a black President before the north TBH

Oh no, that's the other guy. I'm pro-Spencer.

wow you got him

Nobody went to this because corporations were on their toes trying to doxx/fire anyone who went there, after getting slammed last year they desperately tried to track down the protesters after the fact.

No Seriously check his views on Pedophiles
He Literally believes that they should be Provided with Explicit Porn in order to "Release their urges"

I believe Identity Evropa emerged out of the Golden State Skinheads which is another Cali white-power gang.

There was some antifas who caught I.E. guys doing a banner drop, and they were all young guys in their early 20s except for the dude driving the white van they were moving around in, and he was like this 40 or 50-something gangster looking guy – those guys are probably the ones really in charge of the organization.

The first rally was also a failure Only a few hundred or so people came last year, Liberal media just hyped it up as the second coming of the KKK as a distraction, and you all fell for it.

The rally destroyed the last vestiges of my liberalism. I don't know if that was the liberal media's goal.

In context, though, it was about the same size as the National Alliance march in D.C. in 2002, which nobody remembers (mostly because it was uneventful. The cops had it on lockdown and 9/11 and the war was sucking up all the oxygen). So it was the biggest Burgerland fash rally in 15 years, which is something.

Main thing is my ☭TANKIE☭ friends were warning me a year prior that the fash were organizing because they were more plugged in and seeing it, because these small Nazi crews had started popping up and appearing at leftist events ready to draw blood. And I remember having coffee with one and saying "oh it's not a big deal. Just ignore them and they'll go away." And then the rally happened. So I messaged my friend afterwards and said "you were right."

If the ☭TANKIE☭'s predictions and observations are more accurate than my bullshit liberal ones, then there might be something to this whole Marxist mojo.

Praise kek, and Karl Marx can suck my big black dick.

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This. Trump is gonna go full-bull Fascist and you all spent your time fighting basement dwellers instead of dealing with the big fish.

I think China might be the last hope we Marxists have.

How about you go fucking live there bitch, you ever here of Marxist genocide!? you have no clue mother fucker, no clue! Your one brain washed son of a bitch!

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Dad, get off the internet…

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Fascists should be hunted for sport.

You mean when CIA operatives genocide marxists? Yes, I've heard of it. Quite a few times, in fact…

LOL, what a moron

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No but what confuses us here is that, assuming "we" somehow and for some reason decided to organize a rally for the alt right (although I don't see what the point of that would be besides attempting to mass citizens arrest you for being racist meanies), how do you consider this anything but a failure for the white nationalist movement? The fact is that as far as the whole public and the media are concerned those 20 idiots WERE white nationalists, and they WERE embarrassed. You all kinda look incompetent and impotent atm. What could you possibly have to be smug about? Why are we the ones that need to "feel better" when we've suffered literally no strategic setback or negative coverage whatsoever?

Your attempt to cover this up is full of contradictions. If hundreds of you had shown up, according to you, that would have been a "victory" for us, while in actuality the media coverage would have made you look more popular and competent and we would certainly consider it a loss. Only 20 of you showing up, meanwhile, is a "victory" for you, even though you look fucking retarded and powerless now.

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incoherent and self contradicting, your typical fascist right there

Didn't realize Hillary Clinton was a BASED red pilled alt righter (should've guessed she is pure white and not a fucking degenerate slut, stays faithful to her white husband). Why didn't we know that she was secretly fighting the kike menace all along and pwning Bernie voting Jew libtards EPIC STYLE.


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What about the 5+ million preventable deaths that occurred in Russia alone after Boris Yeltsin, on the advice of the CIA, privatized the resources and infrastructure of the former RSFR (against the will of the legal democratically legitimized institutions which he fired artillery upon)?

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Whoops, forgot shitpost flag

Tbf a nazi talking about white birth rates makes sense.

So with this criteria is it safe to assume that Zig Forums will not, and frankly cannot ever meet in public to actually enact the political action they wish would be done in society? So they're just admitting that in the end they'll be defeated and it isn't even possible for them to gain the slightest bit of actual real tangible traction?

Nah, just for the sake of irony, they should be given the helicopter treatment.

literally every forum, website, podcast and youtube channel called this a honeypot over a week in advance


Their CIA handlers

Rallying behind paid agitators (antifa) while shitposting on Zig Forums. The capitalist elite must be terrified of such an opposition