I want you to talk to me about Christian communism and if it can be Catholic, you better want to know about this ideology
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It's not that Christianity and Communism are incompatible, it's that Christianity and the future of civilization are incompatible. It's an ancient desert mythology made for farmers that lived 2,000 years ago. Believing in any gods is absurd. It's like being dedicated to the Greek pantheon while trying to somehow make it seem like that belief system is compatible with Communism. It's not that it isn't compatible, it's more that it's absolutely absurd to mix Communism with ancient mythology.
What's there to talk about? You can be religious and no one is stopping you, just don't be a reactionary and pullstupid shit like witch hunts and public executions. The "religious persecution" that communism is associated with was really just stopping state-backed churches from committing genocide and reinstating monarchs.
Do you accept it without the shit of traditionalism and also that the church is not together with the state?
The catholic church of Spain is a porky parasite that supports fascism. Take your religious shit out of my country joputa.
Sure under the fucking fascist clergy, but the people are very rooted in Catholicism and that's how things could convince a Catholic that Franco was the only one who did evil for all his compatriots
And you can also be a patriot and a communist?
It is a doubt that I have
Question for religious anarchists/communists who believe in an eschatology.
When the last days come and a Messianic figure appears and begins to rule in the way described in your religious texts, how will you reconcile that with your leftist thought?
It will explode a vein in your head … I think XD
They don't believe that. They're just in it to be contrarian meme lords. t. a former Christian contrarian meme lord who realized that I never actually believed in God because believing in God in the modern world is like forcing yourself to believe that we live in the Matrix and essentially impossible for anyone with a middle school education or higher.
Sure, why not? I'm a tolerant person.
The endgame of communism is to get rid of states and therefore countries. It's one global union of workers. patriotism is rested on a spooky assumption of fallaciously attributing a metaphysical construct of historical significance into the population. But if you wanna wave a flag around of your country, go ahead, no one will stop you.
Then could you explain to me what was happening in the USSR with the "Motherland"?
The USSR was a state, and a transition one at that. And not all of the communist revolutions or transition states were like that.
Do I understand it then for patriotism would have to be socialist and not communist? … No?
I don't think the phrase "patriotic socialism/communism" works because patriotism is reserved for countries. But whatever. Look, no one cares if you're patriotic, no one is going to ban flags and no thought police is going to exist to arrest you for saying "I'm proud to be from Spain"…or wherever you're from.
Be proud of whatever, it's fine.
Tito confirmed for reactionary
There is no village of the union of my people because I think it is united we can give a sense of community and avoid dividing between the countries in my country to avoid a hatred between my brothers in my country …
But our division has to see more pr Franco than anything else
That's all bullshit to divide you.
The entire world is your people, never forget we are all the same species. The nation is a spook. Read Stirner.
Fuck Franco, he kidnapped kids and killed them or sold them off during the Spanish Civil War. Don't betray yourself.
If when I speak of my people it is clear that they are dividing because of regional nationalism and I want to reach the unification of the nations but of course I have to start
And Franco's thing I do not know if I explained well is that I have an English a little bad xc
And I also want to preserve the cultures of my country so the patriot is that I love my people but that does not want me not to love other people in the world but I would like to solve my problems to help others
Read these:
Then go tell people about it.
Franco was a traitor, let them know.
Can mormon communism lead us to state posadism?
That depends on if unicorns are considered aliens
Thank you good man who looked at it and in Spanish this information does not appear
Well I give you a gift
¡Viva la confederacion y la CNT FAI!
That the anarchists fought against the traitors for something
De nada. Utilizar esta;
The one of the CNT FAI cool more uncle when having the inverted colors XD
I know it's pretty …
Imagine how much Fascist blood is spoken by staining a flag of the CNT
I get tired of much of the rightist bias among Christians but truth be told liberal churches are an aberration of the religion. I just wish there'd be acceptance of both scholarship and tradition rather than just a split between traditionalists, liberals, and fundamentalists.
As far as examples perhaps looking into churches during leftist governments might be of interest. Consider Ethiopia and Eritrea although the relationship between the church and the state has reportedly not been exactly great.
Hard agree. I can understand how some of the summer kids can think that atheism is right-wing due to the new atheist chumps, but yo, science is real and ALL religions are bullshit that support class divides or at the least promote delusional thinking
Christian Socialist here. There can be no reconciliation between Marxist communism and Christianity as almost every single Marxist regime in history has severely persecuted Christians. I just keep to my own special snowflake utopian socialism.
C.S. Lewis sketches out a brief glimpse of a Christian Socialist society:
"All the same, the New Testament, without going into details, gives us a pretty clear hint of what a fully Christian society would be like. Perhaps it gives us more than we can take. It tells us that there are to be no passengers or parasites: if a man does not work, he ought not to eat. Everyone is to work with his own hands, and what is more, everyone’s work is to produce something good: there will be no manufacture of silly luxuries and then of sillier advertisements to persuade us to buy them. And there is to be no “swank” or “side”, no putting on airs. To that extent a Christian society would be what we now call Leftist. On the other hand, it is always insisting on obedience––obedience (and outward marks of respect) from all of us to properly appointed magistrates, from children to parents, and (I am afraid this is going to be unpopular) from wives to husbands. Thirdly, it is to be a cheerful society: full of singing and rejoicing, and regarding worry or anxiety as wrong. Courtesy is one of the Christian virtues; and the New Testament hates what it calls “busybodies”"
Walter Rauschenbusch's writings concerning the Social Gospel is a good starting point.
Christianity and the Social Crisis and A Theology for the Social Gospel are both great books. Both are available on:
Not a communist or anarchist but I don't see the big deal with being literally resurrected into a better state and planted into a community with no sin to ruin anything. No poverty, hunger, unhappiness - what is there to complain about under the rule of the creator of the universe?
that flag is sacrilegious because the CNT killed Carlist priests.
They fucking deserved it, go to hell, fashie.
Eh, I think certain religions lend themselves more to Communism than others, actually. The Greek Pantheon is a bad example, honestly, given that the Greek gods were metaphors for the material forces of nature and human existence (even in its art), whereas Christianity is inherently spiritualistic and dedicated to concepts that there are greater forces that we cannot understand pulling the strings behind everything. Your life is no longer a personal experience, but an extension of God.
It should also be mentioned that Marxism is materialist which is in opposition to religion in some ways.
No, being a traditionalist catholic I prefer catholic social teaching opposed to both communism and greed, I also cannot forget the destruction communist infiltrator priests caused to the church with the modernist heresy.
Crude socialism/communism is incompatible with Christianity like immoral strains of Industrial Age capitalism
lol no this is the height of retardation. Modernism started with biblical scholars who went astray.
The USSR simply didn't have the resources, theological know-how, or ability to create such a heresy. They couldn't even control churches in their satellite states like Poland.
As for "catholic social teaching" unfortunately the catholic church has not done anything to propagate such an ideal with their vast wealth and resources. The church simply doesn't care. Pope Francis says some nice things but doesn't marshal the incredible power he has to make such teachings a reality. The church has fallen a long way from its original collectivist procedures and pastors and priests enjoy free housing and financial support, even further distancing them away from the underclasses.