But they don't have to be. I know while most users are male, there's always a couple of women here.
Contrary to what the right says there's nothing that makes women inherently weak (or any other adjective really). It's time you accept responsibility for reality.
When the few women manage to grab power they are as shit as any other men and they tend to be right wingers, Thatcher, May, Hillary Clinton, Merkel, Park Geun-hye etc. If leftist women criticize the "patriarchy" why do they still cling to be seen as worthy at the eyes of the ruling order (which to them is patriarchal)? It just reveals their submission to it, like a wife who tries to please her husband, to make herself worthy in HIS eyes.
Why aren't you capable of creating something new instead of seeing themselves as victims of the ruling order? Where's a Rosa Luxembourg of the present? (True the same could be said of men today).
Are you going to find some courage, think, fight and create or just stay relegated to men's side character?
I googled megalians and it's apparently just south korean /r9k/ for women lmao. Bottom part of the post seems more or less valid (though retardedly blaming everything on le spooky sjws instead of capitalism and fascism) but the megalia part is some "tumblr roasties run the world" tier shit
Brayden Walker
Hormones don't real I guess. It's not like physical strength is particularly important though.
They don't. You're just lumping them in with liberal women because you can only conceive of women as a collective and not of an individual woman.
So why are you framing the absence of thinkers as a gendered issue you faggot?
Isaiah Butler
I dont know why, but women who seek power and succeed are rarely your typical woman. Theyre a special breed of women who are psychologically closer to men than women. Theyre essentially men with vaginas. My sister is one. Growing up she was more masculine than me, and did typical manly stuff. Shes now incredibly successful and you can say shes bourgeois lite, at the top of her field and is being groomed as a future CEO or a top executive. Unlike most women, she can compete with the Alpha males at her work place and loves playing dirty and being a manipulative calculating cunt. Shes always been like this. She is not your typical woman. Im sorry to say, but I dont think most women can be like my sister. Its an innate quality, that most women dont posses. Most women mentally break before they can reach those levels of power.
Cameron Ross
Day by day I lean more towards unironically supporting all of that just to spite the GG'ers and reactionaries. Petty, I know.
To show how much work he'd done is my guess. Also internal body parts look gross and if patients see that what would get shaved off looks gross it may reaffirm their desire to have the procedure done.
Joshua Anderson
the glass wall that is testament to Korean self hatred. Disgusting
Nolan Thompson
Why though? Their opponents are the left-leaning pro-DPRK reconciliation party.
Elijah Long
A logical answer that I didn't quite expect. I mean; I get why from the docs perspective, but it screams of body dysmorphia and is more than a bit morbid.
No doubt. SK is obsessed with the west because burgers have absolutely dominated their media. Compare to Japan where burger stuff is popular but the nips actually produce their own culture and identity. SK has a huge identity problem because of the Korean war and the resulting occupation by burgers. They're also one of a handful of places where circumcision is common because burgers told them it's necessary to be healthy (although they tend to do it around 8 or something instead of near birth)
Just because you're more senstitive or rought depending on your hormone level doesn't mean you can't think and make a (communist) project. These small biological differences are just excuses to justify the present condition, but they do not determine behaviour except in their weak minds.
Not really, I can think of non liberal women, Zupancic for example, but they are even rarer than non liberal men which are already rare.
The problem is the same for men, but I wanted to focus on women specifically, since most men dissatisfied today turn to the reaction, in a way most men of leftypol are already beyond saving, they are too weak, cowards and crybabies, they are more women than women with just harsher language to hide their weaknesses.
Samuel Jones
Ethan Reyes
The term Patriarchy is overused by Feminism. Feminists were not satisfied with historical materialism because it explains some of the women situations as logical and inevitable so they made up their own everything is Patriarchy theory. Now men marrying younger women is patriarchy, even though female's fertility declines very quickly after 30.
Logan Jones
Bullshit, gtfo troll
Kill yourself fascist scum
Jeremiah Robinson
The reason people married much earlier back in the day was because people would goto work as young as age 6. They didn't went to elementary school, let alone university. Then USA invented "adolescense"…and as always USA only creates shit.