women are biologically much weaker than men stop letting them in the military, you are risking the lives of people for the sake of inclusivity
Women in the military
she shot people from far away fag no real up close combat
ok i will stop doing that. thanks for your input.
WE aren't doing anything, fuck off faggot
wow this changes everything im not a communist anymore
nah keep them, men need women in the field to have sex with
You realize snipers are still part of the military right? Like, no matter your sex if you join the military they'll generally attempt to place you where you're most needed and most effective. If you're a very physically capable woman you'll be infantry and if you're a physically wanting man you'll be support. There's literally no practical reason to split people based entirely on sex when there are effective and much more precise methods to measure the capability of all people on an individual basis.
Fucking retard.
I believe the Russian female squads during WW1 actually fought pretty well but were discontinued because of Russia withdrawing from the war. The amount of gear soldiers currently carry will continue to become less and less as the tech improves, so sooner rather than later women will be able to lose limbs for Uncle Porky at the rate of the best men.
Based, the more Amerikkkan soldiers killed because there's a woman there the better
What's the last war you've been into again?
Women can support the men as snipers.
Women tend to be better shots than men are, it is an actual fact, though men can beat women at how fast they can draw their weapons, so that is a factor to consider.
Women are also less likely to become mentally ill.
They shot people from miles away nigger. They could never take on a man up close that's why
women can't march (even without a load) for any distance without sustaining injuries
it's 2018 stop it with the Lysenkoism already
Complete bullshit
did you factor in rape?
The USSR was desperate for numbers. Look at the casualties ffs
Citation needed.
mental illness rates are about at parity between the sexes
women are also much less emotionally stable then men, mental stability is critical on the battlefield
There are minimum standards that need to be met, if people meet them, they qualify.
Theres tons of women stronger than some men, you want to exclude those women but recruit those weakling men?
Daily reminded to stormfags that modern wars arent fought with swords but with guns at long range, with airplanes, drones and bombs, so you really do not need to be superman for the army unless you are in the commandos.
there really aren't the strongest women are just almost on par with below average men
If men don't meet the qualifications, they don't get in. Women also have more health issues and needs
You are correct it's 2018 and we no longer march for miles on foot to fight in melee wearing full plate armor. You get dumped from an APC, shoot your gun at someone radar picked up from a mile away and pack up. In a few years we'll have personal drones carrying equipment and exoskeletons so physical force will be completely irrelevant. Also Soviet female soldiers btfo your faggotry anyway
How much hunting do you think women did?
no really
women can't march the same way men can. women may have done gathering but they sure as shit never did any hunting
Still ignoring every part of the post.
1) the subject is "women in the military" not "all women in the military being forced into the most physically demanding positions despite ability"
2) all personnel, regardless of sex, will be placed according to their own abilities and the current needs of the military
3) this method is more precise and effective than splitting duties entirely based in sex
And, since you ignored everything else, I should repeat that you are in fact a retard.
How much walking do you think hunter gatherer tribes did?
Fucking packed their whole camps, women also picked up their kid, and walked for long fucking miles.
But no, keep shouting women cant fucking walk, you absolute clowns.
Keep in mind quotes of Thomas Sankara. Just as in the picture related, then also the one about women holding up the other half of the sky. See in the pictures the importance of political consciousness.
lol you girls are funny
I would rather have women fighting with me in the war then your average stormfag or poltard or alt right who gets hit in the face one time and goes all unconscious and starts crying.
It's pretty fucking obvious what the post was about. He wouldn't have mentioned biology if he wasnt talking about physically demanding positions moron
There is air co in APC you retard.
it's already over before it began for people like you
a state of global barbarism is one bad crop harvest away you people won't have any idea what will hit you
Good point, I will go tell the general at once.
You are definitely submitting your complaint to the right place.
there won't be any APCs or air-conditioning in the conditions of the coming apocalyptic wars you chucklefuck
oh right, technology is a jewish psyop and actually we still fight wars with stone axes lmao
Still, they rarely hunted.
Its pretty fucking obvious you are retarded as fuck.
The whole point is that you say women in the army, point. Then you backpedal and say "askhually i mean women in top demanding elite units where we should ban women, in other places where they qualify obviouslty they should be allowed, this doesnt contradict my pointless exclusion based on their genital in an elite unit"
Oh im very scared. So scared of every harvest in all of the world failing
You're trying very hard to move this goalpost, huh
Ok, so you've apparently conceded that women SHOULD be eligible for military service, is that what I understand? If that's the case if love for you to move on to points 2 and 3.
You play too much video games, people in crisis situations don't immediately become cautious around each other and willing to stab each other in the back, if anything it's the opposite situation where humanity's cooperative spirit shines through.
you should be, the ecosphere is very very precarious
Let the pictures speak for themselves. In the DPRK or USSR, nobody had to think about inclusivity, because their initial premise was the equality of men and women in the society. Of course they chose different careers, had different preferences. They knew about the differences between men and women, yet those differences were not grounds to declare inequality between men and women.
No one backpedaled. We've only mentioned physically demanding stuff you're twisting what it says like you always do
Good thing we arent as backwards as your country then and have greenhouses
we're the last place thats going to starve, burger. And you dont need to worry either, you have fat reserves for years.
The riflewoman in the last pic is really hot. Is it a real period photo?
you dumb monkey you won't have the luxury of apcs when peak oil hits
How on earth has anyone lost a debate here? We were talking about women in military service and you spent half the thread attempting to derail the conversation to fucking anthropaleontology. That's not even moving goalposts, you literally just started ranting about a different subject.
I met a woman who hiked the 100 mile wilderness in Maine in 7 days with a 65lbs pack.
I also knew women who got injured doing the same thing.
denying biology first then ecology second
complete the trifecta and deny thermodynamics next. why do you leftcucks make pretend to be materialists? you're idealists through and through
People were hot in the past too user.
this is the power of Zig Forums logic and facts…..
One side will have the luxury of APC longer than the other. Guess which one will win.
Btw, electric vehicles are a thing.
what, was she using steroids?
He. fucking. implied. psychical. positions. There would be no other reason for him to mention biology what is it you don't understand?
kek. We could have a fucking nuclear winter and we could still grow enough food to feed our population several times over.
not the side that has women at the wheel of their apcs, I can tell you thar much
You can't tell shit.
Stop samefagging, OP.
No you didnt. You said the army. And even if it were physical positions, it makes no sense to deny them into service if they meet the criteria set out.
Still awaiting a reply, guys. As far as I've seen you two have done guck all to address the actual OP:
I've addressed this factually and the only arguments you've provided are about fucking hunter gatherers and esoteric bullshit about "apocalyptic" wars (if the war was truly apocalyptic to the extent we're knocked back to the stone ages, why the guck would modern state policy on women in the military be relevant?)
lol. greenhouses. green houses will feed everyone. what low Autism Level anarkiddie zine fed you this?
enjoy eating roses and baby breath
She kinda look like Scarlett Johansson.
Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of the most advanced agricultural industry in the world.
Women also have more health issues and needs. It's why health insurance costs more for them
We're disregarding these points because they are irrelevant to women's service in modern militaries. This is less about materialism than it is about you being socially incapable
I unuironically support barring women from entering the military, not not because of any of that redpill Zig Forumsshit get-back-in-the-kitchen crap, but because anything that helps weaken the war machine is good. Besides women who don't join up are less likely to become reactionary and can be converted to the socialist cause. This seems like a reasonable position to take, right? Women are comrades, too.
California produces enough food to feed everyone in the US. The world has an abundance of food. We have enough to feed the world 6 times over but lack access in certain parts because of the lack of money to afford it, yet you cucks blame all Africa's problems on "lol starving niggerz xDDD"
Won't you pick up a book for once in your fucking life?
Costs the same here.
You're not thinking this through you fucking nazi retard. If a war as apocalyptic as you make it out to seem is coming then it makes sense to give women basic military training so they're not automatically defenseless when the bad guys kill her husband.
The argument was never even about positions like Intel for example. It was about psychically demanding positions, you're the only one bending the post
Your entire ideology is an entitlement complex to make up fgor the fact that you don't, and never will, have a girlfriend. Why don't you get a job or learn a useful skill and take a shower, maybe then women would want to fuck you. Oh yeah, drop the nazifagism crap.
California routinely suffers from very bad droughts for nearly a decade now. Not to mention the soil erosion.
Any day now there will be widespread crop failure. Before 2030 for sure. Ragnarok is coming.
Yeah let me know when it hits, faggot. Until, get the fuck back in the library.
There health care price has always been higher so I dont know where the fuck you live
I have had sex and have had sex with girlfriends I even had sex with PoC animals too
Fucking d.egenerate having casual hookups
kys man whore
Die screaming Christ kike
Save us from the *checks notes* magical worldwide crop failure oh great prepared gentleman
The world is larger than your retarded excuse for a nation
Cut it out with the all caps nonsense or you will be banned.
If you believe that, apparently in the very near future, the world be deindustrialized to the extent that literally all support positions become irrelevant, would not be reasonable to assume that current states (which have somehow survived this process) will simply change the policy? Because right now it works fine, it's already been demonstrated that some of the best snipers and air support personnel in history are women. If that suddenly stopped being the case (because of your personal totally hypothetical uncited grand narrative), could we not literally just ==change the policy?==
It still costs more to get them the shit they need retard. Even if they don't pay more
okay you're denying ecology right now
are you gonna deny thermodynamics next plz do
say it cuck. say it.
Solar power will save us REEEEE
no, she wasn't even that thicc
just a very impressive individual
pics or it didn't happen
To be fair the naziposter's viewpoints are shared amongst those in r/chapotraphouse.
No no, best korean friend, we call him a Nazifag. Naziposter is the name specifically reserved for that one pro-socialist namefag.
1. I doubt that
2. even if it were true, that wouldnt be surprising, as its reddit
Dumbass liberal feminists have spent the past 30 years using their time, energy and political capital just to accept the form of the arument.
change policy how
policy is changed right now, women are still pathetic in the field, they make a mockery of the whole thing
also plz post citations about these mythical female fighter pilots
also Soviet snipers were propaganda pieces, mostly, their kill count is ridiculously over inflated
Yes this includes nazi propaganda figures like simo hayha too
Women have shiiter depth perception and hand eye coordination, I very much doubt their ability to be standard snipers and pilots, let alone elite ones
No it wasn't. I've quoted the OP. You very deliberately changed the subject. But fine, I WILL move in to your topic. So let me repeat:
Please confirm this is your actual belief.
which are:
What's the last field you've been in again?
Change the policy through a legislative process. Like all other state policies. Please explain to me why that isn't viable. Please, go ahead.
Also, if you're planning on assuming every available piece of data is "propaganda" then I really don't see the point in citing fucking anything. A total denial of data no matter how reliable due to an ideological position makes you pretty far from a materialist.
So have I. Again no one else but your side said anything about non psychical positions. You're only saying that because you're trying to argue.
since we are taking a moment to clarify beloved local reactionaries, a lot of the republican flag posts haven't been me lately, including almost all the elephant posts in this thread.