What universities have the most the left-wing economics departments? The University of Chicago is famously right-wing, and Wolff studied at Yale and teaches at the New School? Do those departments lean more to the left? Or are all economics departments neo-lib garbage?
Left-wing economics departments
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Economics have always been inherently political, whether or not any of them are willing to admit it. Not being a neoliberal is career suicide in economic academia.
how did wolff escape such a fate? it's not like he hid his powerlevel.
The New School is openly leftist. The London School of Economics also has a Marxist tradition that's somewhat alive.
Really? I did always think the opposite was true. How come they do still have high prestige in economics?
yeah I'd always imagined the LSE as being elite and thus i also imagined it would be pretty reactionary.
My impression is that they simply allow for a wide variety of ideological commitments, much wider than is the case in the United States. You'll find lectures by David Harvey speaking at the LSE on YouTube, which indicates they're at least interested in hearing some of it. I'm sure there are way better economics departments than theirs.
Might have exaggerated in saying their Marxist tradition is alive though.
That's a big "yikes!" from me fam. There is zero reason to venerate such momuments of liberal imperialism. Similarly, there is zero reason to venerate any individual produced by this system.
Only the Working Class is the incorruptible inheritor of Freedom.
I'm taking a class on marx and marxism atm at a bourgeoisie imperialist educational institution.
it's cross listed as political science and philosophy, not economics though
the first 1/3 of the semester is on Kant and Hegel
Token dissenter.
And its not like he teaches at some kind of high level university. New School is an arts school.
University of Missouri - Kansas City from what I hear. But by left-wing it's more like modern monetary theory stuff, which is crazy out-there commumarxism by American standards.
That’s good, people tend to underplay the impact that the German Idealists had on Marx. I would also read this book for more on that subject.
cuz he's a rampant revisionist
Yeah the reactionary retard living in his trailer sucking Heimbachs cock is the way to Socialism!
Fuck off retard
t. Oxbridge faggot
I will try to read that book after my class is over, thanks
I'm not sure Hegel will even be comprehensible to me. Kant is already very difficult.
i'm an econ major and honestly it's brainrot you shouldn't bother much with it unless you like learning about large masses of supposedly smart people being p embarrassingly wrong
I think he hides his power level a little bit to simplify things for his students.
Economics is a pseudo science to justify corruption. All economics schools are corruption apologists.
Yeah an economist working at a Credit Rate Agency is the way to Socialism!
Fuck off retard
The University of Havana, and the university of Pyonyang
Also the Glasgow university is known for it's left wing economics (it's from were Cockshott comes)
The thing with all these university economics departments is that they produce research and papers that reinforce the garbage mainstream views of economics on a uni's dime. It would be good to see a solidly left university consistantly producing research that explores the failings of our system and proposes socialist solutions. Like Bruenig's 3p, but better.
Forget about searching for openly leftwing stuff. Anything that openly advertises itself as such will be some milquetoast shit. I think it is in general a bad idea to study economics in institutions officially tasked with teaching that. Of course, you can study statistics etc. in your free time. If you really want to study econ at a university officially teaching you that, I guess the least bad ones are those that teach about the history of economic thought. But again, I advise you against that. I think people who study geography know more about economics than economists (this is not meant as a plug for David Harvey, who got a pretty bizarre understanding of Marx).
Cambridge being full of communists was a running joke for a while.
It's also where surprisingly-marxish Post Keynesians like Joan Robinson (who also praised China's cultural revolution and North Korea, lel. And people doubt socdems…) are from.
Don't know if that still applies though.
probably doesn't even know the difference between a microeconomist and a macroeconomist
IIRC he's at the NSSR which has a lot of leftists tenured and is really an outlier.
not economics but Chomsky and Zinn both were the product of ivy leagues. Zinn is the more interesting because with Chomsky his politics are separate from his success as an academic, but for Zinn his academic studies at Columbia for his PhD in history is all about his left-wing beliefs.
Perhaps when you Oxbridge tradies learn how to till a field, you may be allowed back into Civilised Society .
At this point, you will undoubtedly become aghast at the lack of your rental income. After your parents pass away, the land will be re-purposed for much more nobler tasks.
No more Parasitic Profits for you.