Brainlet here pls debunk

I want to become a socialist but what's holding me back is racial realism. Can somebody please debunk this for me please?

What he is saying makes sense, but your economic theory makes much sense too, so I'm assuming your social politics are good too.

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Other urls found in this thread:'race',_for_F.E.D._,_v.2.0_,_Introduction_to_'Contra-Boolean'_Thinking_,_21MAY2016.pdf

Forgot archive, don't click on the link if you don't want.

Not even going to bother opening your link. Race isn't real my dude it is pseudoscience.

Hold on. Even if we assume it is true - how does it contradict with socialism?

Regardless of whites being smarter than blacks on average, or idk asians being the smartest race, all people should be able to own their own workplaces and controll them as they wish and actually receive the full value of their labor.
That's the ultimate redpill. If you can't accept it, then no one can help you.

Well I don't see it as such. I think it's an important social question, especially in America. Reality of race - if it exists - could make or brake my nationalism (in a proper, ethnic sense). If there is no race, I would be an internationalist.

just pls debunk I can't stand this ideological limbo anymore

Why can't you simultaneously recognize race and be an internationalist? Do you really feel more solidarity with a white porky than a black worker?

Are you jewish?

join your local commie party and work towards the destruction of Europe! Done


chop your dick off

search for a nigger to breed with

I hope the instructions are clear enough comrade


It's not just about Socialism, it's about knowing the truth.

It wouldn't make me like white porky more than a black worker, but it would make me like a white worker over a black worker (a white citizen of my community over a black citizen of my community)

Its a question chain, I am trying to make it more readable you fucking faggot.

Also what holds me back is the french biologist faggot JF. He seems to know what he's talking about, and even more important, it makes sense


The alternating color does that fine you redditor

I think biological differences between races do indeed exist. But they are quite superficial to base any sort of policy upon them. The most "important" one of them - I.Q. - is quite obviously 99% dependent on material conditions and "natural" divergence if it even exists is very small indeed.

What I don't understand is how do differences between races conflict in your head with the idea that means of production should not be privately owned? No one is going to force you to interact with people of other races if you are gonna be spooked that way, you just have to recognize they have the right to own their own labor too.

That's exactly the point of disagreement I was getting to. I've been led to believe that Autism Level is genetic more than material. I doubt that but I need proof - as you'd imagine - to believe in anything.

You seem like you know what you're talking about.

This fag seems to have an article on everything. And I'm to dumb to poke a hole in his arguments. I'm counting on one of you to come and explain stuff.


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Think you mean Japanese or Koreans, because for every smart Chinese, there are thousands dumber than dog shit.

I really don't see why race factors into not being a socialist. What has race got to do with socialized ownership of the MoP?
If it comes down to shit like "black people are too dumb to do anything" then you're a fucking tard.

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You people do realize this is Ryan himself right? He desperately needs to stay relevant so seeks out drama wherever he can.



Of course race exists. People have different genetics dependent on the environment their parents etc came from.
Why does it matter? Genetic engineering will make it a non issue anyway.

Why judge by skin when you should judge by the content of their character? There are super fucking dumb whites and super smart indians.

Stop with the spacing.

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This matters because I.Q. matters for the development of nations and culture. If it's socioeconomic, then I'm happy to be an internationalist. If it's not, i'm kinda fucked with my ideology.

I do judge by their character, but having a community of Indians, individuals kinda don't matter(only extraordinary ones do, and that's rare), it's their average that counts.

Then accept it as the truth and stop trying to doublethink intentionally. Jesus christ.

Says the Christcuck, as he falls to his knees and begins his prayer
I need evidence. So far I have seen no evidence from your side. Please provide some. I expected a biologist or something to show up.

Does it? Or do material conditions effect the actual development of the nation and culture?
Not their achievements?

Our ideology has nothing to do with biology.
One person stupid, one person smart. Neither gets more or less depending on their intelligence but what they create.

I'd argue that those material conditions are there mostly because of their Autism Level. If we are thinking about man-made material conditions.

If you mean natural conditions, wouldn't those natural conditions also give a rise to high I.Q., which would give a rise to a good society? It's been shown (and it's logical, i guess) that low I.Q people commit more crime, do worse in life generally, etc..

That's my main contention. I'd like to join a socialist group but they'd lynch me for my views.

Let's say I have a nation. And I'm importing 100 Indians. Their individual characteristics won'd (usually) have a big impact on society, but their collective characteristics would.

Hive Mind: How Your Nation's Autism Level Matters So Much More Than Your Own - This book talk's about that, as far as I remember. I read it long time ago.

Ok, here's some things for you to look at:'race'

"Genetic variation is geographically structured, as expected from the partial isolation of human populations during much of their history. Because traditional concepts of race are in turn correlated with geography, it is inaccurate to state that race is “biologically meaningless.” On the other hand, because they have been only partially isolated, human populations are seldom demarcated by precise genetic boundaries. Substantial overlap can therefore occur between populations, invalidating the concept that populations (or races) are discrete types." - The Science of Human Races, Part 1 - The Alt Right is too Dumb for Genetics (and Maths) - The Alt Right is too dumb for Genetics & Physiology

That is exactly what I'm talking about. I listened to both of those vides (bottom ones), then I listened to their critiques.

As far as I can see, this biofag demolished him. I don't know what to think anymore. I've been in the limbo for months now.

Biofag also addresses your claim about population overlap in the first video I sent(2nd in the series).

Oh boy, there are always going to be dissenting opinion. However, the consensus is that race isn't a biological reality. The AAA, with physical anthropologists on their team, made an official statement:

Unless you want to think it's some Jew conspiracy to cover the truth then I don't know what to tell you.

Watch the first one, it's less theatrical and gets down to business without screwing around.

Indians isn't its own race and (northern) indians are white (actual race: caucasiod, white is a meaningless word)

I also don't think that race realists are claiming that there is a clear boundary between races. Biofag called it a Loki's wager fallacy. You can tell me where the color green on the color spectrum is. But you can't tell me where exactly it begins and ends. Same goes for races, he says.


Ok, what are your views?

kek i'm retarded

is what I meant for you to read

Ur views fit right in with national Bolshevik

Well currently I'm inclined towards racial realism and Autism Level heritabillity. But I want that disproved. My socialist friend pointed me here.

Just go meet some black people you sheltered fuck.

no ban plz I cound't help myself

Ok so do you think [X Race] is inherently incapable of managing society?
Go ask a biologist not economists and philosophers m8.

But we aren't talking about colors, we are talking about biological categories. The genetic differences are so limited and minor when they are different that it's not really worth noting except in forensics and medical assessments… but even then, genetic testing would make 'race' entirely irrelevant.

I'm retarded too comrade, thanks for the post though, good quality read and I'd have to say I agree. I mean, if you grab a caucasoid and a mongoloid, you can tell they are different, absolutely. But if you take a mediterranid and compare them to an atlantid, they're ALSO different, despite both being caucasoid. Where does one end and another start? Hard to say

Just become Nazbol, aside from economics the left really has no place in other discussion.

I don't like your argument as personal accounts don't beat statistics. I'm sure you know it too.

I think they are accustomed to manage a society they build up through ages of evolution. You can't put a low I.Q. society in a civillisation that requires a high I.Q. to function and expect them to do a good job. I hope you get what I mean.

Just wanted to say that we need gulags and mass red terror asap, now carry on

I rewatched the segment, the point was this:
1.Loki's wager
The unreasonable insistence that a concept cannot be defined, and therefore cannot be discussed

2.Continuum fallacy
Vagueness alone does not necessarily imply invalidity.

This. I can't say I'm glad you agree tho.

Well that's the case I want someone desperately to make. I've read about it and it's pretty convincing that Autism Level is genetic, so far at least. It would be better for us all if it was different.

Why are you arguing with an obvious Zig Forumstard who's arguing in bad faith and has already formed his conclusions? This is just a bait/distract thread, he'll spam it so it'll stick to the front page.

They do this like every week.

But it is discussed, just not in the way you may want it to be. Show me a single anthropological organization with this sort of view.

Anyway, I don't know what to tell you. It's almost like you want races to be real…

Regardless, watch the first vid I posted.

I your ideas in black and white comrade. Not some bullshit about high Autism Level and low Autism Level. Of course some african tribal coulnd't run the US. Same way some malaysian run romania.
Be blunt.

Reminder that heritability in the scientific meaning doesn't mean "how much of a trait is genetic".
The number of finger in one hand, although being heavily influenced by genetics, have an heritability close to zero because of the way heritability is calculated..

Most arguments for racism like the ones you have been citing are post hoc and designed purely to reinforce the perspectives on race that one develops from being sheltered from interactions with other races. So if you truly want to understand why people don't believe in race realism you should get your sheltered ass up off the couch and go out and meet some black people.

Well not really. I think a high Autism Level portion of blacks that can run the US successfully, but it seems to be rarer among them.

What pov are you talking about? I don't quite understand

I started watching the vid, but I'll continue after the thread closes.

I already know some black people, and to be fair they are pretty average (100) Autism Level. But they seem to be statistical outliers, that's the problem.

Might you explain how it's calculated then? Finally somebody who knows shit

cont. My guess is that you, like the majority of this site are an middle class young straight white man who believes that his positions are immune to being swayed by his personal experiences because his perspective is the one considered default by society. This condition of naturally holding the "default" perspective makes it incredibly difficult to recognise the spooks that are likely influencing your thoughts.

Lol guess you're right


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The fallacies you brought up. It seems like you intimated that scientific organizations keep it under wraps or something. It could be that they've probably already saw this argumentation and moved passed it.

Anyway, Marxism isn't egalitarian.

The whole:
"Each according to his need
Each according to his ability"

has within it implanted the idea that 100% equality doesn't exist. Even if certain people's were in general 'less equal', the human species has survived this long without capitalism and actually in many ways did better without it. These so-called inferiors would still be able to manage their societies and handle their own unique problems together. You'd be surprised what people can accomplish when they work together instead of being forced to compete and let it be friend against friend and family against family.

You should look into the material conditions that lead to black people scoring low on Autism Level tests, such as systemic poverty, high levels of lead poisoning in black majority areas and of course the legacies of colonialism and slavery.

Oh boy, I'm done. Just watch the video. Bye.

Heritability is the amount of phenotypic variance , in the mathematical sense, in a particular population in a given environment that can be attributed to the genetic variance in that specific population in that given environment.

To come back to the number of finger example:
Most of the difference observed in the number of finger doesn't come from genetic defects, but from accidents. Meaning that it's heritability is low.

There is nothing to debunk.

People are different for different reasons, nobody can say for sure how relevant ancestry is, so either hypothesis is reasonable.

I think racialist are right, but I can't disprove egalitarians about genetic factors being insignificant in comparison to material ones.

Wasn't the highest known Autism Level a Nigerian computer scientist?


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So what happens if he met a black guy who is generally a asshole? Or maybe a family who were the same that is pretty much the only one in his suburban area (which turns the likelihood of them being petite bourgeois higher)?

Ever heard of the species problem? Probably not. Basically it's pretty clear the line drawn at the difference between species is arbitrary. This would apply to races too.
Race also has no genetic basis it's just a cluster of man made divides of physical appearances. The only scientists that use it are all social scientists and social science is not a real science. Biologists and geneticists all can tell you race has no realist existence.
Many factors influence Autism Level such as diet, stress levels, mental health, any meds someone may be taking, fluoride levels in the body, heavy metal levels in the body, RF exposure, blood glucose levels, amount of sleep someone had past few days before a test, environmental distractions, interest in the topic of tests, vision, dyslexia if it's a written test, current mood, level and quality of education, the temperature, use of nootropics, socioeconomic class, and genes. Remember genes although they are responsible for appearances and appearances are what race is the genes for physical appearance has nothing to do with genes for Autism Level. Socioeconomic class is what influences level of education as well as diet. The only factor that involves race has nothing to do with anything biological and that is self expectations caused by racial stereotypes. There is a racial socioeconomic divide which also causes an education divide in races. The state of an economy of a country also has influence on quality of education the general population receives. The state of economy largely is from geography and the actions or lack there of from the government. How geography plays a role is presence of natural resources and climate and soil quality which determines agricultural potential. However potential can not always be met due to to the state and the economy.
Okay so back to Autism Level. There is no such thing as THE Autism Level test. There are multiple Autism Level tests and no consensus on which is best. Autism Level tests don't actually measure Autism Level but potential and not everyone meets their potential. Autism Level tests leave out important factors in inteligence and are not actually that reliable. Scientists are working on better methods using brain scans for example but truth is they don't actually know for sure how entailed inteligence can be.

Fuck I forgot we had a word filter.
Autism level means I . Q .

Pick up and read literally any science text book.

I don't see any issue with him comming to realization thag black people are generally just like their neighbors.

The problem is one of empiricism and biological reductionism; we cannot even represent humans in a formal manner because thought itself is not constrained to formal logic as Plato, Hegel and Marx have all shown. Moreover, thought exists as a qualitative organisation of material reality. There is also the transhumanist response to the problem of biology. I have resources for you to read through including a very large and aggressive wall of my making. (find Rafiq's first post on page 2 and continue from there; read the whole thing because he makes the connection between the argument at hand and 'scientific racism'),_for_F.E.D._,_v.2.0_,_Introduction_to_'Contra-Boolean'_Thinking_,_21MAY2016.pdf

For those who missed it the first time, that PDF is pure gold BTW

Worth saving, and worth reading at least 3 times

OP I recall some research that showed that people who understood the implications the heritablity of the G-Factor so on so forth, were found to be more tolerant of difference in human populations than those who didn't

food for thought, eh?

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I.Q. is a joke. It's entirely based on material conditions. Even if you take it seriously, the differences would be negligible.
Besides, intelligence has hardly ever been a qualifier for who happens to be in charge. Royal families under feudalism were often full of inbred morons, and plutocrats under modern capitalism are often dumb children that inherited their power through their parents' work.

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