Why is this board so quick to defend heroin dealers?
I brought this up in another thread, that it can be beneficial to set up a community-based Paramilitary in order to stop the selling of heroin in their area. I got called a fascist.
It has been shown that Paramiltary-style activism reduces the plight of heroin in Urban Working Class communities.
For example, Belfast has less homeless heroin addicts compared to Dublin or any British city, largely because of these Paramilitaries.
Why is this important?
Heroin is a debilitating drug, and reduces the productive capability of any Working Class individual who takes it.
You are only focusing on your next hit, so how can you care about your family or your job or your community once you have become addicted?
This is not only bad for a Socialist Economy, but it can ruin your Local Area under any system.
It is obvious that these drugs are pumped into Urban communities by the Powers That Be (pic related), both the Working Classes of Los Angeles and Belfast agree on this.
I have spent over a year of my life sleeping in homeless shelters, I have been offered heroin more times than I can count.
However, you would see the same heroin dealers standing outside the same homeless shelters every day for months on end, and nothing ever happened to them. I wonder why?
Maybe the "War on Drugs" is nonsense, maybe the police are perfectly fine with heroin dealers selling their wares in the exact same spot at the exact same time every week day (Merchants Quay, D8, 2PM-4PM).
Why is there "left-wing" opposition to such an initiative?
I think it starts on the Right.
Many of the people on this board used to be Ron Paul fans back in 2012, and so still think you should be able to purchase a vial of heroin from a vending machine under Socialism.
Many of the newer posters are blinded by their Identity Politics roots, a Centrist ideology where it is wrong to be judgmental.
At the end of the day, I think it is good for Working Class communities to defend themselves against predators like heroin dealers.