Drug Dealers

Why is this board so quick to defend heroin dealers?
I brought this up in another thread, that it can be beneficial to set up a community-based Paramilitary in order to stop the selling of heroin in their area. I got called a fascist.

It has been shown that Paramiltary-style activism reduces the plight of heroin in Urban Working Class communities.
For example, Belfast has less homeless heroin addicts compared to Dublin or any British city, largely because of these Paramilitaries.

Why is this important?
Heroin is a debilitating drug, and reduces the productive capability of any Working Class individual who takes it.
You are only focusing on your next hit, so how can you care about your family or your job or your community once you have become addicted?
This is not only bad for a Socialist Economy, but it can ruin your Local Area under any system.

It is obvious that these drugs are pumped into Urban communities by the Powers That Be (pic related), both the Working Classes of Los Angeles and Belfast agree on this.

I have spent over a year of my life sleeping in homeless shelters, I have been offered heroin more times than I can count.
However, you would see the same heroin dealers standing outside the same homeless shelters every day for months on end, and nothing ever happened to them. I wonder why?

Maybe the "War on Drugs" is nonsense, maybe the police are perfectly fine with heroin dealers selling their wares in the exact same spot at the exact same time every week day (Merchants Quay, D8, 2PM-4PM).

Why is there "left-wing" opposition to such an initiative?
I think it starts on the Right.
Many of the people on this board used to be Ron Paul fans back in 2012, and so still think you should be able to purchase a vial of heroin from a vending machine under Socialism.

Many of the newer posters are blinded by their Identity Politics roots, a Centrist ideology where it is wrong to be judgmental.

At the end of the day, I think it is good for Working Class communities to defend themselves against predators like heroin dealers.

Attached: police covering for drug dealers.png (413x612, 221.42K)

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Porky pls go.

Selling heroin should probably be illegal, and all those similar toxic drugs. Coke should be heavily regulated imo, but things like weed, shrooms, dmt etc should all be allowed.

Why do all that shit when you could just give people a safe place to do heroin, a place with medical staff that will take care of them and steer them towards help when they are ready to quit?
LARPing on the street corner with some gun slinged around your shoulder isn't gonna stop anyone from doing heroin.
At the end of the day, you're just trying to control what people can or can't intake.


Why ban heroin though? Heroin itself isn't what causes people to shirk their responsibilities, literally steal entire metal roofs off of churches, and abuse their friends, family, and communities. Its prohibition that makes them do that.
I mean, any bozo can go into a methadone clinic and get a cup of it for 10 dollars. I don't see a lot of people who don't have a history with opiates taking methadone.

I suppose you are right, just that we should be wary of people becoming addicted and heroin being the most addictive drug of all, it just seems very volatile.

what do you think about homegrown opium? drug dealers are essentially petite bourgeoisie i guess lol

id say its much better to have it only available for those addicted trying to get off, like they've got in some places, in a safe and controlled environment. opiate addiction is pretty scary and makes you irritable and fiendish pretty quick, ive been addicted to opioids for a short period and i do not think it would be smart to have strong opioids too easily available. kratom definitely should be legal though and other weaker opioids probably wouldnt cause too much trouble. huge, huge difference between weak and strong opioids, i can sit on even hydrocodone for years not taking it but give me something stronger and i'm binging on that shit.

Drug workers are generally fascists posing as ancraps
they support their lifestyle by tricking other people into addiction or debt

Sex workers are generally liberal

the revolution will see drug and sex workers purged

whole lot of drug dealers are just addicts doing the only thing they know to make enough money to do their thing. organized shit is a different story, but smart drug policies and legalizations here and there can kill the organized crime part and get the stuck addicts doing their thing in a way thats not a huge detriment to society. organized crime drug folks are absolute fascist shit and should all die though.

Drug dealers live the socialist lifestyle if you think about it.
They can tattoo their face without worrying about employment and do easy work.
Also i think the socialist party usa is in favor of legalizing prostitution.

actually to word it in a better way, the drug world mirrors capitalist society in that there are a lot of small-time workers getting fucked over by the porks for profit.

Radlib like always

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drug use is a sign of a society that is plauged by distress, to the point people risk their lives to run away. i think the reason the left tends to defend drug dealers and such is because they see the plight as a sign of the shortfalls of society that cause people to use drugs rather than as a shortfall of society's inability to kill all drug users. (drug users and small time dealers are pretty much the same unless you go up the chain to the manufacturers and distributors and theyre just bourg scum) having to get assfucked daily for the profit of the few and suffering the side-effects of this definitely is one of the reasons i am shitfaced drunk right now to escape, although id still be an alcoholic in a socialist paradise because i have other problems, but each and every stressor counts. theres a reason alcoholism became a serious, serious problem during the unbearable working conditions of the industrial revolution, the timing of the temperance movement was no accident.

They share revenues with the bolice. Easy
Duterte tier politics is not the best solution

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This will likely be a waste of time to reply to, but really, did I get on Zig Forums with intent to use my time wisely?
I mean, you are literally advocating for the development of a paramilitary force to kill drug dealers. Not to organize, or meaningfully develop any Socialist action, to kill heroin dealers. It isn't an obviously "socialist" action, to say the least.
What do you mean "it has been shown"? This is the obvious effect of a paramilitary. Evidence would have to be shown to the contrary for this to be needed to be said.
You didn't even supply evidence for this. Not only did you try to apply evidence to something that didn't need it, your "evidence" is bullshit. You just figuratively smeared shit all over own argument.
See, this needs an argument, not the blindingly obvious.
Firstly, why do we care about the productive capability of anyone? No one is working at their full productive capability. We sacrifice productive ability for our freedoms. We will pay people based on their work, and then they can decide what level of "productive capability" is for them. It isn't you or my business to determine what the "correct productive capability" is. And you know what else depletes this "productive capability", relationships, alcohol, hobbies, taking care of family, etc… Everything that isn't productive takes time away from production, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I just want to iterate that Communism isn't some production achieving system.
I was going to respond to the comments about heroin addiction, but this would take more evidence than I care to gather.
There is no conspiracy to get people to use H.
Sloppy and illogical.

Whatever you say.

Attached: crying porky.png (576x566, 323.12K)

Dealers need the wall. Users need rehab.

Drug usage is a symptom, not the disease. Fear of drugs is idealist as fuck and borders on political correctness.

It's not about the drug use or fear however. Drug dealers are just lupenbourgeoise trying to profit of misery as much as they can and should be dealt with. Drug laws are shit because they target the victims.

The people who actually hold any power or reputation in organized crime are lumpens, but a lot of dealers are products of circumstance. Even ignoring the complicated ethics, shooting drug dealers simply isn't effective if you don't want society to devolve into an authoritarian hellhole, which is something a lot of anti-drug vigilantes openly accept.

sorry, newfag question, but couldn't drugs be used as currency and threaten labor vouchers?

This, and it also includes all forms of escapism like entertainment, video games, anime, movies, music, pornography

Extremely normal priorities.

That's all well and good, but if all you do is lie around with a needle in your arm you will not be drawing from the fruits of collective labour.

This is the best post in this whole thread.

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This but without any trace of irony

my nigga

Heroin is just like drinking green tea. No problem with it at all, forcing people to stop ingesting heroin is exactly like forcing people to stop drinking tea…………………… sarcasm.

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The FARC were all drug dealers tho

how about that: drug dealers should all be forced to consume all their stock at once, so if they survive it was harmless, if not, obviously not.

(or just shoot them)

What if it's a weed dealer and he smokes himself to sleep before he can smoke it all?

OP is right.

The sex workers I've known were pretty socialist.

Sex workers are some of the most exploited workers, at least those that aren't professional escorts or cam models.
Legalizing and unionizing it would help address a lot of the poverty going on, and bolster the ranks of organized labor.
Not that sex work - like all wage labor - shouldn't be abolished. But as communists we're supposed to deal the current conditions, not utopian hypotheticals.

Dealers are often users themselves.

The FARC were shit and ruined the left for a generation in a country which deperately needed one.

We should go Duterte-style on dealers and rehabilitate users

You have change the conditions that drive people to deal drugs in the first place.
If you don't do that, it's pointless.

this is one of few good posts in this thread. some of the unthoughtful opinions which have been posted seem to be due to lack of experience and understanding of opiate addiction. Dealers are just adicts whos adicition has taken control of them to the point that they exploit others. That doesnt make them any less people or worth killing. I think the best course of action would be to provide clean injection sites and materials with needles narcan and people to administer in case of overdose on hand. Instead of killing people caught in a harmful system, do what you can to minimize the harm those people come to. Have some empathy.

some people in toronto literally set up a safe injection site in a park gofundme.com/torontooverdosepreventionsociety

this, minimize the harm and work to change the things that make life unbearable to the point where addiction is the only option

I largely agree with you.
"Drug dealers are cool" is a libertarian thing. Socialism is not hedonism, and the idea that straight-up dope will be available on shelves in a communist society is a pipe dream.
Treat addicts, drive out dealers.

The war on drugs is completely stupid, and doesn't even make since in the context of socialism.
Drug addiction exists and accelerates because of the capitalist mode of production.
Without capitalism, drug addiction is a non-issue, easily placated with treatment in the rare instances it does arise.

If you want to run around executing drug dealers in the name of the working class, that doesn't make you a comrade; it makes you a maniac.

the primary solution will be that we will provide the framework for the end of drug abuse as we know it, in socialist society.

i personally have no problem at all with the idea of rooting out heroin dealers. they were a blight where i grew up, taking advantage of the nature of things to make money, in doing so destroying and condemning many lives. but this is mostly revenge fetishism more than anything, the practical solution is of course to do away with the underlying reasons of drug addiction.

No. It makes me badass.