And most importantly
Is Bernie a controlled opposition?
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he's just a standard succdem, those are normal activities for them
And what did he get in return?
"The socialist trumpets his antiwar record," the article said. "But he doesn't mind expensive war machines — if they're based in his home state."
"The F-35 accounts for over 1,400 direct and indirect jobs, with an economic impact of over $124 million in Vermont," said Eric Schnaible, F-35 International Communications Manager for Lockheed Martin. This figure accounts not only for 1,100 jobs with the Vermont Air National Guard, but with jobs within the aerospace sector and other local businesses. While 45 states and Puerto Rico are involved in the production of the aircraft, Vermont specifically is home to three supplier locations, and according to Business Insider, the plane's bay doors and GAU-22/A gun system are both produced there.
The 1,400 jobs may not sound like a lot, but Chittenden County, where Burlington is located, has a population of only 161,382 people. It would have an enormous negative impact on the local economy if 1,400 of those people all simultaneously become unemployed.
The jets will also play a role in the state's economy in 2019, when 18 are scheduled to be stationed at Burlington International Airport as part of the Vermont National Guard program to grow its active-duty maintenance force. Gene Richards, the airport's director of aviation, said that those F-35s represent the future of the Guard's relationship with Vermont. The program extends the financial contribution of the Guard well into the future by picking up where the widely used — and soon to be replaced — F-16 will soon leave off.
Were these votes even crucial?
Sometimes politicians vote for dumb things to get a vote on another thing they're sponsoring or some shit like that.
During the campaign, I split with the Chomsky vote-as-far-left-as-you-can camp. There is no political solution and getting a Sanders or even radical far lefty in the White House will do shit all.
Though I would take one that could sneak in under the guise of a "Dem-soc", everyone assuming they're soc-dem, and on some state of the union address announce a bunch of libertarian-socialist ideas. They'd either get assassinated or some emergency law will remove them. Ahh, I can dream.
Fucking based Sweden.
Also related:
don't forget Bernie voted for Albright's sanctions on Iraq that killed a million people.
What was the alternative after the invasion?
(This question is to serve as a prompt for others to answer, it should not be read as support for the occupation but as soliciting views.)
If the F-35 was going to be built anyway (and it was), why not pork barrel it? If your options are the F-35 being built and a republican or establishment democrat controlling your state, or the F-35 and someone who at the very least mentions universal healthcare, why pick the former unless you've got some big accelerationist scheme?
to fucking leave, holy shit, socdems get the wall
So the coalition goes into Iraq, destroys the Iraqi state and then leaves in 2004?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Pulling out of Iraq ix what brought ISIS so although it shouldnt have invaded and although this sort of imperialism is bad it still was necisary to maintain presence.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
are you in all seriousness implying that ISIS wasn't deliberately supplied with recruits, money, gear and training to be let loose on libya, syria, iraq and the region in general all in arrangement with saudi arabia?
Now is the time to plead ignorance, fuckboy.
3 different flagsters coming in hard for the rebuttal.
We were forced to leave because the Iraqi government we set up would no longer give our troops full immunity from prosecution.
We made ISIS so we'd have more leverage over an uncooperative Iraqi government.
Side note, please stop saying "we" when you refer to an empire you don't support.
Do you pay taxes? It's "we" whether we like it or not
He was your only chance for communitarianism in America.
Why did you let the DNC rig the election for Shillary Kkklinton?
DNC is a private entity, they can do whatever they want. It's unfortunate but it's the law.
Your local pingpong club can elect and rig whoever they want as the leader of the pingpong club, and any arbitration has to be done internally. You cannot go cry to the government and waste taxpayer money on investigation if you got cheated out being the chairman of your local pingpong club
do you think that a prole's measly income tax is what pays for imperialist wars? it's business taxes. many of which, by the way, are taxes on profits made off the back of global south labor. do you think a worker in Bangladesh is also part of the "we" who invaded Iraq and created ISIS?
yeah but your succdem idol cucked out and wouldn't even denounce the rigging.
C'mon yo.
Income taxes paid by individuals: $1.48 trillion, or 47% of all tax revenues.
Payroll taxes paid jointly by workers and employers: $1.07 trillion, 34% of all tax revenues.
Corporate income taxes paid by businesses: $341.7 billion, or 11% of all tax revenues.
what part of that is actual proles? and what about tariffs, sales tax, etc?
what part of that is actual proles? and what about tariffs, sales tax, etc?
Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation
And any money smart porkster can avoid paying any income taxes really.
This is just federal taxes. Most of the sales taxes go to the states. Also interesting fact: The federal government was once upon time paid for solely by tariffs.
there was literally nothing wrong with this post
the coalition destroyed iraq.
being a controlled opposition requires being an opposition in the first place
No fucking shit, it pisses me off when people like on /r/socialism are like "Yeah Bernie isn't Communist but so what he's a good start!" fuck off, he's pro war and pro capitalism, we need to propose an alternative line and say fuck him
Nah, Democrats just sabotage his shit every once in a while to make sure he never gains traction. He doesn't need to be controlled. Unless you count sabotage as control, I suppose, which I don't. To me, controlled opposition is the Russian Communist Party. Back in the 90s when a million groups were fighting for the right to claim the CPSU mantle, Yeltsin & co. did their best to help the least threatening ones. By now, the CPRF is so cucked it's pretty much "United Russia but with nationalized industries", and that's exactly why they keep losing relevance: they can't beat United Russia at its own game. The more they emulate them in order to try (in vain) to attract supporters, the more old supporters they lose..
your chauvinism is showing
You're missing the point. Socdems aren't controlled opposition because they don't even rank as opposition.
Bernie wouldn't be even considered left wing here in Europe, he's just your standard social democrat, at best he would just achieve what western Europe has already achieved which is still right wing, and this applies to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez too. She even flip-flopped on Israel
USA is afraid of actual leftists
It's more like you are going to get tarred and feathered by the Israel lobby if you dare even acknowledge Palestine's existence. Even the Palestianian woman who won a primary in MI has to kowtow to something she obviously, from her background, doesn't believe in.
The actual people in America, conservative, left, some centrists, and a large swath of the apolitical/politically incoherent, are sick of Israel and a good percentage of those are just sick of Jews period. It's certainly not a matter of popular will.
Calm the fuck down. Not all politicians can be Bob Avakian larpers 100% of the time. He's actually trying to get shit done unlike some of us.
If he is, he's done an extremely shitty job of it. It seems like people here forget that socialism, even the very mention of it, was anaethema before the 2016 election. While he is a succdem at heart he is still fundamentally responsible for unleashing the rising leftist tide in the United States (not that he created it, it was there as a result of material conditions, but he is the one who broke the ice)
Bernie has 0 (ZERO) policy accomplishment. He hasn't done anything of value, and all of his meme bills got struck down with no sponsor.
All he did was sell out and undermine his own cause