Ho Chi Minh died in 2 of September 49 years ago. How did Zig Forums miss that date? The best revolutionary to come out of Asia and one of the founders of the PCF.
So please, lets talk about him and his victories in Asia against amerikkkan imperialism.
Ho Chi Minh died in 2 of September 49 years ago. How did Zig Forums miss that date...
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This was a good read from what I remember. It's very short: marxists.org
the VCP / Vietnam was a good party Its a Shame that Vietnam became revisionist / Dengist before basically anyone else immediately after Ho's death (Market Policies / Invasion of Kampuchea etc)
DemKamp was a genocide of ethnic Vietnamese, Khmer Rouge deserved everything they got. Their alliance with the king proves their opportunism and revisionism.
Mao lost that status when he sent the guards into the countryside and aligned himself with the US. Ho never spoiled his hero status.
*Saloth Sar
Fucking Khrushev was better than Mao.
*Liberation you mean. Supporting Pol Pot is retarded, you can't even claim anti-imperialism critical support in his case.
Why not?
After the Vietnamese invasion a Puppet state of PR-Kampuchea was established that acted solely as a mouthpiece for Hanoi
It was almost entirely reliant on Vietnam for economic support and entirely dependent on them for military aid
Die you fucking revisionist shill
They had to rebuild the entire country after its destruction by the murrican bombings and Pol Pots stupidity while being almost completely isolated, no to mention the US continued support for Pol Pot.
Mao's foreign policy included the support of reactionaries rebels in Africa and Chile's Pinochet. His denouncing of revisionism in the Soviet Union does not exempt him from criticism, specially when compared to Khrushchev.
The Murrican bombings LED to pol pots "Stupidity"
Since most of the Arable land was reduced to fucking crators and tens of (If not hundreds of) thousands of people who could have been working in the fields dead
the radical and rapid Agrarian collectivization was necessary to prevent a greater famine
Khruschev's foreign policy was turning the Warsaw Pact into subservient client states.
im not that much of a fan of cornman but come on
Brezhnev literally admitted that the Eastern Bloc was an imperial racket to prop up Russian domination, guess who this was started by?
Read "Imperialism the highest stage of Capitalism" by V Lenin
I'm not talking about Hungary or Czechoslovakia you fucking brick, I'm talking about the USSR's imperialist economic domination over the Warsaw Pact. It's you who needs to read Lenin and Mao.
It's too bad that he didn't live to see reunification.
no such thing existed at any given time
wow i thinks its time for you to take a time out you need to calm down buckaroo
while market reforms had it's downside in neglecting heavy industry and having thus other republics fall behind that's far from "imperialism"
at least they weren't social imperialist fascists though!!!11
Educate me
uh, is anyone going to post about him? Does anyone even know what he did? Oh god this isnt a larping board is it?
Zig Forums is gay dude
i read a biography on Thälmann
i'd still not start a thread for every birthday of his and type out what he did and all that
feels kinda tideous
and if i did it's something i'd put into the OP, make it a nice concise summary and explain his relevance for today
OP was just kinda lazy so the thread is doomed to derail at some point without going anywhere
Vietnam is capitalist today and was a shithole when he was alive. Why should I care about yet another failed revolutionary?
because it'd have been a much worse shithole under US boots, he also successfully fought them into submission and liberated the nation
but i guess that's basically like "nothing"
Why bother fighting if the end result will just be capitalism? Why lionize people who helped preserve the capitalist status quo? Are you actually leftist, or just anti-capitalist? If the end result is capitalism it doesn't matter if you're allied with China or the USA.
I strongly disagree. There is a difference between living under colonial oppression and living in a more or less independent capitalist state that can pursue development on it's own terms, just like there is a difference between living under a fascist dictatorship and living in a social/liberal democratic state. It's not all meaningless just because some abstract vision of a full communist utopia wasn't achieved. Thinking it is shows some serious infantile disorder.
Leninists believe that national liberation struggles in colonies and semi-colonies must be led by the revolutionary working class in those countries since the national bourgeoisie in those countries are too weak and dependent on foreign capital to pursue the type of capitalist development that happened during the Industrial Revolution.
This is why "Marxist-Leninists" who advocate for "national bourgeois revolutions" (looking at you, Mao) need to read a fucking book.
Unless I'm outdated on this, this isn't what Lenin says.
completely and which can be achieved only with complete democracy), in order to secure equal rights and to create the best conditions for the class struggle. Therefore, it is in opposition to the practicality of the bourgeoisie that the
proletarians advance their principles in the national question; they always give the bourgeoisie only conditional support."
against. We fight against the privileges and violence of the oppressor nation, and do not in any way condone strivings for privileges on the part of the oppressed nation."
*Kim Song Ju
Praise the Great Leader!
Hold on a sec.