whats the deal with the abundance of interracial couples in adverts these days? The only discussions I can see are red pillers decrying the 'race mixing agenda' but I'm genuinely curious what porkies end game is.
Am I over thinking it and its just some liberal yuppies in marketing trying to convince themselves that they're moral perfection
Whats the deal with the abundance of interracial couples in adverts these days...
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only Zig Forums manages to delude itself into thinking this is even an issue worth considering
It's marketing. Companies made several customer surveys and realized that the "minority market" is not tapped into because their ads are almost exclusively using white models. Companies want to make more profit. There's nothing conspiratorial about this. It's capitalism, dummy.
Same with gays in games, or whatever makes poltards lose their shit. Your product sells more if it appeals to broader demographics. Culture is just a series of products under capitalism. It has nothing to do with morals, though they will sell it to you as a moral choice if it means they can gain more profits.
I thought about that its the couple aspect that threw me off, I guess this way they can try to appeal to both demos at the same time
do you think there might be an element of homogenization as well? like 'this is for everyone' rather than the dope website guy
Racism cannot exist in a society that prioritizes money over people. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Porky🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 is losing profits by being unable to sell to migrant markets and pandering to a multicultural society.
The liberal yuppies aren't just convincing themselves, they're also trying to convince the press, customers, social justice orgs, potential business partners, HR people and corporate superiors of it. These people in turn find it a brilliant way to boost their prestige. It's a big circlejerk. A bit like when communist regimes built a cult of personality. They're all trying to win each other's favor by vapidly signalling their devotion to a common cause.
Not much of an issue. There's certainly no conspiracy behind it.
Might be positive thing if you care about social justice under capitalism at all, although the Zig Forums backlash is obviously a problem.
White people are beginning to question why miscegenation is constantly being shoved down their throats and it's absolutely TERRIFYING.
You're ignoring the important role of racism as a useful instrument of the bourgeois to sow division among the proletarians.
And they're apparently too stupid to come up with a systemic explanation for it. Instead they come up with a bunch of conspiracy bullshit. That's what capitalist propaganda does for you I guess.
companies push sjw bullshit and it costs them money
what does that tell you
That they profit off it.
except they don't
PoC animals don't have any money anyways they are barely worth advertising to
please tell me why 90% white European uk has nogs in every third commerical
Putting minorities into advertising costs nothing and might expand your market among said minorities. Capital doesn't have much external space to expand anymore (only Cuba and DPRK left to crush) so it turns to manufacturing and embracing "diverse" identities as internal markets to conquer. Contrary to what Zig Forums says only a microscopic amount of imageboard autists is outraged at seeing a mixed couple so there is almost no risk involved. If a capitalist can make a 0,001% profit by putting a negro in an ad, he will do it and he will lose nothing. It's simple business, nothing personnel kiddo
Because brown people do care and white people don't care about brown people in their commercials. (unless they're moronic racists)
Because the same commercials have to appeal internationally.
Because liberals have loadsamoney and want to feel like they are spending it on "progressive" corporations.
Because many of their business partners are such liberals.
This shit is obvious.
PoC animals don't have any money, capitalists are literally losing money advertising to dumb brown animals
It costs them nothing
this is what polacks believe
feels > reals
They have plenty of money. Wanna-be progressives have even more. It's great business
Racist idiots:
Same idiots:
?? Hmmmmmmmm…… ??
advertising is cheap?
nobody wants to buy PoC brands or see PoC movies or play PoC video games
i don't see how those are mutually exclusive
brown animals have no money and they all are on welfare (they shouldn't be here at all and need to be sent back to their brown PoC jungle shitholes)
Yeah. Black Panther just flopped, didn't it?
If they're receiving such generous welfare they can't have no money idiot. It's blatantly self-contradictory.
This is gonna be a tough pill to swallow but only fringe retards like you make a fuss about black people in video games and even then you people still buy them. The majority doesn't care, and then there's moderately sized group of people who'll like it more cause they're pandered to and just a teeny tiny group of turbo-autists who will boycott it.
epic, truly epic
it's really not, welfare isn't all that generous anyway
black panther was a fluke pretty much everything else that caters to pocks and trannies flops especially vidya
either way shoehorning subhuman nigger animals into every third commerical doesn't make any sense whatsoever
nobody likes looking at pocks not even other pocks they look like apes
it's normalization propaganda is all it is it's to allow white people to be complacent with their demographic annihilation, the same way faggots are grossly disproportionately overrepresented in all popular media, fags are only 1% of the population
there is more to this, it can't all be reduced only dollars and cents capitalism because that analysis doesn't make sense not that I'd expect low Autism Level npc who post here to understand
anyway I'm going out for a jog hopefully a band if subhuman nogs do not attack me diversity is our strength
They would be advertising either way, dumbass.
Also Black Panther is the 9th most grossing film ever made. Most shit Zig Forums predicted would fail because of "SJW pandering alienating everyone except niggers and tumblrs" ended up being successful.
To encouraging race mixing to find the best tasting meat.
Which is why San Andreas didn't sell and is considered the worst in the series.
Homogenization is the very core of the process but not in the sense pol thinks (muh racial/sexual brainwashing, whatever). Under a consumerist society there really is no substantial difference in the products, lifestyles, fashions, fads you chose from, since they do not (and can not) have real cultural effect. Under the coat of painting there is absolutely no substantial difference between a goth and a rapper, Eminem and Britney. The essence of this culture is its very essencelessness. No matter your choices you remain a little consumer sampling the dozen variants of soylent green.
I see posts like this and I wonder what happened to Zig Forumsacks who atleast pretended their racism was rational and not pathological. I haven't seen the classic Zig Forums eye queue graphs in ages. Is this really the state of neo-nazis nowadays?
pocks looking like demons is reason enough to be racist against them, Autism Level is just icing on the cake
I'd rather ask why you continue to be anti racist despite being aware of the Autism Level problem, doesn't seem very rational at all
Once there are enough black people then racists will neck themselves, resulting in a rise in average I.Q of at least a standard deviations.
I think black people are seen as "chic" due to US influence. All the music chart toppers are black. Also, apparently Indians in the UK have one of the highest income brackets there.
Because a low Autism Level population see better consumers
oh fugg :DDDDD now it's as clear as day
Posadist gang does not embrace or acknowledge cannibalism, for such a thing is a primitive form of sustenance that must be restricted only to Capitalists with scarce resources and low food supplies. A post-scarcity Communist society will have food so delicious that it will be akin to a drug, and such food supplies will be taken straight from naturally occurring resources, minerals and rocks mined straight from the earth. Such a system is the only possible system that could be embraced by the intergalactic vanguard.
they do have money and are targeted for marketing heavily to maintain a line of conspicuous consumption within their culture, which of course in the west equals capitalism because they (and we) have no culture, just marketing
this is also why leftists should be against UBI as it simply maintains the continuation of commodity purchase by those who otherwise may not, maintaining the status quo and profits for the rich - in effect it would keep Nike selling Nikes probably moreso than it would help cover basic necessities, especially when the dollar menu at mcslimes exists…
Also you're a fucking retard if you think that major corps would use advertising dollars to somehow lose money. This is pure naivete and you're probably a teenager based on your know-nothing ideas. read bernays and then fucking kill yourself faggot
It makes less sense to spend a lot of money marketing consumer products to rich people because they don't spend as much of their income as the poor, and the broad masses of poor and working people account for most of the consumer spending in the economy. Rich people hoard their money.
Of course ancaps go "stupid poors no wonder they're poor" but the capitalist economy would stop functioning if – like in the United States – the 70% of the population which makes less than $50k per year and the 50% of the population that makes less than $30k stopped spending and started saving all the same time. The economy would collapse.