ITT: We post/discuss the cringey and or misinformed bullshit conservatives and other normie right-wingers spread to their brainless audiences.
For example: “soshulism iz when da gubmint do a tax hurr durr”.
Shit Conservatives Say
The classic
Ever wondered how a libertarian would wear idpol?
Like this:
t. Liberal faggot
I don't see race, I don't care who comes to our countries as long as they pay taxes and love the Constitution!
Might as well rename to /sps/ - Shit Zig Forums Says, because this is all we talk about.
Calling everyone they disagree with liberals. Leftypol also does this, and it's very annoying
Here is video of pic related calling person who leftypol calls liberal calling communist
Everyone who disagrees with us is a liberal though.
Since leftypol is not a hive-mind does that mean that stalinists consider ⛏️rotskyist to be liberals and vice versa?
Now more seriously unto the thread. Shit that conservatives say
Socialism is when government does stuff
Communism killed 100 trillion
There will be no food in socialism/communism
Human nature/people are greedy
No one will innovate under socialism
Muh cultural marxism
Muh venezuela
Muh george soros
Muh freedom of speech
Muh crapitalism lifted billions out of povery
Muh government is rulled by secret leftist elite
crazy, i was born in a communist country and sure we were always starving of hunger and we'd sell our underage daughters to white tourist for some food money but there was food.
Oh, and
That is very annoying and I hate YouTube for constantly suggesting me soviet citizen debates and destroys liberal stalinists
those rotten communist! cuban communism is better, i remember as a small child when fidel himself ordered, on tv infront of everyone, that chickens be brought to our city b/c we were so hungry! praise fidel! te amo papi siempre vas a estar en mi corazon!
taxation *inhales* is theft
rent is voluntary
dividend is not theft
nazis *inhales* were socialists
"north korea is poor but they build fake cities for a few tourists every year!"
You are just lazy
Rich people work hard
Antifa are the real fascists
Fascism is when you punch nazi
This generation is just special snowflakes
You criticize crapitalism, while participating in crapitalism
*favorite answers to the second one*
The revolutionist is culturally pragmatic he understands that he has to use capitalist cultural motifs to attack capitalism.
The revolutionist is able to find capitalist society revolting, and yet he functions within it this requires incredible mental strength.
Vladimir Lenin
they held true to their word. i've never met a white person that wasnt an inferior piece of shit that needs to be exterminated immediately. Even if they're on our side. They are guilty of being white. All these rednecks are uneducated.
This is true. I'm fucking tired of this board
I feel like half of these threads are made by Zig Forumsyps for spam
I meant, don't we already have one or two threads like this in the catalog already.
this one triggers me profoundly.
I was told that recently when I said California isn't socialist
Communism is when you literally have nothing my dad works at the Politburo and he told me and he'll have your dacha hacked if you don't believe me.
Re-read that. Obvious shitpost
Right there, they're just admitting that they could give less of a shit about the sick and poor unless it involves the right amount of money
to be fair that's part of their argument, "people don't naturally feel inclined to be generous, they only want to profit".
you know, muh human nature bullshit.
Soros is really important if you are a Communist. It's like the Deep State that Trumpcucks ruined.
He stopped Ferguson from becoming something when he sent Liberal NGO's to stop it.
'MARXISM IS POSTMODERN!!! Everything I don't like is negativist Derridean socjus anti-Western bullshit and totally not actually structuralist - that's reserved strictly for empirical science and neo-Kantians! Karl Popper showed you Marxist totalitarian thugs what's what!'
Forgot to maymaytext in case any mods sperg at me. Analyticfags get out.
Zig Forums trying to get philosophical is the most cringeworthy shit ever, I'd rather look at a hundred infographics and carefully collected interracial porn images, than listen to a Zig Forumsack launch into pseudointellectual philosophizing
Peterson is popularizing this shit too
Zig Forums and the reductionist 'skeptics' are the most disgusting hacks around on the internet, part of a much broader neoreaction.
Shit, no quote arrows in this quote thread makes me confused.
That's my favorite bullshit.
This video is excellently demonstrates how the right lies and manipulates facts.
The human nature argument really triggers me. Majority of people who use this argument are 'individualists' . It's very hypocritical how they claim to support crapitalism because leftism destroys individualism, but speak for others by claiming that every person is the same, all equally greedy.
Aren't all those videos of like one expat living in america and blaming the communists for the 90s and other dumb shit basically?
excpe that's literally the opposite of reality
People in Russia and the other former SSRs now overwhelmingly regret the USSRs dissolution
Majority of East Germans regret the Unification with the BDR
majority of Hungarians admit life has gotten shittier since the return to capitalism
Majority of Bulgarians miss capitalism
Almost half of Romanians said they would vote for ceacescu given the opportunity
And the Yugo states standards of living are objectively lower
Majority of Ukies literally admit that the fall of the USSR was bad pew did a whole series of polls on it
Всем тут насрать на царскую Россию кроме ролевиков и ебанутых вроде Поклонской. А капитализм охуенно сработал в 90-х, ага, инбифо неправильный капитализм. Удивительно, сам признаешь что СССР был свердержавой и в РФ к нему относятся положительно, но это "не показатель".
Goebbels, you sly son of a bitch. 70 years later and people are still believing your propaganda. The 'Nazis were socialists' nonsense will never die and these are the same people who think the KKK was left wing because they were Democrats.
Just a statement and then a link to something completely irreverent that signifies disinterest. Likely to argue in bad faith, ignore at all costs.
goebbels was actually almost a Asserist but he willingly chose to support hitler over the Asser bros
he might've been a socialist but he willingly chose to be a state capitalist instead
Is that Motherfucker Mike?
Here's a more interesting Person of Color?
Don't compare Crowder to Mike "10 Incher" Matei
Mike is the manliest guy on the internet with the biggest dick ever recorded.
Crowder is a crossdressing loser who is uncomfortable with his homosexual desires.
Don't compare the two.
/r/ing virgin Steven Crowder vs chad Mike Matei
look at how many youtube videos crowder has done where he dresses like a grill "Ironically" to own the libs.
he has really bad taste, i totally want to dress him up properly and make him feel cute
she'd cry before the mirror and ask me to call her "Stephanie"
Asesinos guerrilleros de mierda
Va a llorar mamerto?
these are the things right wingers here say, thaey are more violent and unironically fascist
someone needs to make this
this shit.
his Autism Level becomes higher than the amount of people commulists individually killed at the "bonus round"
unaware of this filter until now, but the point remains exactly the same
love that because my response is always "if only there was some economic system where they were required to be generous"
how..does that work as an argument?
I would make it if I could properly meme
Truely inciteful stuff right there.
Except the only cubans who hate socialism are the bourgeoisie who fled to Florida.
I'm not even a ☭TANKIE☭, but I have to say your argument is paper thin. You only address leadership and imperialism. Atleast point to the economic failures of the USSR such as early mismanagement of the economy. If you could pull out some numbers about worker productivity or something like that then you would have an argument. also anyone who comes here claming to be from x place so they know is by default cointelpro until proven otherwise
Some liberals unironically say cursed shit like that.
lmao no
that has to be Congolombia
obviously meant singular
Literally have a libertarian (lmao gay weed marriages with guns kind, not edgy Zig Forums tier kind) friend who says this shit all of the time
to me, it's a toss up between Crowder and Greg Gutfeld for the physical embodiment of unfunny cringy boomer humor.
imo Dennis Miller is the all time champion
Piece of code? I don't know, links to a openssh buffer overflow.
From two years ago.
Yes probably.
*these all came from one fucking person mind you*
Conservatards went nuts this year when Google didn't feel like honoring Easter
Communism is when there is no toilet paper
this but unironically, wash your ass or something, stop killing trees for your shit.
Where u fond bidget?
Murrica only has tp.
LGBTQ and open borders unironically seem to be the main priorities of all my local socialist groups.
Does it hurt when his gf puts it in?