my country's economy is about to collapse.
I fucking hate capitalism.
what bothers me is that this is like the 4th time this has happened in my country.
the working class has never risen.
it's so frustrating.
my country's economy is about to collapse.
I fucking hate capitalism.
what bothers me is that this is like the 4th time this has happened in my country.
the working class has never risen.
it's so frustrating.
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it depends on the conditions, how spooked and wagecucked are the argentine people?
all the way.
This is what you guys get for voting for neoliberals. Didn't the five presidents in one year teach anything?
Maybe you can occupy those defenseless islands to the east to boost the will and morale of the people
Best post
Macri es un hijo de puta.
this is literally all latin america mate
They rose in Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, and Venezuela though. But I get what you mean.
If your internet gets shut down and you do rebel against capitalism, remember this; do NOT stop at nationalizing one industry. A planned, national economy CANNOT function while private property exists in ANY form.
Be the next big thing in communist politics, user.
Why is it happening tho? Can we discuss it from the marxian economics point of view? Mainstream economists charlatans say it's some sort of "contagion" (lol) from Turkey, that can spread to other developing countries. Or that increasing interest rates in the US makes Argentinian bonds less attractive (yeah, like 2 times less attractive). That can't be the whole picture
Marxist point of view would start way back at around the 1960's when the postwar boom of the capitalist economies began to crumble. Everything afterwards has been a band aid to the problem of declining profitablity which has resulted in stagnant wages in the first world, increasing poverty in the third world, staggering levels of inequality, and a world economy powered by fictitious commodities AKA financial speculation.
Now that central banks are forced to increase interest rates after lowering them to offset the financial meltdown of 2008, they are forced to increase interest rates or else they will face hyperinflation. This has led to "emerging markets" being unable to pay off the increasing interest in the cheap debt they collected which is causing a currency crisis that is rapidly spreading throughout the world.
However, shit will really hit the fan once a major first world country goes through a debt crisis and I believe it will be Italy.
At this point it's harder to find things that aren't going tits up in the global economy.
Nigga it's like the 8th
What was the dirty war about then?
A military dictatorship purging anyone to the left of Reagan
Huezilian anons always do. Sometimes it seems they are even more classcucked than Americans
At least we're not VUVUZELA, amiright fellow argentinians?
At least we whiter am i rite famsquad? Uptop
I-it wasn't real capitalism!
are you retarded mate?
Based Michael Hudson talking about another neoliberal collapse of Argentina
Last time Argentina was ruled by a succ dem he was literally a Hitlerboo who paved the way for Argentina to be ruled by outright CIA dick-riding fascists…
Oh, I assumed you were talking about politicians who actually had the power to stand up to the bankers raping Argentina, carry on…
Literally the first thing Macaroni did when he got into power was to lift the capital controls and agree to pay the bankers back all their money
Pretty hot take fam, here in Brazil that sentiment is never taken towards Vargas, who straight up deported Jews. Historians actually say he managed to Stall the military from taking power by 20 years or so.
Haha, yes! 😂 #woke
t.charlie kirk.
How about you actually take part in the fucking Revolution then. As Lenin said,
Oh, I can understand how you, the people of Russia, having been suppressed so long, should want, now that you have won to power, to talk and to listen to orators. But some day, soon, you – we all – must go to work and do things, act, produce results – food and socialism. And I can understand how you like and trust and put your hope in Kerensky. You want to give him time, a chance, to act. He means well, you say. He means socialism. But I warn you he will not make socialism. He may think socialism, he may mean socialism. But, comrades – I tell you Kerensky is an intellectual: he cannot act; he can talk; he cannot act. But you will not believe this yet. You will take time to give him time, and meanwhile, like Kerensky, you will not work. Very well, take your time. But when the hour strikes, when you are ready to go back yourselves to work and you want a government that will go to work and not only think socialism and talk socialism and mean socialism – when you want a government that will do socialism, then – come to the Bolsheviki."
The funniest thing about this being that most of these emerging economies that took loans from institutions like the IMF have by this point paid the principle several times over and are just paying off accrued interest that only got worse post-2008
dont you have a central bank tho?
It keeps getting worse, Macri is now openly admitting that Argentina is facing a big crisis.