Suck my dick. Yeah, suck my dick, I've come to a tremendous realization, why do I give a fuck? No really, why do I? I bust my ass, putting out the best content pos-possible, to educate people, to bring awareness and everyone just attacks me, on like, complete crap. Completely baseless accusations, never dealing with the substance of what I put forward, "Oh, you're a third worldist so therefore everything you say is wrong." I got a guy, some pony on Twitter, yes, a goddamn Pony, because there's a lot of them goddamn things in the fucking Maoist the Marxist community, saying, "You believe in third worldism so you can justify not doing anything." Because apparently the last 6 and a half years I put out content defending Marxism, educating people is, doing nothing. As opposed to some nobody jerk-off on Twitter with 150 followers, who can't cite a single thing they've ever done, so you know what? I'm not taking this crap anymore, I've busted my ass bringing content and works to people: Nine books, educating people and using unique ways to teach people theory. Yeah, you see this? Teaching Marxism by using popular culture, particularly video games, using video games to teach Marxist theory to people, being the tremendous sugar that helps the medicine go down. You know what? I've actually always been pretty humble and just said I've been some guy on the internet and that remains true, but I fucking dominate this, I cre- basically created this and I own this, it's mine, I did it and nobody else can match me on that.
Suck my dick
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like communism is bullshit after all with no incentive to work and a free rider problem
become a capitalist instead
i remember this rant
by dragging it through the dirt that is third worldism and crying to the people to stop doing things because they're "first worldist" shitlords
fatso needs to stop pretending to be anything but an edgy fag who wasn't even organized for the longest time and still wont commit to the party by dedicating his efforts to the party line
not that any party that isn't third worldist crap would want any part of this disgusting world scale sectarianism
hope he chokes on a coke
i don't know how anyone can listen to this maoist third worldist retard.
What the alternative? Contrapoints? Lol
yes, read Marx for starters
there's hundreds of other channels that are better but okay
I mean on youtube? I like finbol but beyond him?
Matt Florence, ProletarianTV
go from there to related channels for more
His brother?
Isn't that a bb gun?
I don't know if this is bad or good.
Remember here comes the boom?
Jim's idea. Jason took it down because he didn't think it was professional enough.
Jim is like a YouTube Sacha Baron Cohen.
I understand dick sucking is the theme of this board. Something about a video of a dude dressed as a chick with cat ears, and he was seizing the means of production…. with his mouth.
Why do people dislike Jason?
third worldism
wtf I love Jason now
First world doesn't have revolutionary potential, it's stuck with "MY GENDER LOL" liberalism vs. white Identitarianism. At best you achieve social democracy. This is why USSR should've won
muke, contra and Beaver Mao Man all have a meme understanding of both marxism and communism, they're literally on the same level of faggotry. So yes, contrapoints a good alternative.
yeah I wonder which one of these people are more likely to actually overthrow the bourgoisie.
congrats, worst post of the week
Finbol, why did you turn out to be a pedo? Now I'm stuck between Jason and fucking Muke.
No revolutionary movement without party and labor union syndicate to carry wear it
The problem it is because CGT and become reformist
The age of consent is 16 in Finland.
There is a first world bourgeoisie and a first world proletariat. Therefore the first world has revolutionary potential.
You know Finbol Jason and Jim have talked to one another right?
Jim said in that discord "dude Fin, you're kind of going excessive with the ☭TANKIE☭ shit" (air horns)
Yeah but the girl was American. I mean I don't really have a problem with it, but I can't be seen to be supporting it.
time to come back in an hour, post a few more threads, and prevent any of you stupid kikes from making any more threads on your own board
because we cant have Zig Forumsfags making politically incorrect comments, oh no, gotta ban them
enjoy your tiny shit board, cucks
didn't he just write some ERP? and why would that change my opinion on someone i know and judge based on political ideas?
which are third worldist garbage btw, fuck that guy
Is that the worst you could find?
lel. Look at material conditions. I don't disagree with much of third-worldism, I just don't like the "dude just do nothing if you're a fist worlder LMAO" shit, it reeks of leftcommunism and laziness.
which is what he did saying that "first worldist workers are aristocrats and have no revolutionary potential"
it's the essence of third worldism
Yeah that's where I part ways with him. I mean don't get me wrong, a first world workers isn't like some fucking slave in the Congo, but as we've seen, despite all the shiny gadgets and consumer items the bourgeoisie throw at us, people still aren't happy. Yeah you get your internet and starbucks, but no-one can afford the basic things they need. People can't afford housing, people are having to go to food banks and raising a family has become a lot harder.
exactly, and it's organisation and education, not spontaneous emotional outrage over poverty, linked with a weakened grip by the ruling class
going by third worldism one must wonder why the people in venezuela are still holding on to social democratic parliamentarism and legalism, if they're so revolutionary by nature
The rest of the world is not America. We actually judge your statements by their merit, because the phrase "political correctness" does not immunize you to criticism.
Yeah, and the first world is even more relevant now that the USSR is gone. In Europe, everything is being cut and getting taken away, the bourgeois are going fucking mental. At this rate, its going to take every second of campaigning just to stop fascism rising again.
The difference between Jason Finbol and Jim
These guys are like the deathklok of Internet communism
How old is FinnBol?
but he doesn't
Finbol is explicitly third worldist?
I didn't know finbol and Jim were acquainted with each other. Of course Jim and Jason are brothers so they have known each other all their lives.
saw him say it in the youtube comments under some video what feels like years ago
dropped right then
Unrhue is Cockshott gang, he uses his works as souces sometimes.
And also when he discovered Cockshott had a channel he made a video inmediatly calling people to subscribe to him
No, he is not
On second thought, yes he is
No, not unless you gibs .pdf
HAHA holy shit Jason Unruhe just explicitly BTFO leftist deeply triggering and problematic racism.
The core of leftism has been blown to smithereens by one of your own.
This prime lolcow no longer belongs to you within 6 months, guaranteed. Your last little bit of fun, taken away.
So? FinnBol didn't talk to her in America. He's living in Finnland, and that's the only jurisdiction he has to answer for. Besides, 16 is even pretty high for Europe, in Germany it's 14. Do you know what a "pedophile" is? Someone who looks children. A 16 year old is not a child and is likely to have completed puberty. It makes him a creep (especially with his rape NKVD fantasy) but not a pedo.
I think he's 23, could be 24 now. He's already vice chairman of his party or something which is quite an achievement for that age (but then again his party are like 100 people)
love this word filter
anti-white deeply triggering and problematic
Make sure to comment on his video.
what is the word filter for?
anti-white = deeply triggering and problematic
oh right im a fucking brainlet
Settlers isn't third worldist. If it was then it wouldn't actively try to obscure the relationship between black Americans and imperialism. However I think the concept of settler-colonialism is very useful for analysis. It does help to explain why Israel and America are so incredibly reactionary for instance.
The reward of the eternal e-celeb.
On the left it is eternal gloryseeking for being the best good boy, on the right it's the eternal boasting into cucking once the shekels flow and then it's subversion and gloryseeking.
People in the middle matter zero, nothing and people get bored with them the moment they themselves stray from the middle.
he is a real cringelord, posturing with a fake gun is fucking lame (a real gun would also be lame)
isnt that dude a pedo or something?
also in some states the age of consent is 16, in most i think
Jason is fun when he's doing a Marxist analysis of the Fallout universe and making mods for it but other than that… ahh…