Hey /lefties/, how are you guys holding up? Are you still plotting a revolution or are you too demoralized? If i were you, i'd keep my head down and my mouth shut, you never know what might happen. Communism is dead and so are your leaders, so it might be a good idea to stay alive, you know. Just a thought, comrades.
All these threads from 2017
damn, leftypol completely btfo. how will we ever recover
I'm actually doing great thanks for asking. I really like Trump and how he's destroying world capitalism. He's on par with some of the greatest socialists in history. I applaud his service to advancing communism
Have fun with your imperialist president who breaks all his promises.
All jokes aside, you guys have been btfo so many times that it's a miracle that you are still here. You are fighting windmills, comrade.
What's that? Did someone grab you by the pussy the wrong way?
I like Trump because he's not establishment! *turns into an establishment neocon the moment he steps foot into office*
More money for Israel! Saudi Arabia is our ally! Bomb Syria tehe!
Great talking points. Never heard them before.
Since when did Zig Forums itself been btfo? In your imagination? I don't think Zig Forums carries all the burdens, failures and dreams of past leftist movements. It's not like capitalism fully materialized until the late 19th century. It was just a cute experiment until then.
Well, it's good to see that you're breaking with your traditions, it's never a good idea to stand on the shoulders of midgets.
Anyway, I'll check up on you later. Seems like there's not much going on here right now. Keep it up.
The USSR, despite coming from a peasant country was a serious enough contender to capitalism's excesses that it caused an existential crisis. Without that check, it seems like the US became a fuckton more incompetent at empire building and maintaining. But have fun annoying liberals or whatever my dude. Unless you own a business, I doubt DT is going to do much to help you, and even then he'll just make your own side look like trash.
Of course, this is assuming you just don't hide behind the police like a bunch of bitches.
How's that neoliberalism with strongman characteristics?
That is somewhat amusing, but 11 MB for such a short, poor quality webm is a joke. You should find yourself a job and buy a proper rendering program.
Is greentexting what you would call BTFO a commie? Every response that you shit out a massive ownage of the libtards? Wowie, how can I ever compete with your e-cock sempai?
Then why did its very existence put the US in the nearly half-century long nervous breakdown we like to call the "Cold War"
because they were a threat to security, of course. No way America's god-tier system could ever be challenged.
The cold war was over before it even started, but it was a welcome opportunity to beef up our military and increase our presence around the world. It's lonely at the top and we need a good challenges every now and then to keep us from slacking off. Too bad the USSR collapsed under its incompetence, it would've been so much fun to kill commies.
imagine larping this much.
Bro life is over before it even starts
The USSR worked though.
Soy… rhymes with boy!
…you mean the cyclics, right?
I thought you were talking about Zig Forums for a second.
How's Namibia/TheStorm/EbinMayMayMagic/UniteTheRight2.0 going?
Trump made me realize right-wing politics is shit, made me quit 4/pol/ forever and I've started to become leftist a few times after that.
One of the best decision of my life. Just for that, Trump is the best american president of my lifetime.
try harder,buckoo