be me

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It makes me wonder how the Frankfurt School meme actually caught on. It’s obvious no one who parrots that shit has ever read it. Western Marxism is cancer though either way

Would Adorno be a right-winger/conservative nowadays?

He seems he would enjoy owning da libs.

It caught one because 90% of the right is borderline illiterate.

I've actually been getting into jazz music lately.

Attached: jazz.gif (480x360, 2.38M)

Marxists always have. Making fun of liberals is practically a tradition.

This is good shit:

It's because of where I live which is something of a jazz town (photos).

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That's exactly how. It's a meme by Protestant paleocons that literally value anti-intellectualism.

No, today’s right wing likes Jazz to much. However he’d probably get on with the types of paleo-conservitives who dislike shit like the internet, and modern music.

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This will never not make me laugh. The west does need to be destroyed though.

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Your religion along with it

Americans literally believe that radical politics are part of Satan's plot to bring about the apocalypse.
I really, really wish I was joking.

It went like this

Good for you. Jazz music is fantastic. Adorno was a fuck.

I cant believe this shitty meme will forever haunt adorno

You stupid retards, try to engage in my thread you fucking NIGGERS

go back to sleep theo

Yeah I started listening to this stuff and I'm like: wait a second … I like this. Adorno was a retard. And all these Zig Forums fascist morons are into cyberpunk aesthetics and Blade Runner but the soundtrack of that stuff isn't this futurewave nonsense, it's jazz.

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Never post that fucjing fashit cartoon ever again, can’t you read between the lines, spongebob was a fucking fascist, mr crabs was the typical piggy and patrick was a sterotype of commonist albania, you idot with living ‘under the rock XDDD’ hahaha funny (its not, dont laugh idot) you should neve watch spongebob OKAY? Thanks for readin

They were based off the seven deadly sins, but okay.

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Bob James and David Sanborn are gonna BTFO you and that Adorno fuck at 0:50 right here:

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Jazz is objectively the best form of music. I mostly listen to metal but I don't think it's even an argument, 20th century jazz is an absolute marvel of creativity, more genius composers than you can wrap your brain around, and there's nothing better to listen live.

I also think it might be the solution to the incel problem because it's good music to get it wet to. Just give 'em a bunch of jazz records and they'll figure it out.

When people say """""Cultural Marxism""""" they just mean the post-structuralist shit their sociology professors parrot. Correct them and say most leftists aren't like that.

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Actually those retards can't decide if they're talking about anarchists and communists, academic marxists, post-estructuralists, or identitarian liberals who more often than not aren't even leftists.

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synthwave music is a fusion of techno/jazz so that makes it all the more ironic

I can make it worse

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Reactionary detected. Nightcore is the true music of the proletariot.