Hello guys, I just wanted to point out that the Communist party of Russia won the elections in a little republic in Russia(Khakhassia) and because of that the elections have been posponed. theguardian.com
A Communist won in russia/ Opinion on the CPRF
They must have at least some revolutionary potential or United Russia wouldn’t be flipping their shit over them winning elections.
Should we send him TANS? 🤔
Did the gulags work after all?
Sounds revisionist tbh
Look up Zyuganovs record
He was literally one of pizza huts main allies
It won't last, the stock market will crash across the globe and these so-called "Proles" AKA LUMPEN PROLES will turn to fascism.
Face it, the people who you fight for aren't worth fighting for. The majority of people are IDIOTS who have no fucking soul. The NPC meme is an actuality, but there is no escape from it's grasp. We are all fucked.
Yes, repel the gays now!
Aren't the current Communist Party of Russia reliant on the church and are basically dregs of Gorbachev?
Under the present conditions in the Russian Federation, the CPRF calls for the following proposals:[18]
Stop the extinction of the country, restore benefits for large families, reconstruct the network of public kindergartens and provide housing for young families.
Communist protesters with the sign "the order of dismissal of Vladimir Putin for the betrayal of the national interests", Moscow, 1 May 2012
Nationalize natural resources in Russia and the strategic sectors of the economy; revenues in these industries are to be used in the interests of all citizens.
Return to Russia from foreign banks the state financial reserves and use them for economic and social development.
Break the system of total fraud in the elections.
Create a truly independent judiciary.
Carry out an immediate package of measures to combat poverty and introduce price controls on essential goods.
Not raise the retirement age.
Restore government responsibility for housing and utilities, establish fees for municipal services in an amount not more than 10% of family income, stop the eviction of people to the streets and expand public housing.
Increase funding for science and scientists to provide decent wages and all the necessary research.
Restore the highest standards of universal and free secondary and higher education that existed during the Soviet era.
Ensure the availability and quality of health care.
Vigorously develop high-tech manufacturing.
Ensure the food and environmental security of the country and support the large collective farms for the production and processing of agricultural products.
Prioritize domestic debt over foreign debt (to compensate for household deposits, burnt in the disastrous years of "reform").[clarification needed]
Introduce progressive taxation; low-income citizens will be exempt from paying taxes.
Create conditions for development of small and medium enterprises.
Ensure the accessibility of cultural goods, stop the commercialization of culture, defend Russian culture as the foundation of the spiritual unity of multinational Russia, the national culture of all citizens of the country.
Stop the slandering of the Russian and Soviet history.
Take drastic measures to suppress corruption and crime.
Strengthen national defense and expand social guarantees to servicemen and law enforcement officials.
Ensure the territorial integrity of Russia and the protection of compatriots abroad.
Institute a foreign policy based on mutual respect of countries and peoples to facilitate the voluntary restoration of the Union of States.
The party is in favour of cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church.[22] According to the words of Zyuganov, the CPRF is a party of scientific, but not militant atheism. Propaganda of any religion is banned inside the party.[23] Unlike the CPSU after 1956, the CPRF celebrates the rule of Joseph Stalin, ignoring the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Political Repressions automatically.[24][25] The party supported a ban on the "promotion of non-traditional sexual relations to minors",[26][27] mostly named a ban on "homosexual propaganda to minors" in Western media.[28]
During the 2003 Duma elections, the party blamed Zionism and Jews for the fall of the Soviet Union and Russia's current problems.[29]
Sounds redpilled.
Yes they openly support LGBT hate Laws to get the church to support them and are Literal Dengoids
After the church canonized Nicky, I'm gonna have to say kill them all.
Fucking conservative social democrat scum, larping as communists. If you think this is "redpilled" you need to kill yourself.
It's a transitional program. Even the most hoxhaist anti-revisionist splintergroup probably has a platform like this.
We should send everyone TANS
there's literally no reason not to send somebody TANS.
Since this is not the first case KPRF is being represset, it shows that despite weak/traitorous leadership, it has good people.
is it weird that a tranny has less of an issue with them them some of you other guys?
i really hate them more for being cuckdems for the most part
that whole "social conservative" bullshit is really petty and fuck them for that but its like a minor issue, a symptom of things but not the problem itself
dunno if the CoR and similar ML groups are any better in that regard but they're at least not dengist so thats something
can OP keep us updated on whats happening now?
Also due to corruption Eddinaya Rossiya's victory in Primorsky Krai was overturned so it is possible they will pick-up a governor there too.
That seems rather convoluted and bureaucratic. The goal should be that even people on the lowest income can afford a basket of basic things and services. For that, the lowest income must be high enough to cover that. It doesn't follow that these prices can't be allowed to change. Agree with the rest.
That's my main problem with them. I am not necesarily give a shit about the muh Dengism memes, but I am pretty much sure that price controls won't work. It would tank Russia's economy and it will be blamed on "socialism".
shut the fuck up and just let people enjoy the tiniest of fucking victories jesus fucking christ reddit
I agree with you the majority of people iTT have this weird criticism of them cuz "muh gays" which is hilarious cuz it implies that the gays are somehow having it great in Russia already and thus having something to lose socially if the Commies get literally one seat in congress
I posted but I absolutely think the modern day Ruskie commies are fair game for criticism but it should be materialist not "HURRR BUT THEY DONT LIKE GAYS" because that's literally every party in Russia except for the full blown Western backed Neolibs like Open Russia
It's hillarious to me that ITT there are probably Americans who will probably defend the Democrat Cops of America to hell and back for all their capitulations to the neoliberal Democrats cuz "i-it's the best w-we can do w-what have YOU done stupid ☭TANKIE☭!" yet are 100 percent purists when it comes to Communist parties in other countries
The alternatives are calling for revolution right away, which would be ridiculous and idealist, or embracing a leftcom-tier armchair position of waiting until capitalism ends. There's a reason communist parties across the world are proposing and defending social democratic measures. They see them as a way to improve the material situation of the working class, not as the ultimate answer to class struggle.
The CPR are just a bunch of hacks tbh.
10/10 analysis
That analysis was done through a dose of hard-hitting dialectical materialism and a thoroughly marxist scientific socialist analysis, to which I can decisively conclude that the Communist Party of Russia are just some liberal bourgeois reactionary idealisti anti-materialist useful idiots of the Russian government who need to read Marx and Hegel to understand the dialectic nature of historical materialism and embrace revolutionary materialist dialectical anti-utopian scientific socialism.
Hanan, I didn't realize you also shitposted on Zig Forums
The only good praxis.
Idk, I just read it in the guardian and also because the News poster posted it like 3 days ago.
Wow the pension age change really fucked them up. I thought they were in the sixties last time I checked. Hopefully this means Communists will begin to emerge as viable opponent, that is if Russian communists are fully revisionist at this point
Is there a comrade of Russia to confirm it?
Unironically this is a really good program. Let's hope they keep some of these promises.
Can you even imagine how satisfying it would be to see United Russia implode in the next decade, Communists come to prominence and neolibs across Russia get btfo
The RSFR returning would be a welcome sight
This is what Pavel Grudinin, the KPRF candidate in 2018 who is from the SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC wing of the party proposed for their candidacy:
On 10 January 2018, the program of Pavel Grudinin became officially published, consisting of 20 items.[40]
1. The change of economic strategy. The priority will be the welfare of the people, not the oligarchs. The use of Russia's wealth, its natural, industrial and financial resources for the service of the people.
2. The restoration of the economic sovereignty of Russia. Withdrawal from the WTO.
3. Credit resources – the recovery of the economy. The decrease in Bank interest.
4. New industrialization, modernization of the economy and its output to innovation.
5. Ensuring food security of Russia, overcoming a situation when much of the food is imported from abroad. The return of the GOSTs and the introduction of criminal liability for falsification of food products.
6. Our historic task is to ensure the revival of the "provincial" Russia. Equalization of opportunities of regional budgets. Gasification of the country.
7. Price controls on basic foods and commodities, to housing prices.
8. Taxes – in the interests of justice and development. The introduction of a progressive tax. The abolition of value added tax, transport tax, and the Platon system.
9. Recovery guarantees for labor and 8-hour working day, providing people with work and a decent salary. Minimum salary of 25,000-30,000 rubles.
10. The destruction of the social sphere will be stopped. Free and qualitative secondary and higher education and health care.
11. Mothers and children will receive full support. Equating the monthly child allowances to the subsistence level of the child. Increasing the payment of monthly benefits by one and a half to three years.
12. Citizens a decent pension. The adoption of the law on "children of war". Maintaining the current age of retirement (60 for men and 55 for women). The return of indexation of pensions to working pensioners. Cancellation of the reduction factor of 0.54 for military retirees. Establishment of the average old-age pension – not less than 50% of the average wage.
13. We will protect the spiritual health of the nation. Support for museums, theaters, libraries.
14. We guarantee massive construction of high-quality and affordable housing. Introduction of the provision of flats or houses for young families, the elimination of dilapidated housing. Declining mortgage rates to 3-4%. For many children and young families, interest-free loan for up to 30 years.
15. To curb the greed of the moneylenders. The introduction of criminal liability for involvement in a bonded transaction, the prohibition of "correctors" activities and assignment of debt obligations of the citizens.
16. To ensure the protection of nature.
17. To ensure the defense capability and security of the country.
18. A fair trial will be on the side of the law, the citizen and the society, not the oligarchy. True independence of the court and the investigating authorities from the executive power, election of judges, distribution of the competence of juries in cases of "extremism", based on the 282-th article, and for corruption crimes of higher officials.
19. System restore democracy and popular representation. The President will be accountable to the People and the Parliament. The procedure of impeachment will be simplified. No one will have the right to be President for more than two terms of 4 years in his life. A Supreme State Council will be established, without the approval of which no crucial decision will be taken.
20. Improving the quality of public administration. Enter responsibility of the President for the formation of the Cabinet of Ministers, and the government's responsibility for its actions. Approval of the composition of the government will occur in the State Duma. All candidates for ministerial posts will be publicly justified the President.
Like mate not even Jeremy Corbyn would suggest some of that, if that is from the openly social democratic wing, imagine if the leftnat or ML wings of the party in power. Also tbh those talking about social issues need to realise that more Russians are nowhere near as reactionary as the government, the issue is that the government is cucked to the Church (who have a big influence on education also). A KPRF government would likely row-back on a few of the more reactionary policies out of atheism and the fact that a decent chunk of its membership is younger.
They are petbourg-tier revisionist part of their program is literally designed to help petit bourgeoisie against bourgeoise from other countries
Yeah and that's anti imperialist. Which is good
There's nothing about modern Russian conditions that would prevent the CPRF from being Maoists or Hoxhaist other than its class composition, kicking the petit bourgeois out of the party is necessary for anything genuinely revolutionary.
Also thread theme.
what's with the sitcom bullshit music lmao
Putin is scared of losing power.
These programs sound pretty cool until you realize that the KPRF isn't some obscure reading club but the second largest party in Russia and it has been holding that title for almost 30 consecutive years. In all this time it has done absolutely nothing whatsoever to turn Russia away from the neoliberal morass that it has become, all they do is suck Putin's dick and very mildly oppose things like pension reforms on behalf of its electorate that consists entirely of elderly pensioners. They have no theory, no praxis, nothing. They simply ride Soviet nostalgia and do nothing with it. Fuck them. No one has done more than the KPRF to ruin Russian leftism.
t. voted for Pavel Grudinin
The problem with Rus' is that kids are making videos that are featured in video like this
rather than this
If young people are proudly self hate rather than work on changing things nation is will not progress.
The KPRF as the French Communist Party (at home) are only reformists tinged with nostalgia no practice no training and especially they are not Leninist.
Like the PCF they just want a social program in capitalism it rememetenyt no longer question it in addition to the abandonment of the democratic centralism of the dictatorship of the proletariat of economic planning
Lol what do the PCF have to be nostalgic for? The Paris Commune? The anti-Nazi resistance? Althusser before he was put in the crazy can for giving a bad neck massage?
No it's not the same question I'm pretty nostalgic of a certain era of pcf. but if at present your party is preaching social-democracy
Leftypol being excited because of the irrelevant electoralist garbage episode #900000
CPRF is part of systemic parliamentary opposition to Putin which does not do anything except supporting the regime while pretending to oppose it and being a hub for entryists who try to take it over because it has publicly allocated resources as a big party, not to mention that it is socially regressive, anti-lgbt, pro-church and xenophobic towards immigrant workers.
they had these types of laws in Soviet times…
and we've advanced past those times, fucking Cuba has trans pride parades today. Castro himself did public self criticism on the issue, if he can get it right there's no reason the Russians can't live up to that standard.
Didn't Lenin literally legalize homosexuality as well?
It's more accurate to say that he abolished the tsarist law about it. People who criticize Stalin for his "sоcial conservatism" make it sound like Lenin specifically legalized homosexuality then held a big gay parade waving a rainbow flag from a penis-shaped float when in reality the first Soviet government simply abolished the Tsarist law code and didn't include anti-gay laws in the new one for whatever reason. Knowing Lenin it is doubtful gays were even in his top 100 priorities.
The Boleheviks initially had a mixed view of homosexuality, and debated it reasonably, but Russian culture has always been extremely opposed to it. Some Soviets genuinely feared that if gays weren't being persecuted, their government would be too unpopular among citizens to retain power.
we will never win with current systems idiots it calls for sctions, attack the governemtns and join ressitance groups
winning some election is not a victory it is piggy laughing at us
this man seems commie and gaining popularity