Yes hello I am looking to kill as many commies and other faggots as possible

Yes hello I am looking to kill as many commies and other faggots as possible.

Where do you monkeys (I assume you're all south american) tend to hang out? Thanks. :3

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Monkeys? We boons to society here you retard. FS.

Start in Zig Forums

You can find me working at the socialism factory most days, feel free to pop in and introduce yourself mate

Hah that wordfilter. We b.aboo.n not monkey

if i become a communist and help commify the US will it help me kill myself ?
im too scared to shoot myself but think if i starve to death through the mass product scarcity that will be caused by communism i can handle that

Are you even white, OP?

At the cultural marxism SEELE hangouts and Soros fund raising campaigns

In the Frankfurt School of Witchcraft and White G*nocide

Frankfurt School Witchcraft and Wizardry in Moscow, Soviet China.

Vuvuzelian post modernist frankfurt ZOG Occupied Government think tanks


Throw out your gas masks commie

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If you're looking to starve, you don't need communism to do that. Just go to the any third world capitalist shithole.


Go in Russia(and from it right to Valhalla).

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Rural Siberia, though in the Summer we tend to hang out in the Ruhr.

Literally what is russia 1993
Greece 2014
Ukraine 2014
Basically the entire western Balkans in the 90s

So this is the best that Zig Forums can muster?

OP. You are a disgrace.

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He's not talking about production scarcity though. Farmers generally own their land and tools but the bourgeois that own the packing and delivery network will quickly repatriate their tools to a more welcoming country. Same with every other industry, all the workers will remain but the tools required for production will be gone.

Leave it to leftypol to take an obvious bait thread seriously and to actually attempt to argue with OP
A few posters did have the right response though


A nazi going to Valhalla? He's going to Niflheim m8

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Hey, I actually am, please come to Chile and we can discuss together the concept of mestizo national-s0cialism.

based and redpilled

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absolutely epic my fellow magapedes

Chilean Nazis got btfo hard in 1938

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Those niggers were such a failure that other rightwingers ended up massacring them.

Difference is, those third world nations experienced regular bouts of famine long before the advent of capitalism. Whereas widespread famine as a direct result of government policy tends to be a communist thing.


hmm but when famines stop under the soviet union by the end of WWII we can just ignore that because muh gorillions
maybe you've forgotten that the russian empire had constant famines and most of its population was barely literate and would be lucky to live past their 30s?

i hang out in your triple gay mom

We usually hang in the gas Chambers you built for us. Now go on, get in there.