How do we fix antisemitism from the Left in Europe

Hello I am a leftist ecologist, I happen to be Jewish I am for open borders in Europe and in the Western world in general. My problem is that my family don't feel safe anymore and I want to make my Aliyah if nothing changes.

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Hi Zig Forums

put me in the screencap

Ok this is epic

I am not from Zig Forums I visit only /tv/, Zig Forums , /v/ & /asmr/ but hello anyway.

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You need to go back
To the Diaspora

Every refugee should have the right to return on the land of his ancestors, don't you think?

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No. Fuck off with your blood and soil shit.

Jews have lived Longer in Kazakstan at this point then they have in Israel

Wrong, Jews have lived in Israel for more than 6000 years.

No need to be aggressive

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I mean Continuously fuckface
You see there was this funny Austrian bloke who went on about this same thing a few decades back…

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Some Serb historians claim that the Jews in Isreal are only preparing the land for the true Isrealites (Serbs) to finally return to their homeland
Is that true?

Looks Japanese to me.

Serbians are genocidal war criminals

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So is Isreal, so is that a yes or no?

Nah fuck jews man.

Are you in favor of open borders for the Zionist entity?

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Very easy fix…give Palestine back.

Ofc user-kun =^_^=

Doesn't change the new antisemitism in Europe.

All zionists to the sea
The three jews that aren't zionists can stay

Silly you.

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hidler kil 1 billion