I'm an American socdem...

I'm an American socdem. I believe unionizing the workforce should be the nation's priority and am fine with co-ops as long as they can survive in the competitive market.

However, centrally planned economies are inefficient and lead to citizens starving equally, while anarchist systems, while more workable in tightnit communities, inevitably collapse when faced with state organized military might.

What's wrong with this position?

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Its based on things which aren't true.

You are retarded and buy nazi propaganda about how LE EVERYONE STARVED IN THE EASTERN BLOC ALL OF THE TIME LE LE LE XD, that's what.

What did he mean by this?

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Someone's never heard of Amazon corp, credit cards, shopping malls, and central banks.

That you effectively admit that planned economies work as long as they are not bureaucratic monoliths like in the Soviet bloc.

lmao dude no.

name one anarchist insurrection that hasn't been stomped on. EZLN aren't anarchists and PKK (with its related groups in Syria) are libertarian municipalist.

The American equivalent of "SocDems" would undoubtedly participate in the American War Machine, as Social Democracy works directly in the interest of Capital and the supremacy of the Bourgeois over the Proletariat.
SocDem Parties will always line up in lockstep with Imperialism, if needed.

American Military/Energy companies can only profit if large volumes of people from the Middle East die.
Your SocDem policies would ensure that hundreds of thousands of people die.
The GOP will still label you a traitor. Murdoch Media and CNN will drag you into the mud unless you play ball.

Perhaps you can "compromise" into taking certain "concessions", as is accustomed for the American "Left".
Perhaps even invading Venezeula, Iran, Cuba, or the DPRK. Just to prove your loyalty, and to avail of those coveted Brown Paper Envelopes.

More women get promotions in the US Military, Democrats applaud your name for decades.
Your regime gets called a "Leftist Victory" and the Real Left dies down as the Democrats start pushing for the Gold Standard and Evangelical Christianity.

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…then what's wrong with libertarian socialist planning?

Read Cockshott.

I just wish I could see your face when your socdem welfare state utopia gets destroyed by neoliberalism, the bourgs and capitalist crash cycles.

Read Bookchin, I think.

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This is what's wrong.

Honestly, though, let's examine your position a little closer. If you unionize the nation's workforce, they are in a position where they inevitably hold more bargaining power than the bourgeois and possibly even the state. If the capitalist wants to lay some people off, his business collapses. If the state wants to lower wages or employment, the entire economy collapses. The ultimate result is full employment and wages which are so high that virtually no surplus value is extracted at all and profit becomes impossible. What is your solution to this problem? Either you simply nationalize enterprises, which would require central planning, or you would have to actively dismantle/limit organizations of working people to give capitalists their bargaining power back.

So, in brief, you must either be a Marxist or a liberal. There is no turd position inbetween that you can just sit comfortably in for as long as you please. The fate of social democracies is to either socialize or privatize.

I love when reddit comes here for the first time and just assumes CIA and Nazi propaganda are all 100 percent true
In Russia Nostalgia for the USSR and Positive Feelings About Stalin
Stalin Voted 3rd Most Popular Russian
Why More than Half of Russians Miss the Soviet Union
Over 70 Percent of the Soviet Citizens Vote to Keep USSR Together in 1991 Referendum
Majority of Eastern Germans Feel Life Better under Communism
Struggling Romanians Yearn for Communism
Growing Up Under Communism was the Happiest Time of My Life

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You too, Spurdist

Sounds like you've been fed American propaganda, and haven't read any economical theory

its capitalism

Read cockshott

Daily reminder that collectivisation ended the cyclic famines that had plagued Tsarist Russia.

You've got it backwards. Unions are all well and good in the short term, but they're perfectly capable of becoming a bureaucratic and selling out the workers they represent (I worked for a unionized company for a few months, and the older employees often complained about the union doing nothing about worker complaints and allowing corporate to cut everyone's benefits over time), or being dismantled piecemeal by the state (which we've seen firsthand). The only way to actually give workers real lasting power is to give them collective ownership of their workplace, i.e. worker co-ops.

You literally blew it in the first sentence
Why this caveat? Why not subsidize co-ops and unionized workplaces over neoliberal organizations to ensure that neoliberal economics dies and that a socialized workforce arises in the next generation?

You aren't even talking like a true succdem you sound more like a right-wing welfarist like Bannon or someone

Wrong, practically all of the famines that happened in socialist countries were a combination of unarable land, poor weather conditions, and petit-bourg hoarders price gouging.
The Ukrainian Free Territory's population was ~7 million.
Are you unaware of history? UFT only fell because of backstabbing Stalinists and Revolutionary Catalonia was embargoed by the world powers. Surviving imperialism is not a matter of "lol u need a leader", it's a mixture of total manpower, technology, available resources, and firepower. US would've collapsed already if it weren't for ruthless imperialism right now, SuccDem policies only prolong this, do you honestly believe it's possible, or even preferable to the capitalist class, to pay the average sweatshop worker a minimum wage on par with the US?

The idea that central planning leads to starvation can be disproved by looking at the concrete historical example of the 20th-century socialist states, where central planning ENDED starvation if anything.

I came here to post this.

>the nation's priority

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The majority of Americans are unfortunately

Social Democracy only succeeds when there's a powerful communist country to scare porky into coughing up a few shekles. They inevitability turn into blairites and then lose.