Can we get a thread for this underappreciated leftist of the 20th century?
Why isn't this man talked about more here?
Can we get a thread for this underappreciated leftist of the 20th century?
Why isn't this man talked about more here?
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As we all do
As we all don't
Wtf is your problem? You an off-boarder?
I've been here for years, thanks. Modern leftism has a notoriously bad habit of alienating the white audience for the sake of being "tolerant", and to say the least it's detrimental to our efforts.
And yes, we are all opposed to liberalism, or at least we should be. Read Combat Liberalism by Chairman Mao
No, that's liberal leftism, and they do it on purpose.
Given how widely represented it is, it is effectively the "modern left" in most people's eyes, but I digress. The point is, Francis Parker Yockey isn't talked about nearly as much on this board and I'm quite disappointed, to say the least.
A lie no matter how big, no matter how oft-repeated, no matter by how many, is still a lie.
This guy is a fascist, he’s not a socialist, the only reason he liked the USSR is because he hated America more.
You're the one namefagging and believing in an ideology for children, so perhaps you're just projecting
What a load of garbage. He was a Asserite, which isn't "far right" in the slightest. Nevermind the fact that even your wikipedia article admits that actual "far right" people hated him for being a leftist.
Piece of fascist shit
We wanted Hitler to win WW2.
Nice troll, but he was a fascist.
Funny I actually ran across a first edition of "Imperium" in a used bookstore in the rare section – it was going for more than $1,000. Some old Nazi had apparently kicked the bucket and his family sold off his collection of rare books, including a first-edition copy of Siege by James Mason, and various other anti-Semitic books.
It's purity spirals like this that lead to the left being irrelevant in today's politics. Nobody's perfect, but clearly you expect your hypothetical leader to be. The fact of the matter is that you have to embrace pragmatism in order to survive.
It's not about "not being perfect", it's about not being a fascist.
Support comrade Hitler in his struggle against the vile subhuman Jewish peoples and Communist imperialism against the right for German living space.
Again, he doesn't believe what fascists believe. You just happen to associate anyone that doesn't like Jews with being a "racist fascist nazi"
Yes, it's clearly the left's failure to embrace… *searches for a bit on Wikipedia* … Francis Parker Yockey?
Seriously though the only reason anyone has even heard of this guy is because someone modded him into one of Hearts of Iron games.
And the only reason I know about him is because I read about hyper-obscure American fascist shit as a sworn enemy of it. The only people who have any clue about Yockey are fascists and anti-fascists who research this stuff.
What mod?
That's also not just liberals. Bourgeois are the main ones who do it.
A lot of rich people blame a lot of problems on immigrants and minorities.
Some left-liberals do blame the rich, but their numbers and their message are often ignored. ("Oh OWS doesn't have a clear message") The focus or what the mrrican rightwing liberals are seeing is on racial lines.
He was just a CIA stooge patsy. The hell?
I guess there's something to this white privilege then huh.
I was alt right but then read Yockey. My hatred of American and Idpol lead me to being marxist tbh. Most alt rightists today are a bunch of liberal americans. He really made me a communitarian and fully reject the infantile libertarian individualism (Both left and right).
He Literally wrote the OG Turner Diaries / Zig Forums Masturbation Fantasy
I second this, what mod?
I was more making a joke but it reminds me of Kaiserreich where you can play as a fascist America led by some of the obscure ideologues of the time like Charles Coughlin and Gerald L.K. Smith.
Also let's not forget William Dudley Pelley's Silver Shirts. I was doing some reading about them recently and ran across some LARPer who has made a reproduction uniform. I don't think they had more than a few dozen members in the 1930s, and I think it was mainly concentrated in Asheville, North Carolina.
Pelley was also into ancient astronauts I think.
I think the Silver Shirts are playable as well. I've never played Hearts of Iron or Victoria, are they comprable to CKII or EUIV?
Someone took the saying "take this L" a little too seriously.
To be fair, there's an up and coming mod called The New Order that focuses on a Nazi victory which DOES feature Yockey as a potential leader of America. But he's probably not talking about that.
Pelley and pals are featured in both the base game and Kaiserreich. Dude was fucking nuts even for a nazi, he literally believed he could walk through walls.
lmao I would like to have seen him test that at high speed during one of his Silver Shirt meetings.
He also believed that Jews, Commies, and blacks harbored what he called "dark souls", since they were a hivemind force of evil or something. You couldn't make this shit up even if you tried.
Also apparently he got his start into anti-semitism because his screenplays were rejected and he blamed "Jewish controlled Hollywood" for that, although he already subscribed to the theory of Jewish communism. As it happens, the organization itself seemed to be kinda influential, with at least a few thousand members, plus lots of others who subscribed to their magazine. Of course that all kinda died away once America got involved in the war, but for a time he was basically the poor man's Fritz Khun
I’d like an alt-history mod where America goes Communist, and Russia becomes a Capitalist-Republican Superpower, he becomes Burger’s Stalin, and Russia is lead by Rasputin.
This thread thought me that while Italian Fascists are bad Commandeers, America fascists are supper weirder.
Francis Parker Yockey was an idpoler if you're going to use that term consistently, I mean if you like him that's fine I don't really care but I am just sick of people thinking natcuck shit isn't idpol. Just goes to show actual anti idpolers are fairly rare even on this board and Zig Forums
He is a fascist. Like me :)
I wanna see Vito Marcantonio as Burger's Stalin.
Vito! Vito! Vito!
Yeah we got some weird ones for sure
Classic Nazi coward who hid behind "it's da jooz" to exonerate his beloved America and tried to manipulate communists.
Yockey is/was awesome. too bad Zig Forums is full of Cock-Suckers/Cockcumshot fanboys. he and Huey Long were the best America had to offer in terms of leaders.
oh so you support the CIAbugmen that killed him? amazing.
women do too, to a lesser extent, as he said
you're scared and we know it.
Francis Parker Yockey plagiarized entire passages from Carl Schmitt. I don't know why he is semi-popular among the modern far-right.
"muh forgery, muh patents"
people steal from or are inspired by other philosophers, its not news.
Exactly, the problem is that this board is so steeped in reddit ideology that white socialists are categorized as "nazis"
And whose fault is that?
No one has ever called for “anuddah shoah” and been taken seriously. No one is denying that identity politics can go to far – for whites as well as non-whites
what the fuck is a white socialist? also most people on this board are white so you're just pulling stuff out of your ass.
Socialists who are white. It's not that hard.
And yeah I'd imagine most people here are white, most people on the internet are white, but you're not acting in your self interest.
And kowtowing to the idpol of others isn't idpol? You idiots are playing straight into the CIA's hands.
Please enlighten us to what our “self-interest” is
Sounds like typical Zig Forums ideology
Do you have any actual evidence to support that claim?
Socialism is your self interest. Not random social justice racial relations
I know this sounds gay but I found out about this guy from a current 93 song