Cuba going back to capitalism

Private property and enterprise is being legalized again. You can't make this shit up.

Remember when Marx said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy than a farce? He ironically gave the most apt discription of nations that try to implement his theories. They ALWAYS collapse or go back to capitalism. It's a farce at this point.

Capitalism always wins baby.

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Other urls found in this thread:

not surprised. believing in the ltv or "surplus labor" is akin to the flat earth theory. marginalism already blew it out of the water, and virtually no modern economist takes it seriously for a reason. marxist authors had to try to fit it into their theory and failed kek.

Also, capitalism (all modes of production, really) will still have an end point, no matter how much it "wins" or "loses" during its life cycle.

Having a Limited Private economy does not make the economy in general not socialistic unless it reaches modern china tiers
Examples of this can be seen in the NEP-Era USSR Maos China under New democracy and Janos Kadar's Hungary all of them had a small private sector but the general mode of production and the goverment itself maintained a socialist character

Read Cockshott

Yeah this is totally an organic development and has nothing to do with American imperialism in any way.

Attached: american flag put it away.jpg (1024x576, 87.47K)

Is it really a suprise that they’re recognizing something which already de facto existed? Socialism worldwide is at a low ebb right now, no one can deny this and it doesn’t help that the only surviving socialist countries are under extreme pressure from imperialists. It hasn’t even been thirty years since socialism began to decline, that’s literally the blink of an eye in historical terms.

Literally a fringe theorist. He isn't taken seriously by mainstream economists for a reason.
Utterly meaningless. Other economists have used computer models to try to prove their "theory" of economics is right. People have used computer models to prove the existence of god.

Marginalism has been proven to be correct in theory AND in practice. In fact the LTV theory did not originate with Marx. It goes all the way back to Adam Smith. Capitalists in the 18th and 19th centuries also considered it to be valid, however it was abandoned because marginalism was proven to be correct. LTV is flat-earth tier.

We have a thread like this every three days or so

Deng's reforms were also gradual but steady. You'd be a fool to think this won't lead to greater liberalization.

No one cares, faggot. Even without the LTV Marxism is still largely, if not mostly correct as a guide for action

And Kadar's Reforms were small and in some ways essential but stopped at a certain point
And Lenin Implementing NEP to satisfy the Krondstatists demands was seen as a step back but it stopped at a certain point
And Mao allowed a Market but thought those who openly wished to see Complete economic Liberalization

Is he Deng tier? we dont know yet we must simply wait and see…..

Whats your Idea of Mainstream?
Citation needed

Another textbook example of how capitalism cannot exist without the state.

Why do we get all of these bad-faith non-arguments lately? I mean seriously, this post is full of fallacies.

As numerum.

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Some more Thoughts

A. The Article itself states that most of these Business's are Self-Employment / Family Managed which is both not that extreme and more in Line with Kadarism then Dengism and also not Alien to Cuba as Business of this variety has always been able to exist simply on a Clandestine Level

B. The Article also Points out that the New Constitution Re-Affirms that Central Planning will Remain the Dominant / General Pillar of the Cuban economy which is positive to see

C. Looking away from economics for a Minute the New constitution also seeks to Concrete the exceptional separation of powers present in the Cuban Government into the constitution and also will hopefully lead to more rights for LGBT Cubans both of which are positive

D. this must all be voted for by the Cuban Proletariate / Peasants in a nationwide open referendum so this cant really be compared to some Yeltsinite / Dengoid Infiltrating a goverment and Dismantaling Socialism

Kek. The core theories have been rebuted. LTV and "surplus labor" are not a thing my man.

Communist Hungary ended up collapsing my man. The economy was stagnating for decades. Neither did Mao's reforms have much effect. It took Deng's reforms to do the trick.
Neoclassic economics which most economists subscribe to by far.

Cockshott is a fringe theorist. He doesn't have any papers published in any reputable econmic journals?
Want actual takedowns of his work?
Here's an exchange between him and two other economists.
In addition see the linked papers. Again, his findings are not considered valid by the vast majority of economists because they are so shoddy. If you want to actually read proof for marginalism, read Debreu's theory of value.
LTV is pretty much flat-earth tier and not considered valid by the vast majority of modern economists.

Attached: Cambridge Journal of Economics Volume 29 issue 4 2005 [doi 10.1093/cje/bei040] Podkaminer, L. -- A note on the statistical verification of Marx- comment on Cockshott and Cottrell.pdf (

Alright then, I'm reading this exchange between cockshott and Bichler and Nitzan.

That doesn't function as a refutation of LTOV itself.

This is so stupid. All of these terminology. Austrian school. Lesser fare. Neoliberal. Neoclassic. So stupid.


You don't know who Andrew Kliman is, do you? Neoclassical economics is an inculcated cesspool of failure, and the principal (i.e. non-ideological) work of Cockshott was Classical Econophysics which was published in Routledge' series on advancements in computational economics. Piss off

The problem with you, and most neoclassical economists, is not that they "refute" the LTV, but that they observe very different things. The shift from LTV to marginalism is not that the former suddenly got "debunked", but rather the field of observation shifted from political economy to neoclassical economy.

Based Cuba leadership. In order to protect it's citizens after seeing what happened in Lybia, Iraq and Syria…realised is better to suck that american cock for now.

can't make this shit up, nazis are neoliberals

From 1950 to 1976 the Chinese life expectancy improved from 41 to 65 years. GDP doesn't tell the full picture.

Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference.

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Please stop posting

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA way to reveal you haven't actually read anything you linked, you dumb fucking Zig Forumstard. Kliman is a marxist you fucking spastic.

Mainstream economics is an incestious joke. Steve Keen and Michael Hudson aren't taken seriously by "the mainstream", it doesn't mean shit.
All this Cuba story proves is that violence works, and a powerful nation can eventually choke a small nation into submission for not bending the knee.

Why? He might be right.

"They [the capitalists] will furnish credits which will serve us for the support of the Communist Party in their countries and, by supplying us materials and technical equipment which we lack, will restore our military industry necessary for our future attacks against our suppliers. To put it in other words, they will work on the preparation of their own suicide."


I don't know, it kind of makes sense

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thank you based reading user

Is it just me, is is there some "news" about Cuba accepting private property every couple of years?

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The LTV is the only completely coherent and scientific economic theory of value. It has never been debunked.

huh colour me fucking surprised, how can this be happening


It is considered valid. He is simply lying.

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Someone should screen cap this exchange for next time a Zig Forumstard tries this shit.