Saw 9s Leaked Plot

Imagine that you wake up in a room with Jordan Peterson and the only way to escape the room is to convert him to Marxism, how do you do it

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force him to actual work

kill him

Read him a copy of Ten Days That Shook the World

Laugh and beat him bloody for as long as I'm locked up with him.

Attached: Jordan_Peterson_-_Real_Marxism.mp4 (1280x720, 10.5M)

Do I have a computer or anything else that I can use for information/sources? If so I'd ask him to make a clear argument and write it out. Then proceed to read it, and debunk every single one of his points and hand it back. Then write out my own thesis and make him read it. That might work… unfortunately I suspect the room will only open to another where you have to try and convert Mises which will be impossible because of his priori bullshit.

clean his room and then kick him out of it

My god, nothing he said in 1:33 minutes was true. And why does it sound like he's about to cry?

Communism has never wor…

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Cuz gombunism bad ok

Attached: Jordan_Petersons_Final_Warning.webm (1920x1080, 2.6M)

why did they have to take him away from us

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Real niggas don’t die, only multiply.

Plot twist: the key was in his eye all along!

Someone made that video.

Someone heard that take and through it was so good they should make a special video of it.

It really goes to show that all you need to capture this crowd is to reaffirm their already existing beliefs and attack people they have cultural grievances with and you’ve got them in your pocket. These people are the easiest people to scam in the world.

At least Prosperity Gospel con artists have to put on the whole Pentecostal act, here you can have no charisma and just repeat hackneyed bullshit about things you didn’t even bother to google and you get a bunch of dopes throwing money at you.

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I honestly wonder how much money the average Zig Forumstard has wasted on "supporting" e-celebs. Like imagine how many women they've probably blown over 100 dollars on just because they pandered for a month.

What genocide did Stalin commit?

hahaha some lefty nigger thinks he could be anyone hahaha!!!(>ifunny)

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by watering down Marxism
After I leave the room with "comrade" Peterson I hang myself.

good luck with that friend! HAHAHAHA

woah ebin btfo'ing my fellow kekistani *tips* better dead than red xd

How is it that the mere mention of peterson's name draws his faggot fans out of the woodwork without fail? Do they all sit around googling his name waiting to come to his defense at the slightest insult?

Peterson fans are so retarded. I can’t imagine being stupid enough to think anything he said there was profound. Imagine making a video like this about some bitch with a Kermit voice crying about Stalin

why don't these people examine all the deaths caused by Capitalism and the inherent authoritarianism in the system. or when we give them examples of preventable deaths ignored because it's not in the interest of profit "it's not real Capitalism", "deaths by war isn't Capitalism".

I have never once heard Peterson or any of these goons criticize the failings of global Capitalism, they just hammer never forget the 100 million into heads night after night

i feel like this has to be bait with how stupid it is…also way to get triggered by an ifunny jpg mod hahaha

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not an argument

I seduce him. He couldn’t resist me, and afterwards I’d softly whisper zizek retorts into his ears while I brush my fingers through his lovely grey hair.

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Marx literally founded the modern concept of capitalism.

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Basic Econ is like Basic (Newtonian) Physicis. It's an oversimplification used to introduce people who don't know shit to the concepts. As soon as you get into more complex/advanced economics you have to start explaining what basic economics gets wrong.

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no, marxism is like Newtonian physics in that it is a good/correct foundation for further discoveries.
modern basic econ is like flat earther shit