This makes no sense

So maybe you've heard of this site that compares certain aspects of your country with one of your choice, so either way, how is it possible that the DPRK has such a high unemployment rate? If you just use 24,000,000 as their total population, 25% of that is 6,000,000 people. That just doesn't feel right imo. The source seems rather sketchy, but anyways, what is your take on this?

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Yeah no I'm pretty sure an unemployment rate of 25% would have caused mass revolt by necessity at this point, CIA or no.

Literally just a google search will tell you that the highest it's ever been in the dprk was about 6%

But why use 25% specifically then? But you are probably right though, some other statistics make no sense, like it says Haiti has a 40% unemployment rate, but I'm damn sure it's way higher than that.

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It most definitely is fake, after all many other statistics in that site make little to no sense.

The unemployment rates given in that website are inaccurate for many countries.

That said though, not all countries the US is hostile against have made up statistics. Cuba for example has an unemployment rate of 2.70%, which seems much more reasonable than N. Korea's 25%

But isn't high unemployment a good thing, in a way, when considering the context of North Korea?
Firstly, liberal propaganda paints an image of an enslaved nation, which this is in stark conflict with, and secondly —as far as I know— NK guarantees both dwelling and diet for its citizens. The latter state of affairs is the reversed mirror image of the neoliberal mindset, in which the unemployed individual is a suffering and hungry one. In this case —assuming they're properly provided— the matter could be assumed to be in actuality about unproductive freedom instead of the shackles of poverty, a permitted inefficiency on the shoulders of the state, rather than the suffering burden of the individual.
Would these liberals rather see full employment in Korea, considering their assumptions of the working life over there?

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While that assesment of liberal propaganda is pretty accurate, I still believe that 25% has got to be made up, not a chance in hell that's true.
Also, regardless of what you think of the DPRK, I'd think most if not all of us here know they aren't enslaved and working in awful conditions 24/7 right?

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what site is this?


Just search "compare x country" or something like that

Attached: greece.png (586x669, 223.04K)

Critically support Greece in its struggle against IMF imperialism

Bretty good

It's clearly made by black flag aka I've never seen a book in my life gang


I understand the sentiment that less work is "better" but remember that in capitalism the only reason workers are exploited in the first place is that they almost always have less bargaining power than their employers, and that situation is only exacerbated by the pool of unemployed growing. In a socialized economy, a quarter of all potential workers essentially being carried by the the other 75% is bound to foster resentment and social unrest, as well as being ridiculously inefficient.

The goal should be (and has always been) full employment with progressively shorter working hours.

It's clearly by black flag gang

Im more shocked about how dodgy post communist regimes in europe have become

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Belarus is doing pretty well by this site's statistics, but yeah Albania is fucked.

Albania had its biggest growth ever under Hoxha. Liberals there destroyed the economy in the 90s and nearly caused a civil war and they still have the nerve to discredit Hoxha.

these are the same brainlets that claim american life expectancy is higher than Cuba's despite it being the complete opposite

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Cuba's literacy rate is higher too, pretty fucking hilarious to think about that. And it's like 99% vs 86%, pretty fucking big difference there.