Why or why aren’t you supporting the EFF in their efforts to dismantle the still existing economic conditions of...

Why or why aren’t you supporting the EFF in their efforts to dismantle the still existing economic conditions of Apartheid and create a successful African socialist state?
Also please post any EFF news or SA political news or discussion in general.

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There was a tgread like a week ago and people claimed they were racist (antiwhite) wich seems really extrange to me, considering they are a Communist Party
What can you say about the topic?

Because they're just black Zig Forums ethnonationalists. Even if one assumes this is justified in Africa, it can't work in SA because the western half of the country is majority non-black (white, asian, coloured). Look north to Zimbabwe to see how things will play out, at this point Zim's "socialist" government has suspended nearly all government programs except defense in order to meet Chinese and IMF loan payments. This has caused a total breakdown in society, as hospitals and schools no longer have employees or equipment.

Anyway, nationalization of petite bourg properties itself is pretty stupid when the major problems in SA are due to multinational firms literally strip mining the country away, a process that non-blacks have a stake in preventing too. Most worker abuses come from those companies, and EFF knows this because coal miners are one of their core constituencies. However, EFF's power is limited because if they tamper with the multinationals, they'd be slapped with UN sanctions and plausibly bombed. White farmers are an easy target and will just self-deport.

This isn't to claim Apartheid was better though, it wasn't. But the path being pursued here won't help things, it'll either result in an SA breakup over racial lines or (more likely) capital flight to nearby countries.

Literally who?

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Because they blame all white people as a race rather than the economic system itself and use racist rallying cries in their speeches, openly calling for killing of the afrikaans speaking whites.

Because they are recruitment for white identity consciousness worldwide?


Watch this to see the leader and frontman of the EFF actually address those ridiculous myths, and more issues
But in general the idea that the EFF are racist ethnic nationalists is so so fucking ridiculous to even have to address, it’s pushed by the same retards who claims white farmers are being massacred en masse in SA, when the proof is near non existent. And the same goes for the EFF. Boers crying that some EFF person sung a song that was important to Apartheid era revolutionaries. That kind of shit is actually their evidence on the subject. And but of course they would cry out “W-anuddah shoah!” When demanding polictical and economic equality between white and black South Africans does amount to white bourg facing political repression. Good.

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Thanks!! That was a good video I was asking if it was somewhat true not confirming it, could you give us a resume of what is their praxis, how do they intend to change SA, and obtain power, and how will they do this whitout getting blown by the NATO (wich still holds great influence over the country)?

Crypto black supremacy. I'll pass.

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I suggest reading this blog here that documents some of the thoughts and theories of one of their parliamentary members and theoreticians, Floyd Shivambu: floydn.blogspot.com/?m=1

Congratulations you Fascist sympathizing fuck, literally every tweet you posted directly contradicts your claim
That’s a fucking given for South African socialism.

Who are you btw?
How long have you been on this board? Why you keep posting these thread? You know the board is pretty divided on these topics, why you call people disagreeing with you fascists?
Why don't you check the catalogue before posting threads?

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Used to post, took a break from image boards then came back.
Yes Black people in particular? Because the majority of the South African working class are black people, and because the still existing economic conditions affect them disproportionately? Mentioning and facing this issue itself is not black supremacist in the slightest. And I never said you were an actual fascist, I said you were sympathizing, because you’re repeating their talking points on the EFF.
And I wanted there to be a more active new thread.

What's his name again?

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Okay this made me laugh

Not even true btw. Whites are a minority and while some of them are bougie there is a also the majority which is working class. Plus since Zuma's reforms Black Porky gets more incentivated and such. Seen Malema sing and dance shoot the boer and giving rarley a speech actually against porky makes me doubious. Post colonial theory is outdated as shit, and this guy seems to follow it. The relation in colonial countries between race and property are not as obvious or as relevant.
Also his sympathies toward mugabe are not a point in favour either

But that’s literally wrong.
Here’s a video that addresses that myth and a lot more about South Africa that the right likes to tout: youtu.be/dvlk9Fir5SU
Radlib video but still good source and info there
But even then, that’s false, the EFF constantly make a point about not supporting White OR Black capitalism. And yes but he also criticizes Mugabe for his ultra authoritarian measures and violence against innocents, you ought to actually watch that first Oxford address I posted.

No. He's not a reputable source.
He doesn't criticizes him for the neoliberal economic policies tho nor for the fact that he used the same rethoric that he's using and will probably just make black capitalism.
He can make whatever 2 hours long speech he wants, but if he goes on stage and dance and sing shoot the boer he invalidated everything

He’s a shitlib but actually watch the video and check the sources cited, because their hell of a lot more reliable that right wingers
Also lmfao what? He constantly criticizes neoliberalism and states that he’s going against it, you literally have no basis for thinking he won’t other than… him singing an iconic revolutionary song about killing your oppressor? “Hm, chairman Eazy E has just rapped the hateful ‘Fuck Tha Police’ anthem again, I truly doubt that he will try to reform law enforcement when in power, he’ll probably give into them”. Literally what man.

here are some of my reasons:
they are corrupt and incompetent
all of its nepotism, unequal application of legal rights etc can be basically summed up as corruption and incompetence

you already had this thing play out before

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Need some sources on those claims, and furthermore, the source on that image there buddy

The last tweet you posted said they want to share the land with the white people. What are you smoking?

So then these poor whites would be positively impacted by land redistribution from the White land owners. I don't see what you're seeing here.

Kicking out White farmers causes mass starvation. Are you retarded? Are you going to say kicking Americans out of Cuba caused mass starvation next? You're obviously not a leftist, why are you pretending to be?

Kicking out white farmers doesn't create starvation. The economic policies of mugabe did create starvation tho

I meant to green text it. It's the words of his image not mine.

boon peoples can't run countries they can barely ties their shoelaces

bye bye boons

I missed you.

Send all monkeymen to the zoo.


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who gives a shit

White nationalists are an irrelevant movement and probably always will be. Certain far-right groups are dangerous (Azov Battalion most notably) but I don't these guys give a shit about some random political party in Africa saying mean things about the Dutch minority

It will.