SJW, idpol, "cultural appropriation", 3rd wave feminism, "check your privilege" etc. You know what I mean...

SJW, idpol, "cultural appropriation", 3rd wave feminism, "check your privilege" etc. You know what I mean. What is the actual theory behind these positions? Or what is the official term for this whole ideology? Just "leftist liberalism"? SJWism?

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Subjective idealism. Read Materialism and Empirio-criticism and you'll learn to spot idealism. Literally every facet of bourgeois society and philosophy has idealism in it.
Modern liberalism

3rd wave feminism and idpol issues are shit obviously, privilege and cultural appropriation are real things however

I can already see this thread being shit, but I can say here and now that people who are called SJWs and who call themselves SJWs usually aren't even actual social justice warriors (which is a good thing ftr)

um, sweetie…

here we go again, cultural appropriation is directly linked to exploitation of indigenous peoples by capitaist nations. it's not just like when you wear dreads when you're white or something as some want you to believe although it's a clear symptom. you may need to study this issue a bit

how is tying your identity to a historical "culture" not identity politics?

How? It's no sense. If anything is commodification.

Defintely. It’s funny how a lotta other Tank types immediately dismiss it and then cry and cry about imperialism and the like, while excusing and refusing to believe the existence of one of its most subtle and common forms(in the first world).

Make a fucking example. Seem fucking stupid

sparknotes postmodernism
in the actual Derrida sense of postmodernism and not Jordy P's understanding of "postmodernism"
just a dense bowel mass of incomplete readings and misunderstandings received second-hand through deviantart journals and tumblr posts and tweets &c.
brainlets talking shit

This is the pseudo-postmodernism that makes Jordo Petey's account of "neo-Marxist postmodernism" sound plausible to people who can't read.

because cultures aren't just historical and are real collectives of people? there's difference between using your ethnic background or race or whatever as a point of contention over an issue and on the other hand admitting that your tribe or family is facing racial prejudice be it systemic or from certain individuals. BLM for example uses the latter to broadcast message for the first (there are blacks being killed which is due to racism and prejudice BUT IT'S JUST AN EXAMPLE THAT WE BLACKS HAVE IT SO BAD IN GENERAL OMG) which is a big problem

if there is a populace of some andean folk who live so deep in the mountains that they barely have any contact with the outside world and they produce certain kind of blankets which is then sold by merchants leaving the village to people outside of it, but it all gets fucked up and they can't make a living off it anymore because some huge american company comes in, starts making exact copies for the mass market and every household in burgerland and then also the rest of the first world has at least 2 of those now is just commodification? yeah I don't think so

Literally yes. They're just pricing the villiagers out of the local blanket market.

But this is different from the kind of cultural appropriation sjw talk about.
Talking Heads and Peter Grabriel don't hurt anyone

They think Talking Heads is cultural appropriation?

talking heads created good music, they didn't hurt the quality of the music they were appropriating because they often actually managed like they were black musicians somehow and revolutionized rock and pop music
peter gabriel on the other hand just made shitty lion king music out of his african influences, which is just absolutely sickening
both are in fact cultural appropriation, it's just that not always it is bad and as it was the case with talking heads quite the opposite actually

Name a song that sounds like that outside Security. Do it now or go back to reddit.
Not only you are insulting peter garbiel but you are saying that if it's good it's ok if not it's sickening.
Kys you pleb piece of shit.
Also talking heads started using blacks only after the remain in the light period and not in studio

but it's culturally based commodification, no one would be interested in some kind of a whack ugly overpriced blanket if it wasn't marketed as piece of the Other, an "oriental" artifact the sole appeal of which is its different culture of origin. this is where capitalism truly comes into question

He's a fucking liberal m8. This guy made threads calling twin peaks and devo fascist. Called joy division shit and now is making excuses to call peter gabriel shit. I understand the blanket reasoning, but not when it comes to anything outside of that.
I don't complain when you stupid amerimutts do stupid thing with pizza you shouldn't brake balls to the man that invented world music.
All this kumabaya shit it's stupid coming from people who probably have never even went to africa

People ITT are making this out to be far more complex than it should be. SJWs don't have any sort of deep motive or ideology. They are just retards who lack basic reasoning skills so they fail to understand that judging the individual for the group doesn't magically make more sense when it is done from a leftist point of view instead of a right wing one.

They are literally just left wing racist idiots. Really. It's not that complicated.

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I probably should write "this is where cultural appropriation comes into question in capitalism" as capitalism always comes into question obv, whatever you know what I mean

I want an example of cultural appropriation that isn't literally "9gag stole my memes" tier. It sounds like a complete non-problem.

Identity politics are not left-wing. Identity politics were never left-wing. Identity politics will never be left-wing.

SJWs are the same dogshit peddling reaction cloaked in progressive rhetoric just like SocDems and NazBol.


Talking Heads and Peter Grabriel are cultural appropriation said /our faggot liberal/ ITT here
So here
Enjoy the tear of inncent A F R I K A N babies deep in the mix, white man.
Never forget that we built this, it's our legacy. This ours, rythm is ours, it belongs to our bodies.

How? Braided hair doesn't ruin lives. I'm asking to learn. Give me an example.

You don’t see how?
Think about it this way. It’s mainly an American issue, as America is the prime imperialist power. A black trend(let’s say grills, Afros, whatever) is denigrated and seen as ‘lower class’ and ‘ghetto’ by the majority white bourgeois and the white workers who desperately wish to be bourgeois themselves. Then later on, the trend is picked up and celebrated by those same bourgeois, because they realize they can market it to class traitors, and they start to think that it’s cool and hip. The black lower class see their culture first degraded and vilified, then when it’s possible to make a buck off, copied and used to market a fetishized view of black culture to both white workers, and internationally sometimes. It is like the watered down and culture based version as when the old colonial powers would come to a country, kill most the natives, and then use their labour to fuel further economic growth for them.
The problem with idpol use of this, is they tend to mysticize and idealize the racial aspects. There isn’t some ‘eternal white man’ always beating down the ‘eternal black’. It is this way in the West because white people happen to make up most of the bourgeois here, and in general the population of the main imperialist nations, and blacks are essentially descended from chattel slaves. There is no spiritual struggle between the two, as a lot of idpol and fascists as well, seem to think, but because the history of imperialist nations, usually takes that form.

Ok, tell me how is different from commodification and stop watching anime

That problem has nothing to do with race. Capitalism destroys white culture in exactly the same way.

I’m not a weeb, and there’s no real difference, it’s just a form of commodification thats mostly targeted at colonized/imperialized populations, where the selling point of the products are how ‘other’ their origin is.

Again, I stated it’s only racial because of how heavily the American bourgeoisie utilized racial separation to divide its own populace. There is no spiritual eternal racial struggle.

Literally every design of everything every commodified reflects a culture. This is meaningless drivel.

Late stage liberalism, or terminal liberalism.

Even Hegelian idealism was grounded in things that were "concrete", though. I don't think they care about what is concrete.

but there's a difference when you use the culture as a selling point which makes easy for the most excluded and therefore most different (read: actual lumpens) fall victims as prey for capitalist oppression and something other that was commodified that also just happens to be culture

Why are you using Zig Forums terminology? SJW is their word.

No it's not you redditor

peter gabriel (except for parts of the first solo album and work with genesis obviously), devo and especially joy division and lynch are all absolute shit though. I don't even wanna ask about your politics, they must be terrible if your taste in arts is so awful. you know nothing, stick to sports and science instead

I'd like to know your taste and the reason why they are trash (except the fact that they are popular)

Plus it's not even about good or bad, it's just that they are not fascist like the other guy said.
And peter gabriel first album is bad

"Devo is fascist" guy here, I haven't even posted ITT.

also "cultural appropriation" is a fascist theory for the most part.

Dude you should calm down on calling shit fascist, but yes you are right in this instance

Wow, you are really deluded.

I'm also right about Devo and Twin Peaks. Nice to see you coming to my side. ;)

Hegel was a step towards materialism because it held the Absolute Idea separate from people's subjective ideas, but it's really a return to theology to an extent.
Subjective idealism is the main underpinning of bourgeois thought.

You're the greatest retard in this board, just stop posting already

they hate men, especially white men. The grassroots actually hate men, but a lot of the leaders like Hillary just use it as a distraction so the "left" doesn't address any actual leftist issues (pic-related)
regressive left is what I like. Or SJWs, or feminism, or whatever.

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I have to admit, I wasn't a huge anti-feminist and thought people were exaggerating how cancerous feminism was before 2016. But feminism is the reason why we don't have universal healthcare. Bernie went up there with a true leftist platform and was shut down for being FUCKING A WHITE MALE. While Hillary just talked about her vagina and how it was sexist to disagree with her.
The 2016 election unironically made me an anti-feminist MRA.

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lol shut up socdem

Or what, you'll send me to the gulag? Ohhh you can't because all of your commie dictatorships failed and only true socialism for the people will ever work. Sowwy

Much of it is ripped off from legit leftist theory, stripped of its class character and analysis, and bourgefied. Reading the early proponents of intersectionality for example, it was meant as a supplementary analytical tool in examining oppression in class society, as in examining the way bourgeois society splits people up into discrete categories to exploit them, and the way these made up identities imprison the proletariat in false consciousness. Liberals got a hold of it, reified those arbitrary categories, and made them the basis for social and political organization.

That's part of what makes these concepts (as they are interpreted by liberalism) so poisonous, is that they admit oppression and present themselves as revolutionary, using language from leftists (taken out of context), and ape actual left theory. It's 'leftism' devoid of its dialectical, materialist, class-based analysis and revolutionary subject. It turns bourgeois demographics not into something that needs to be obviated, but perpetuated.

remind us how many socdem governments succeeded in building socialism again

That isn't even close to being true you fucking retard.

Really? Where did we lose you?
Feminism killed Bernie and with it shut down his message of universal healthcare
Feminism prevented him from winning the nomination and being able to promote universal healthcare on a national stage
Bernie likely would have defeated Trump
We might not have it quite yet but we would be a hell of a lot closer to it. We'd be at most a few years away from universal healthcare without feminism. Hell, without feminism the Democrats would have rallied around a legitimate leftist issue (like healthcare) instead of just "muh vagina!" and misandry. Imagine if the DNC made healthcare the top issue of their platform, imagine if instead of a feminist women's march we had a march for healthcare.
Feminism is a cancer that has completely infected the left and stalled any progress on leftist issues and if you can't see that then you're the retard.

remind me how many commie dictatorships didn't stomp all over basic human rights.

The fuck is this liberalism my man? Yes, Hilary suck and you should have free healthcare.
But bernie is not socialist and muh human rights is not an argument.
Why are you even on a board that had tito and stalin as banner m8?
Also I should remind you that if there was what you'd call "dictatoriship" you'd have free healthcare.
How new are you?

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you know that's all bullshit, right? literally made up stuff. History Channel is lying to you brainlet.

except it didn't, you stupid asshole. women were major supporters of Bernie's and there was widespread backlash to the Democrats female "if you don't support Hillary you're betraying all women" idpol. Bernie lost because the Democrats literally stole the primary from him, destroying ballots, throwing out delegates, awarding counties by coin toss, and covering it all up with their massive media machine. I saw it all happen. Feminism had nothing to do with it, you fucking brain dead megafaggot.

The Soviet Union, Eastern Bloc, and Mao's China were some of the most socially progressive places in the world in just about every sphere you can suggest. They made major strides in lifting women from feudal subjugation, particularly in the central asian republics, to say nothing of the hundreds of millions of people they provided with education, health care, and relative prosperity

You are a straight up fucking imbecile.

well you're just a retard
So you think citizens starving to death and being sent to prison for criticizing Dear Leader is the ideal society we should strive for?
no I'd have been executed for failing to suck Dear Leader's cock while you would have starved to death
could say the same about some retard who thinks this is his safe space. Sorry fwiend, but this isn't one of your commie dictatorships. You can't have me arrested for arguing with you. Maybe go back to /r/socialism if that's what you're looking for

oh FFS it's like you didn't even pay attention to the election, are you like 15? Bernie did like 20% better with male voters than female voters, every single feminist organization endorsed Hillary and heavily funded her, she based her whole platform around feminism, and Bernie was frequently attacked for being a man and called a misogynist for disagreeing with Hillary.
I know that lying is the bread and butter of feminism but try not lying about something that happened so recently user.
he and Hillary were about even among male voters, and I imagine if you took away feminist voters, feminist narratives, feminist media, and feminist arguments, he would have won. Or if not him, then some other Democrat who supported universal healthcare because Hillary wouldn't have gotten more than 10% of the vote without feminism seeing as how that was her entire platform.

Of course you knew all of that already, and were just lying to protect your cancerous movement.

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You are living in a world fundamentally divorced from reality.

Where in the fuck did I ever said that? Supporting universal healthcare doesn't make you a socialist
That never happened
Never happened
Actually yes. I could get you banned real easily since you are the same poster that is sperging about femminism in the other thread. We have socdems around here but they never equate socialdemocracy to socialism nor they go around posting cia disinfo like you.


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everything despicable about 80s before the 80s happened, while they were going on and after they were long gone. shitty production on top of absolutely awful mainstream 80s songcraft (I doubt phil collins era genesis were any worse in that regard) with addition of some previously mentioned "tribal" """""world""""" elements in the most disgusting, uninventive way. it was just his stupid gimmick, meanwhile talking heads with i zimbra or even whole remain in light were actual geniuses who incorporated those influences as if they were born into that music

conscious "lol aren't we so memey and goofy brahs XDdddxxd" shtick, need I say more? absolutely pathetic, not only it doesn't make the music interesting in any way, but ruins all potential they could have as you know, an actual, serious band. there's so many rock acts out there, even of their time that were either actually creatively insane or insanely creative that one step out towards them from devo makes them completely irrelevant. also they didn't even know what fun truly is in the first place, literally the most unvisionary band of its kind in existence probably

musically just some of the least interesting "post-punk" (as if it is an actual real thing) imaginable, like watching paint dry you'd think, but curtis actually managed to be a frontman so awful that it was enough to make the band genuinely among the worst there have ever been of its kind. if you enjoy this shit in any way you seriously don't deserve ears, they have like one decent song admittedly, but come on just listen to more music, praising this band in any way in this day and age is just laughable

not only twink peaks, but his whole output is just a gateway for normies to feel deep or as if they are watching some real weirdo insane edgy genius cinema when in fact his works are just pathetically calculated and execrably empty in value. he has neither appeal of actual outsider directors or depth of smart filmmakers or aesthetics of inspired artists, not even close in fact. it's unironic kitsch of the highest caliber and the worst kind because it has pretenstiosn to be anything else, lynch is the one filmmaker that I'd be happy to be regarded as shit by the public, but I doubt that many will be actually able to see through his expertly crafted attempts at disguising vomit in fancy delicatessen

I don't care about politics of shitty art for that matter and neither should anyone, devo might be fascist, who cares? at least listen to some fascists that have any idea about the concept of true artistic expression and not a bunch of forcibly lolquirky idiots who do just that because they know no better

do you feel insulted because I have audacity to criticize some ostensibly awful art? I'll have you know there's actually nothing to get mad about, because it's crap that no one should get attached to personally and it's your mistake if you already have. listen to more music and watch more cinema and you'll find out what kind of garbage you were buying into some day maybe

Are you trying to suggest that, since I am not american, I should actively fight against everybody making cowboy hats and costumes because they are culturally appropriating american culture?

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What a perfectly fitting image to go along with this post, you’re about as mentally proficient as a gorilla dude

go back to facebook

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Who fucking cares about sjw, it's a right-wing tactic to discredit the left by making us look off-putting since they know our critique of wealth inequality and economy are correct. By shifting the topic from wealth inequality like in occupy movement to "lame liberal arts students who drink starbucks" the media made the left look ridiculous.
Don't play into this stupidity by reinforcing the belief that SJW matter or something, it doesn't and in some cases it is even harmful as leftist to think this way.

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Bernie was shut down because his views were anti-establishment and very leftist in American terms. Using gender was just a strategy of many the media and some democrats, but changing your principles to being antagonistic towards real feminist activists who struggle against capital same way as we do is idiotic….

I am not familiar with american liberal theories, sorry. Maybe you can try to help me understand?

Argument, as I understood it, sounds like this: Let's have nation A which is creating product a0. Another nation B, saw product a0, copied it and started producing it. Since B is from afar, B must compensate nation A because of… I need help understanding this part… stealing their intellectual property? Otherwise it is cultural appropriation, which is… bad?

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The whole SJW thing is pretty sad. People who breathe the amount of fire they breathe at SJWs when SJWs have absolutely no effect on their life really make it seem that SJWs troll by existing.

I don't think that these people realize that "GG" means nothing to like 99.99% of the population. Literally. I would be surprised if 100,000 people knew what it was.

The smartest person in all of it seems to be that Anita person who has been able to identify the scientific formula that turns neckbeard tears into money. The only people who were able to do that in the past were GameStop, Doritos and Mountain Dew.

The brand of "social justice" that freaks people out exists predominately online. America just wrecking ball'd health insurance policy that people called socialism because it forced them to buy insurance from private insurance companies. No one is answering the unfunded liability bomb accruing in the SS/MEDI-sphere, military spending is robust as ever, key research is being gutted, about the only welfare that is poised to expand in then next few years is the corporate welfare granted to businesses through tax expenditures by the government to cover tax cuts for firms.

The concept of cultural appropriation is basically cultural imperialism. It implies that only featureless American mass culture deserves to be in the mainstream, and minority cultures should stay contained in their ethnic groups. Them exotic peoples only deserve representation as generic Americans. It smacks of ethnoseparatism and flies completely in the face of proletarian internationalism. It's quite vile.

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Feminism was created by piggy to keep the wages down. It turned women of the working class into hedonistic consumerist drones and split the working class to fight among themselves. Don’t delude yourself that it helped the movement in any kind of way.

Liberal feminism is quite cancerous, but your incel shit is worse.

nice projection

I hate this board and it’s fucking people.
What is wrong with being liberal? We brought you out of the stoneage. What is wrong with being feminist? Go be an incel elsewhere. And what is up with your fascist tendencies when it comes down to women? Muuuh secret society are playing 4ddd chess they are actually against us. Face it: You’re all manbabies.

I am sure you live on a stone pillar with a coarse woven shirt and a cat o' nine as your only possessions, whipping yourself for capitalist thoughts and deriving sustenance solely from the vibrations in your mouth when you sing the Internationale, user

top kek, historical illiterate coming. This is marxist board, go the fuck away,

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Add hundreds of litres of selfmade Rakja plus some 20 year old PCs and lan parties with pirated games and you got me and my whole neighborhood in the Balkans.

I'm moving towards Marxism and I'm not sure what to make of the anti-feminist mentalities. It seems like that in many ways they have the same sort of views as the alt-right and that's unsettling and I'm unsure what to make of it.

However, I get an ideology that focuses on worker identity over all other identities. So having focus on anything else might be perceived as stifling the workers consciousness that enables revolutions in the first place.

Having said all this, it seems obvious that privilege exists. Yes, capitalism sucks and everyone suffers. But imagine struggling in the system when looking for a job and adding yet another obstacle to the process (landlord or boss finds out you're gay in a state that doesn't protect you). Now you have yet another layer of bullshit that those not part of these groups need to face. The US socioeconomic system developed with preferential treatment of certain superficial groups. Whether or not those groups actually exist or have any philosophical backing is irrelevant. What's relevant is the treatment.

The treatment is class struggle. Intersectionalism hurts the minorities it vows to help by ignoring class struggle or reducing it to "just another" form of everyday injustice.

liberals receive the bullet as well

>>>Zig Forums
your pick

take that strawman and shove it way back up your faggot ass where you just pulled it out of

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I'm starting to see that but I'm trying to wrap my head around these concepts. I'm still new at this.

I do have a question, though. If things are viewed as a class struggle, is it still possible for people to have prejudiced or bigoted worldviews, or are they contradictory?

class is not an identity you dense cunt, it's the description of peoples relation to the means of production under a societies mode of production and with that their role in progressing to a new one with rising produtive forces in contradiction to the old confinments
read a fucking book or off yourself you insufferable dumbass bitch, fucks sake these people, someone hand me a fucking makarov

Sexual and racial prejudice is at odds with a materialist view of society. However, an individual socialist can have prejudiced views, but as long as he honestly assists worker's struggle it does not matter, for in the end his actions work towards liberation for all.

So in the end, it doesn't matter because they still hold equal power to each other at the end and all strive towards the same goal.

I see. Thx for the replies.

what are you saying about joy division? WHAT ARE YOU SAYIN? *pulls a gun*

Oh yes Talking Heads are geniuses and very inventive indeed..except that…oh i don't know… the german band Can had done all that 10 years earlier. Talking Heads were always hacks.
Listen to Can albums from 1969 to 1973.

You taking this out of your ass. Talking Heads don't sound nothing like can

Nice attempt to shut down discussions about this.

These SJW clowns discredit the left and are free propaganda for the alt-right.

They need to be educated to prevent them from doing even more damage and if they refuse to be educated they need to be shut down.

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fuck off Zig Forumstard