One is a liberal socdem and the other atleast claims to be a socialist.
Liberal be gone
Majority Report with Sam Seder
he even calls himself a Marxist now and then
They make fun of Jimmy Dore because his whole argument for protest voting was fine because he said Trump wouldn't be able to pick new SCOTUS because Dems could filibuster or something. And now Trump already has 2 SCOTUS picks. Jimmy was completely wrong and Sam Seder was right. Voting has consequences.
are you retarded?
are you retarded?
right or wrong, a socialist should understand that most of our problems are systemic and a mere shuffling of leaders beholden to the same laws and corporate doners isn't going to fundamentally change anything, especially when their words and actions suggest they favor the worst aspects of the status quo. if you think voting for hilary was the right thing to do, okay, whatever, but there's something so absurd about a self-proclaimed "socialist" with feral, animal hatred for jill stein voters.
shitty meme. hilary isn't a social democrat. her economic policies would be seen as far-right in most european countries. and no one suggested voting for trump, merely abstaining or voting third party.
Having right wing Supreme Court justices is a real thing and I don't see what's wrong with acknowledging it. Just because an action doesn't immediately result in socialist revolution means it should ignored and cast aside?
Every justice ever has been right wing. Why don't you acknowledge that, liberal.