How should leftists actually go about organizing in America...

How should leftists actually go about organizing in America? I've noticed growing fascist sentiment in my part of the country (the midwest) and I feel with the Overton window being as far to the right as it is it's important for leftists to start seriously organizing

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By purging liberals first. Shake the fence so people have to decide which side they want to be on.

Yeah it's called actually, physically doing the work to affect change holy fucking shit Nazis are beyond retarded.

read What is to be done and Left wing communism an infantile disorder

Fucking Christ, these people literally think they live in a videogame

Historically yes, but the average Zig Forumsack just lives out his RPG fantasies

You fucking don't because you americans are disgusting piece of shit and don't deserve anything but be used for slave labour/chemical waste dumpster

Youre the exact same type of person who was saying the same thing about the english a century ago and the french a century before that.

Its almost like capital is a force in and of itself that drives people to possess a larger share of it.

But i forgot Americans are the only people in the world to ever have an empire.









America is like ground zero for fascism and evil.

Ive literally never used reddit. Infact im so averse to reddit im not even sure i know what reddit spacing is. Text is so much more appealing when its a giant block of unreadable text anyways.

Literally read the foundations of leninism, its like 30 pages. Stalin talks ENDLESSLY about the cultural chauvanism of the third international and how its poison for any leftist movemet. You are a Kautsky loving shithead and you dont even know it.

And im from the south i fucking hate yankees.

You're thinking of Italy.

Nuke the US, problem solved

America literally gave money and supported fascists before and after the war tho.
They also gave money to the mafia.
So fuck your bullshit.

They also invaded early Soviet Union, supported franco, invaded Cuba and bombed numerous left leaning South American,African and Asian countries.

The claim was that they invented it not that they opportunistically supported it. Please stop strawmanning any time now thanks.

nazpos gang

I'd join the most left-wing org in your area and not worry too much about ideological purity. I don't know much about organizing but just being an extra body in the room helps. Eventually you'll find something you're good at and suddenly you're an organizer.

As far checking fascists, I would start by keeping tabs on them. What are the fascist groups active in your area? How are they organized? Who are their members? Build a map (you can use Google Maps for this and make a custom map) so every time a flyer appears so you can track their patterns and so on. Start tearing down their flyers. Share info with trusted people who are also doing the same thing.

STFU faggot

Also you'll get negative nancies say "oh the revolution is impossible so don't bother." But you've only got one life to live and you might as well get involved, and maybe you'll help build the groundwork for the next generation.

Basically I'm the propaganda poster of the kids looking at grandpa asking "granddad, what did YOU do when the fash were organizing?"

Yeah like how Britain gave Mussolini a $3k check monthly?

Thats like…. almost no money at all.

Second international my bad.

That's $37,800.90 in modern USD you stupid fuck.

And Churchill said at a meeting of the British anti-socialist league in '36 i think, that Mussolini is the greatest living law-giver and leader in the world.

that pic tho

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boooooo! there's plenty of Leninist groups and they're ALL shit at organising. Try something new for a change

because they haven't read Lenin. I know this because I tried joining a relatively big "Marxist Leninist" party and nobody there had read Lenin, and surprise! they were shit at organizing.

Are you really surprised?
The OG Nazis were literally a bunch of failsons who got rejected by the conservative status quo of the time for being a bunch of fuck ups who couldn't cut in the army and for being a bunch of morphine addicted retards who believed in magic

As opposed to what Feels > Reals'ist?
Also I love how he admits the scientific backing for Marxism but rejects it for not agreeing with his insane LARP shit

My point still stands. For a govenrnment that is basically nothing.

The US government loses a hundred times more than that in its fucking seat cushions.

The more things change, the more things stay the same.

Don't. If you're an american leftist just get the fuck out of there and fast, otherwise you will be lumped in alongside the other 350 million retards that constitute that "nation".
That is all.

And what's your point? Mussolini would not have risen to power without this (and other) funding.

Now thats just fucking dilusional he had the support of basically the entire ruling class of Italy and was so unopposed he had to stage a FAKE coup to make it look like he was a big strong man and not the subservient bitch of the capitalist class.

For someone who isnt an American you sure are as ignorant of history as the average burger.

that was after he rose to power retard

>it's another episode of "that failed because it wasn't real X''

I love how they literally believed in magic. Like, not even ironically but 110% seriously. I remember reading in one of my books about the occult during their rule and legend has it that Himmler would talk to beheaded SS men to try to conjure up ancient Aryan warrior ghosts for war advice.

“The entire Marxist community in North America would be wiped out by a single white Christian militia”- chairman MaoistRebelNews

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I can not wait for a bunch of skinny fat white urbanites to put me in a mass grave for wrongthink
Truly the vanguard of the revolution

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Where would you propose someone like that would go?


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Is this you lad?

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lol butthurt

Honestly it's hard to argue that the majority of the "left" in the US aren't a bunch of embarrassing college students, because they are. The alt-right are equally ridiculous.
All of those kind of activist groups are just part of the spectacle.
If you want a real leftist uprising, it's going to have to come from the tiny minority of groups which haven't been overrun by liberals.

They've at least got guns, which is more than can be said for 99% of similar groups.
Still, photos like that mean very little. I'll take this LARP shit seriously when they can actually do some damage to the machinery of capitalism.

They all look completely normal.

i can post pictures too you nigger, give me some arguements

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What arguments could either side possibly give? This is a stupid contest and the only way to come out looking good is to not get involved.

no, because according to Zig Forums, the "normal" person should look like this.

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Push the Republican party and supporters to be increasingly socially progressive. This will force the Democrats to move more economically left. That's a start. The US has a Socialist history most Americans don't know anything about and introducing them to the figures and the better of the socialist mayors and governors. Some of the Founding Fathers said things that sound anti-capitalist and can be used.

Yeah… that's going to be tough seeing how most of you don't know what gender you are hahahahaha

It is what this virgin's band to the American extreme right in France it laughs not guy

But well we have a kabyle for the remigration it is not better ahah

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Have a (you)

A question to the american comrad the guys of the alt-right at your home quite seems to be virgins spanking of the Nazi cosplay having left their chamber at dad mom where it was on 4chan they are all like that where?
Because at our home in France it is something else……

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"leftism" is shit, communism is good.

A lot of groups are cointelpro'd or just jokes, and there's probably quite a few that are just literal cults. I'm not joining them, but then someone of my background (NEET living on disability with a long psych history) isn't going to be party material if it's ever revealed, so I'd just be a liability anyway.

I don't see a way to avert fascism. America has been a fascist country for quite some time now, and there's already enough fascists who can be armed and will turn this country into a hellhole. I know when the big revelation happens, I'm dead because of the reasons I mentioned above and the best I can do is take out some of these fuckers before I go. Unless you are of a mind to go out and kill those fuckers pre-emptively, and you're talking about a lot of irreconcilables that need to be killed and should be tortured, I don't see a way to avert this. The powers that be have been planning this for a long time now. Bush Sr. should have been notice, the guy and his family literally financed Hitler and you don't get to head CIA without being a wholly rotten bastard.