What are other leftists spaces you frequent? Forums, blogs, newsites, video channels, imageboards, subreddits, etc...

What are other leftists spaces you frequent? Forums, blogs, newsites, video channels, imageboards, subreddits, etc. I am looking for other spaces to talk with people about leftist political ideology.

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marxist leninist twitter
for blogs, michael roberts and cockshott
chinese newspapers like globaltimes are interesting to read, they're kind of like Reuters with random "America is doomed to fail" or "the CIA won't succeed in Vietnam" editorials thrown in
granma is pretty good

Does anyone have something from the USA? I mean Kyle whatever and Jimmy Dore are cute and all, but are there any actual communists in the USA to talk about current political events?

I'd looking more for a more global place. I wanna see what other leftists around the globe talk about. Leftypol is good as it is but it is very western oriented. The board is mostly europeans and north americans, with the occasional slav. I'd like to hear more from latin american leftists communities and asia too. The middle east, etc.


no, nobody likes me, i'm just barely tolerated here

Re-upping what other people ITT say but if you want a Chinese deep cut, check out Quishi Journal which is an official CPC policy journal.

I like Jacobin. Fight me.

I'm in a Discord but it's for goon demsocs. Some MLs in there. Gotta pay 10bux for that one but that's my internet tribe and I stick with them. I mainly come here for the memes tbh

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Soviet Empire because and /marx/ because they are the only decent one. As a ML this board became fucking cancer.
There are weeabo trash thread and Angela Davis threads in the first page. fuck this shit, I was right all along, you are a bunch of redliberals

actually look in the Davis thread and you'll see that people are giving her deserved shit and talk about how it can be shit like her devolving can come to be
so you're crying over a thread you don't even have a clue what it is about
and there's some discussions but usually screeching in the trash threat
just like in most threads
leftypol never was quality, it's really just banter and funposts with some occasional interesting highlights and infos
we got marx and other shit for indepth discussion and studying

Then why I get banned for shitposting or saying something the BO doesn't agree with? It's not funposting. People on here take themself too seriously


it mostly is, there is occasional effort that makes it worthwhile
and there's no need for Zig Forumsack and imperialist propaganda when they just shit up the place
even i got one for "imperialism" once because i said it's up to the people of syria and not outside forces to dispose of Assad if they hold him responsible for his liberal policies before the shitshow went down since i favor the communist party over the baathist which itself criticized him over it
meaning mods are fags, that's just how chans are
i agree, no need to take us too serious

are you ever gonna stop being retarded?
if you really care so much just go on your irrelevant US bootlicking board and have at it with being all serious about being ridiculous jokes and sorry excuses for "leftists" you liberal dimwits

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ok. i'm sorry.
just getting really tired of "leftists" using that Zig Forumsack tranny meme and spouting US apologetic shit, posting their own split BOs screens as "proof" and all that dumbass cancerous shit
these guys are a joke and i wish for batko to get cancer and die a painful death.
but i'm sorry that this bothers you.

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ahahahahahahahahahha holy shit

i wouldn't have a problem with bat'ko if he didn't shill about muh non-sectarianism and then go and make a bunch of videos shitting on MLs and defends himself saying "it's just a meme brah"

i can even tolerate and laugh at that
but some shit is just too autistic, his Zig Forumsack meme and the dumbass apologism for over a dozen US military bases in Syria that's literally the same tier of retarded as Antideutsch ideology cannot be excused
dont wanna turn this into yet another over a dozen US military bases in Syria thread but i almost wish i had all those pathetic sad stories kept saved, it just hasn't come up in a while because it's really getting old and it seemed even those left/pol/acks couldn't be arsed to shill this dumbassery
i seriously need to stop deleting shit

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2ch has its own leftist board, /ussr/. You could check it out if you know russian (or with google translate). It's pretty dead tho.

language barrier will remain for some time, it's only natural we'd have people from places where english is first language or taught at schools

Don't high-schools teach English just about everywhere?

i don't think they do in asia, middle east, russia and so on
there's also availability of internet access in the western imperialist nations that's more far spread, unless that changed which i wouldnt be aware of

Basically none, since leftist communities are either invaded by identity politics pomo cultists or devolve into echo chambers for hyper-tank manchildren.

This site is shit, but chans are supposed to be shit, so who cares.

I am fallowing multiple leftist pages on facebook and have subribed to multiple channels on youtube. I also like Jacobin newspaper and like to browse /ussr/ on Russian 2ch, Bunkerchan, Getchan.

how can you put up with all the normies on fb?

If you want to be brainwashed into a Socialist collective with no original thought and no true facts, go here: Discord 7SC6eMC

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who is good to follow on twitter? there is a strong leftist presence but a lot of them are cancer.

I like this guy :DD twitter.com/unlearningecon?lang=en

tumblr. it sucks, but it's not all bad. it is riven with idpol and liberalism though.

Would you recommend subscribing to any socialist magazines? Paper mags, just not E-Mags.

International Socialist Journal (isj.org.uk) is the best leftist publication available today.

I don't know any western ones, but many political parties have news sections on their websites.

Thanks. The ISJ ships to the states (It's hell here, especially in FL).

I appreciate digital but sometimes physical copies are nice to have.

Based Hank Hill Propane dealer

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what the fug is this even?

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also he looks like this guy from LRR (forgot his name) youtube.com/watch?v=2ML-f34bmGw

We must become unspammable
