This man made $250 million TODAY, that's $10.4 million in one hour, 170k in one minute

This man made $250 million TODAY, that's $10.4 million in one hour, 170k in one minute
What have you achieved in the last 24 hours?

Attached: jb.jpg (750x562, 61.98K)

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I managed to dowload the whole first season of miami vice in 1080p and get drunk.
I didn't make money today, I'm at 28 euros loss actually.

I made 200 million just by inhaling. Look at how productive and innovative I am.

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Jokes on him, for all you can buy as a rich person you can't pay to make yourself learn a completely new skill without your own effort. Today I became slightly more fluent in Japanese by doing my daily anki reps. Next year I will tackle a programming language.

mother of cope

This is how you get rich dummies who think you can pay more and come out knowing more. Self taught people will always be better off because they have discipline and don't need to pay to learn something.

I will give lex luthor credit though, he at least created something. Think of all the rich leeches out there who do absolutely nothing nor do they innovate. No one should be rich off of nothing.


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I sure as shit wouldn't mind 6 million in cash from bezos

I always wonder how these people think, how they live their daily lives. Doing coke off expensive hookers' asses on a private yacht is petit-bourg shit at this point. This man could literally buy an african country every week and have money to spare. WHAT DOES HE WANT IT ALL FOR? Does capital accumulation just turn into an end of its own for them?

Money is literally power under capitalism.
If you don't want power you're a fool.

i don't want to be a capitalist. and you guys will never be capitalists, so stop pretending and idolizing them. instead, we could chop off their heads and distribute it to the people who actually create the wealth

I don't think it's about materialistic acquisition at the highest levels. It's more a game of power and influence.
If you want to have exclusive control over government policy you need to be able to spend more on bribes and propaganda than all the other billionaires. If you want your changes to stick, you need to be able to keep out-spending them. That kind of power and control is subject to the same supply and demand relationship as any other commodity under capitalism.

How are you going to chop their heads off without power? How are you going to change anything without power?
Fantasies are all well and good, but when it comes to the real world you need to be realistic. You can acknowledge that your opponent has adopted an effective strategy without idolizing them. You can imitate their strategy while still wanting to win and build a better society.

Capitalism is oppression. Engaging in oppression to undermine capitalism is foolhardy and naive.
You can acquire wealth, social influence, weapons, etc. without exploiting workers. You know how? It's something called revolutionary solidarity.

Lmao who gives a shit about being a capitalist? Having money=\=being a porky.
If he gives me free money I'm not gonna say no

For every union pamphlet you can distribute, the capitalists can afford to run a 5 minute superbowl commercial. Facebook and the NSA are known to have the ability to pre-emptively identify influential individuals, allowing them to be discredited or imprisoned before any serious movement could emerge. Every single broadcast media outlet is controlled by capitalists. The overwhelming majority of the print media is controlled by capitalists.
Revolutionary solidarity is a commodity just like everything else, and they have vastly deeper pockets than you.

I got a qt's number

This is only the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧market value🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 of the stock he owns. If he were to convert all of his shares to cash at once, he would get much much less than 150 billion.

Being rich would be bad ass. I would give thousands of dollars to my local ML group and then rat out the feds when they started to investigate me.

And by "rat out" the feds I meant "go public with the fact that they were investigating me for exercising my right to free speech." I would die before I gave valuable info the us state.

They're not all that competent though, and we've got the truth on our side. If they censor we'll whine endlessly about it. Only gets us more exposure.

now imagine that with militancy and worldwide solidarity

Is Jeff Bezos the final boss of Capitalism?

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No, it's going to be all the proles with false consciousness who become reactionary fighters for the capitalists.

And they are all working for Jeff Bezos

That’s more of an accomplishment than Bezos making 250 million. Good job

Secret final boss.

I live within capitalism by taking back my time and wasting theirs via insubordination.

Time is more valuable than any amount of money. One day the prole masses may realize this too.

thanks :)


He was great in Juno.

I haven't killed myself yet

that's nothing
i didn't even cry today

it's still before noon though

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I had the greatest fap in years.

Yeah but don't pretend that if you by chance did become Le successful self made man entrepreneur you wouldn't become a capitalist
I know that if I came into enough money to become a Bougie I would embrace it as it is in my self interest

I'd probably throw a majority of the money into funding for different leftists movements around the globe. 1mil for the zapatistas, 1mil for the over a dozen US military bases in Syria, 1mil for hizbollah, 5mil for north korea, etc etc.
Then i'd use the rest of my money to move to noko and live a comfy, largely work-free life there.

Nigger, fractional reserve banking fiat debt is not money, no matter how many people play along with it.

fapped twice

i nut to bisexual drawn pornography and read capital

It's nice in theory, but unions have been on the decline for decades. There'd be plenty of desperate applicants who don't care about the strike, and the majority of the general public would say the union are just greedy troublemakers.

Porky has demonstrated ample ability to manipulate public opinion and splinter the left. Only a similarly pervasive and well-funded propaganda campaign has any hope of countering that.


no fuck you, read lenin

Bezos and his amazombies fucking ruined Seattle. Fuck him.


Seattle is a far right shithole. Jenny Durkan is a REPUBLICAN. It's socially left, but everyone is getting fucked economically. Just the other day I read the Washington Retail Association is trying to overturn the Secure Scheduling Ordinance in Seattle that provides workers 2 weeks notice of their schedule, and I bet they'll fucking overturn it too. Even the people are different, ask anyone who's been in Seattle since before Amazon or the beginning of Amazon days, they're all libertarian shit-for-brains who have everything perfect and see no need for change, and take in propaganda like its their job.

you've just described how all w*Sternoids behave and why they must be removed

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So that's make around 265k$/employee.

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All succdems do is say how capitalists are greedy instead of talking about how their profits are derived through exploitation of the working class.

Stupid bait post, i can not believe you guys.
Jeff Bezos is an opressive piece of shit, him and everyone like him will eventually be revealed to be the pieces of shit they are.
The proletariat absolutely, 100% will revolt because Capitalism is not in their interests. You can jerk yourself off with your idealistic notions, but that facts are that people are exploited, Capitalism can not last, and that they will rise up the MOMENT the truth is revealed to the proletariat as a whole.

How and when?

Ah, the ever so vital pieces of information behind every big brain commie's brilliant ideas: missing as per usual

Predict precisely the next market crash then faggot.

The vast majority proletariat of the US has to be forehead deep in shit before class consciousness can be achieved on a massive scale. It remains to be seen when that will happen. Capitalism creates its own conditions for its destruction via its internal contradictions.

Exactly. And you thinking the elites are dumb enough to let inequality get to that point is proof of how retarded your thinking is. There's a reason the """"democratic"""" party exists

But it takes a shit load of time, Marx said that 170 years ago.

I do. Capitalism isn't going anywhere, the rate of profit hasn't fallen low enough, and if someone's going to wear the boot it might as well be me.

You say that like the elites do as they please. They too are bound by the logic of capital.

This man made £250 TODAY, that's £10.4 in one hour, £.17 in one minute
What have you achieved in the last 24 hours?

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My guess is that it will happen shortly after the military becomes sufficiently automated to not require human footsoldiers for riot control.

Planned Jeff Bezos's assasination.

Do you think he would have moaned like a whore if raped?


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but it will never be you, friend. get over these delusions.


or how said exploitation is necessary for capitalism to function

*this manlet stole $250 million TODAY, that's $10.4 million in one hour, 170k in one minute in surplus from labour

i jerked off