Syria Thread

Why does almost every other leader want Assad gone? What makes him so special as compared to Middle Eastern dictator No.4273901? Is it the country's location/geopolitics? Relationship with teh ebil ruskies or what?

Bashar Assads father Hafez al-Assad was allied with the Soviet Union.

he's singlehandedly holding back NATO, Erdogan, FSA (american puppets), ISIS and Israel.

And Bashar himself is allied with Cuba and DPRK just as his father was.

Attached: assad5.jpg (600x340 43.06 KB, 38.39K)

I know and that's based. But what about his internal policies tho

he's managed to keep the syrian economy together despite the civil war and western led sanctions, it's not good but could be far worse.

U.N. fears chemical weapons in Syria battle with '10,000 terrorists
They’re hyping this up so much I’m sure CIA goons are working around the clock for this.

I thought the FSA wen the way of ISIS and that the only foreign power left is Turkey that uses northern Syria as a cushion for Erdrogan's ambitions

not quite yet, the FSA still has a handful of holdouts. when the situation in the Aleppo governate and the north in general, Assad will fully turn his attention to Erdogan. Bear in mind that Kurdish forces are giving the Turks a good time in Afrin with guerilla warfare.


How in the hell will Syria deal with Turkey? Theyve ben through a disastruous and devastating 6 year war already. My admiration for Bashaar's Syrians and the Kurds grow more every day