*inhales* oh no no no
Is hard core socialism bound to fail due to human nature?
They were criminals according to nomenklatura criminals.
ok, this is epic
No, because I can only exist in one place at one time. I'm not claiming that overcrowded or substandard housing hasn't always existed, but homelessness is far less common in both contemporary Europe and Asia than it is in the United States. With the notable exception of the Depression, homelessness in the United States is fairly recent.
Calling his book a "literary investigation" means that he was afraid to defend his testimony. If you approach all first hand accounts with this reverence, you won't go very far in the study of history. Conflicting pagan and christian accounts of the harvests during late antiquity and other issues like that will prove to be an insurmountable hurdle for you.
Paid vacation with death benefits.
he keeps doing it
Fucking kek, you gonna throw some insight from Ths S*n at us next?
Why do you even post this? Clearly you're arguing in bad faith and you don't care about the USSR at all, you just want (You)s