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Am I the ultimate Zig Forums boogeyman?

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No. You sound boring.

I think i heard your mom walking down the stairs
You should stop making death threats to black people before she sees you

You sound like a faggot.

Oh wow, what a zinger! I really got burned by that one!

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I mean, an actual Zig Forums boogeyman would be a CIA-backed SJW. You just sound like a fascist with delusions of grader.

Nice LARP.

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But that's what leftists are.

Everyone I don't like is muh fascis!


But you literally are a fascist.

Please tell me how you've managed to deduce that I am indeed your boogeyman, Zig Forums.

That's what they want you to think



But fascists aren't the Zig Forums boogeyman, SJWs are. We can easily see fascists just by going over to Zig Forums, why would they be our boogeyman?

Bruh I don't care enough to hate you. Just like all Zig Forumstards you lie and lie and keep lying and through those actions turn out exactly like the caricature of the jews you allegedly despise. You're just another idiot who has accomplished nothing who lies on the internet to make himself feel better.

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is your brain AIDS terminal?

But that would mean that you are your own boogeymen.

Call him what you will. A "lecturer" or whatever bullshit. It's all the same thing – a moron who's never done jack shit in the real world.

Except he wasn't even a lecturer, retard. He was a journalist, and was literally deported after the 1848 revolution, the years prior to which he spent organising workers. Far cry from "not doing jack shit in the real world." I mean fuck, at least skim the Wikipedia articles of the people you're talking about.

We aren't SJWs. Most of those who identify as "Left" and are politically correct hate Zig Forums and we hate them back.

Also Marx, as a journalist and political theorist, who wasn't just incredibly influential both in his own lifetime and beyond, but was also politically active in the Communist League and the First Internationale.

…so, exactly the same thing as what I said?


Oh, you!

Stop lying. I HATE liars.

You're just confirming what I said when I said he was a moron who never did jackshit. Anyone who describes themselves as a "theorist" has never done anything worthwhile in their entire life.

See above.

fucking alt-right posing as left

Marx was quite politically active
He helped organise the first workingmans Internationale in Paris along with the mutualists and Anarchists
He wrote a little book called the communist manifesto as a pamphlet to be handed out by a small socialist organisation called the communist league
He wrote opinion pieces and letters giving his take and opinion on multiple global conflicts at the time of his life

As for the whole identity politics thing…
People who spend all day screaming how we need more black CEOs or some shit are often made fun of here and mocked
These people are not Left-Wing but RadLibs who essentially just want the status quo with a smiley face sticker on it

Nah that'd probably be COINTELPRO or some government agent, not some retard who hates niggers n jews

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…and? He still accomplished jackshit, like all "politically active theorists."

What is it with you people and lying?

Are they also not true scotsmen?

ITT larper who doesn't know what communism is, or what leftism is, or what liberalism is shits his opinions everywhere. Also calling Marx a professor just proves you're literally 80 Autism Level and are railing at a caricature of what you think we are.

So this is the power of the right?

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We're not. We really do hate SJWs here.

I know you can hear my thoughts OP. And I will think words I will never say.

Meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow.

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I mean you can call me a liar if you want but it's the truth and it's the truth if you just peer outside this thread, because at this point you're just denying reality.

His writings led to the establishment of political parties social Movements new ideologies and even led to the creation of entire countries some of which still exist today
Its not Lying
we object to that kind of Rainbow capitalist Liberalism as it simply seeks to slap a new paint job on the already existing status quo
Their not Left-Wing because they literally dont believe in left-wing policies

I think after seeing a billion "political theory threads," I know exactly what you are. A bunch of morons feigning intelligence who never accomplish anything. Just like Marx, when you think about it.

No you don't.


My god, how wrong I was! Here I thought Marx was a dumbass who did fuckall, but little did I know that he WROTE stuff! I'm absolutely astounded!

That's not what I've seen.


I mean you could take half a second and look up the definitions of "liberalism" and "socialism" and even with your double-digit Autism Level realise that no, liberals are not the left

who am I kidding though. this has to be bait.

I don't think you quite get it.
SJWs = Liberals
We here on Zig Forums = Communists
Liberals =/= Communists

Half this Board is basically devoted to shitting on these people because of them ruining Leftism
Do you seriously believe that an individuals writings cant have effects on society(s) further down the line?
Lurrk moar

Judging by your posts, you don't see much fuckstick.

Because you say so?

>this entire board pretends to shit on these people while simultaneously being the very same kind of people

I've seen a lot tbh. The only thing I wish I'd see more of is commiecat.

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OK, this is epic

As dubious as your testimony is, you described yourself as the quintessential leach. Even if Marx actually did “fuck all”, that’s considerably better than being a tick on the ass of humanity.

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Journalism isn't a real job. We should just have no articles written on politics at all and just be ignorant. Political literature has no function in society at all, with no impact whatsover!

oh, it was this autist
take autism pills bro

Because Liberalism and Socialism are separate Societal / economical / Political / ideological systems?
Except we arent and you have no evidence to the contrary
Oh its fucking "You"

Alright. I want you to tell me what you think liberalism is and then I want you to tell me what you think socialism is.

Can you also tell me what kind of revolution the American and French revolutions were, while we're at it?

Because liberalism is right-wing, and is diametrically opposed to socialism. Liberalism is the ideology of capitalism.

Blowing shit up costs money, civilian. Maybe if you properly appreciated the fun of blowing shit up, you'd agree that anything spent towards that aim is money well spent.

Right. People should form their own opinions, not have them dictated to them by lardass journalists.

Because you say so?

Because you say so?

American revolution was the best kind of revolution. Libertarian smugglers and tax evaders telling the biggest government in the world to fuck off and leave them alone using the arsenal of guns they had stockpiled.

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so we should probably burn this thing, right?

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Marx was the founder of a movement which defined global politics for over a century. The fact that you even know the word communist is entirely because of him. Can you honestly say that 200 years from now most of the entire human population will be borrowing phrases directly from you? Saying he did nothing because he 'wrote stuff' is like saying Shakespeare had no influence on language. You may not realize it, but virtually every facet of the political economy you live in was developed in reflection of reaction to his words or his followers. He is, by sheer statistical magnitude, the most influential thinker of the past two centuries.

Also this is a discussion board, we just discuss things. You're doing it too. No one ever said the purpose of this shitty website was to change the world, we just talk about dumb shit and news. There are plenty of commies actually doing things in the world. You might as well go to Zig Forums looking for SA paramilitaries.

Yes me and everyone who knows political science because we know how political systems work
Because our goals are entirely different from that of Liberals and you have no evidence to the contrary
What about the french one
Also the American Revolution was Literally a Liberal one kek
No because his (Not the same poster) and Liberals ideological beliefs and political goals are likely entirely different

Not that you’ve ever blown anything up except maybe your mother’s credit card when you stole it to buy all those little Chinese cartoon girl figurines, I just thought it was funny that your idea of an upstanding adult was a petit bourgeois leach.

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Praise be, Amen.

So he was a politician then? You're proving my point.

Why would I give a shit about morons who bloviate all day about political "science."

I don't know, I've never really paid much attention to the french. Never seen much of a reason to pay attention to a nation of failures.

Why don't you post something useful, like commiecat pics?

Nah you are just your typical 1st world petit bourg filth whose impotence knows now bounds. You will be burned alive for all eternity after your death at the hands of the workers.

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good job taking the bait, retards

Yes, people should form their own opinions, but in order to form opinions, people need to read to get a better understanding. But in order to read, you first need literature. I mean I shouldn't have to explain that we need to understand

No, it's a historical fact. Liberalism refers to the ideology of capitalism; John Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, the American Founding fathers, etc.

Newspapers don't force people to have a specific opinion.
But the Constitution did force people to have a specific opinion, if you were a loyalist, you were an enemy of the state.


Here, you'll need this, goy.

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Well yes it sorta does
You cant slap cuffs on a guy and tell him to pick cotton or block a guy from voting for not owning his house anymore
You can hold the opinions inside your head but the constitution basically makes said opinions irrelevant and borderline illegal to express
What Point?
If Marx was a founder of a Movement of the size we have seen obviously he was important to history and had a great effect on it
Cuz i literally objectivly know more about this topic then you

remind me what they did to royalists again?

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That he did fuckall, like all politicians, "theorists", and leaders of "movements."

That's like saying you know more about underwater basket weaving than me. Why the fuck do I care?

What I don't get is why I haven't seen any leftist articles with the tern "rapeitalist" yet.

So this guy is a big strong armyman who don't need no handout and is a successful entrepreneur bootstrapper and mature adult manly man, which is why he has apparently been lurking threads on an obscure image board literally renowned for its population of autistic man children collecting rule 34 of a leftypol users fucking cat girl oc for months at least.

I'm convinced the person behind this post is a literal child. The no true Scotsman posting is usually a good indicator.

Or a troll, in which case actually p funny


Why do you insult me so, Zig Forums?

It helps pass the time when I've got free time.

I realize it's not as big-brained as Leddit, Mr. Plebbitor

You don't have hobbies?

I can count the number of opinions I've formed through discussion with others on one hand that's had all of the fingers cut off. But then again, I'm not a woman.

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Real talk though: Where are some good places to find some high quality american military gore (i.e. dead/dying) us soldiers?

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Lets go over the clues.
I can't think of any political group that isn't far right and racist (aka fascist) that uses the same rhetoric and hates all the same groups of people.

Because people in the US army deserve to be insulted unless they renounce the imperialist acts they were complacent in

Yeah sure man it's not weird at all.

Show us the direct observations of the CIA backing far left figures.

Anyone who describes themselves as a "thinker" is irrelevant.

Good thing I was never in the US army then!

You mean you don't like commiecat?


I mean yeah, you don't need to confer with others to decide whether you prefer the flavour of the red crayon over the green one.

meanwhile though in contexts where it actually matters, yeah, discussion and theory work is actually necessary. you think the American revolution just happened out of nowhere? just spontaneously "lol idk guys let's just get rid of the monarchy :DDDD" or do you think there was some kind of… I dunno, theory behind it?

"If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist". Marx was here referring to Lafargue and Guesde.

The American Revolution? Literally a war between loyalists and patriots.

Giving you founding figures of the liberal tradition is insufficient to provide you what liberalism is all about?

What have you seen OP? Does it only exist inside your head?

How much of a numskull you have to be.

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Why would we all claim to hate SJWs and not have a single objector saying "nah they aren't that bad" if we didn't hate SJWs.

When you're a woman, yes. I, on the other hand, have a testosterone level that isn't 0, so I wouldn't understand any of this "discussion" stuff.


Your "proof" is some quote by an Approved Opinion Maker?

Now explain how that proves that the constitution forces you to believe something




Yknow i don't think I've ever even met a racist who actually had a conversation with a black person. 'Personal experience' usually means seeing a schizo homeless dude outside the library or being glared at by a punk once. Fucking pussies without exception.

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Name one political sect that hates Jews and niggers and isn't fascist. What do you consider yourself actually? Enlighten us.

What makes us the same as SJWs


I can smell the estrogen from here!

Why would I want to converse with a pavement ape? I've seen them, and that's all I need to know.

There's your problem!

Someone who believes in freedom.

I'd say it's the authoritarian part.

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Freedom for who? To do what? Freedom is the most vague concept ever. What do you believe in?



Lots of different people are authoritarian, authoritarianism is always a means to an end not the end in itself. We don't have the same end goal.


Anything that doesn't involve harming another.

I'm sorry I don't spend all day "theorizing" and sniffing my farts, Zig Forums.

I'm a vague ideas person. Ask me to explain the perfect ideology, or the perfect meal, or the perfect pair of tits, and I'm lost. But when I see it, I know it.

Show me the M-L's / Socialists in charge of the goverment then shouldnt be hard ehh?

liberalism is right wing, ya genius

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thats communist propaganda

regards freedom lovers

So, you hate banker jews or whatever but don't think we should do anything about them? They make their money through voluntary transactions.

Semantics. The fact is we have radically different goals and methods from liberals.
