News 9/10

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What's the problem user? Did you see something wrong?

Pretty much, up until recently.


Fixed link of india's Maoists.

Try using Porky outlets like Bloomberg, Business Insider, Financial Times, Forbes, etc. some. They are surprisingly honest sometimes.

True, the key is balancing your God awful NYT or WaPo with something like redspark, telesur, in these times, or almanar so you aren't pulling your hair out all the time

thats what pisses me off so goddamn much, when these fucks spy on us, and violate our privacy they cry out "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear," but if their actions are investigated they screech and squeak like rats scrurrying when a light is turned on. a standard for us, and a standard for them.
there are not enough brain tumors in the world for these fucks.

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i can't seem to get get around Bloomberg pay-wall and outline & doesn't seem to get around it anymore.

What oppression, somebody save…
…the police from CIA fascist agent provocateurs!

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