Hi, can you guys please help me to understand Stalin? Everytime I'm trying to study his part in history...

Read this.

You do realize that Stalin wrote his books with the intention to be easily accessable literature for the working class, right? Stalin's books don't carry new great insights (except maybe his latest work) but are supposed to introduce people to basic materialism and Marxist terminology. This is why ML reading circles still recommend Stalin as an introduction (for which they are made fun of) because it is very basic.

Stalin was most certainly not a brainlet. He read Letourneau and Victor Huga when he was 15. He, despite being lower-class, managed to get into the Georgian priest seminar, which was the intellectual center of Georgia and had great grades in school. He was made class representative despite everybody being much, much higher in social class than him.

basically what any normally fucntioning human being can do in order to escape poverty.

He failed as a leader of the USSR

He was the right man for the fucking job.

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I sometimes want to live in the Universe Anarcho-Kids live in

Sure, I know so many sheppards from a Georgian village that become the most powerful man on planet earth in 50 years. Piece of cake! Especially in 1900!

I am not defending CEOs and Investors so don't even think about implying I support Crappies, but there is a clear sign of "doublethinking" here. Either the results of such events were caused by a multitude of factors, or you are implying that Stalin was the sole responsible of it.

Had Stalin contracted an illness or got killed someone else with a similar profile would have reached that place, or do you unironically think that without Stalin, there would have been no General Secretary after Lenin?

Stalin was merely a result of being at the right time at the right place (or perhaps the wrong one) He knew how to climb up the ladder but once we has at the top he failed miserably, and while this could also be supposed as a result of the material, social and economic conditions that forced him to basically kill everyone around him and harshly enforce his power, it makes sense to belive thatnot only Stalin, but anyone who had the profile needed to become such political figure would have resulted in the same outcome.

the fact is the Soviet Union is dead and it did not abolish production for profit and ceirtanly did no achiev production for use, so to believe that any of the leaders that ruled it, and by having the power that they did, failed to do so proves how retarded they were

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just start out with reading his own words
i could make a few suggestions, the obvious ones such as "economic problems of socialism in the ussr", "marxism and the national question", "anarchism or socialism" and so on
but letters, interviews and also congress speeches are interesting

trust comes only with experience, don't presuppose it if you want to learn about something new
you should exactly NOT just put trust into whatever you read

further i suggest "Moscow 1937" by Lion Feuchtwanger, and "Mission to Moscow" by Joseph E. Davies.
pretty sure i saw both of those online, you can probably find it yourself though
concerning the trials, for example, you could also read the transcripts

I didnt claim he was solely responsible for it
You claimed he was a failure as a head of state

because he did?

it's not me who on a personal basis who is claiming that he failed as the leader of the USSR, it's the fact that the USSR lost the war against the west which demonstrates it