Why dont you move to cuba?

Why dont you move to cuba?
No really youd have american dollars and be able to afford a better lifestyle than the average prole.
I thought about doing it myself.

Attached: th.jpeg (159x89, 3.54K)

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Socialism will never take place in the us.
The us will be reduced to warring tribes before they consider socialism.

[citation needed]

Theres probably more ancaps than communists in the US.
What does that tell you.

I’m doubting you’re an American or know anything about this country beyond dumb memes which dehumanize the entire population

Maybe if they offered me special tax benefits for bringing American Dollars into their country.

You get more peso for your buck.
You can probably buy like an entire pig for like $10

Even if that's true, it doesn't matter, since socialists can just tip their Rascal scooters and insta-win.

Why would someone move to Cuba though? I doubt the currency is that much, and if it was…

Sage for

1) Closed borders, the US coast guard would likely stop you and the Cubans would too because they don't want guzano spies and will be paranoid
2) It takes money to move, not to mention there needs to be jobassurance which, as newly arrived non-citizens y ou have no guarantee of

Americans are banned from travel to Cuba.

t. amerimutt

Their internet really sucks / non-existent in some parts.

Some elderly Cubans in Florida have been moving back for the healthcare.



Attached: cuba.png (820x733, 780.54K)

Yeah that's a problem. If I had to bail from this stupid country I'd go to Mexico or China.

tbh i'm afraid I'd get beaten up for being a stupid american

Otherwise it might actually be a realistic option if the employment rate is decent enough

Well I dunno about actually living there but I have friends (I am a Burger) who have been to Cuba and they say it's chill and there's nothing to worry about. Very safe.

Cuba also has full employment. One way they employ older folks is as night watchmen. Just hand dad a flashlight and have him watch an apartment building, and so every building practically has one of these guys sitting there reading a book. Bam. Full employment and low crime.

And Cubans are super chill and relaxed generally, and friendly. It's the Caribbean, after all. I think a lot of people in capitalist countries have this impression that communism = dour, miserable people. But that's because of the USSR, I think, and it's because Russians are dour, miserable people.

Actually gonna look into this, hopefully they aren't too stingy with visas. Dependable work is going to be quite a fucking luxury in the US when the next recession hits. I already spend most of the year sleeping in a tent so a salary that's enough to rent a room is going to be a huge step up for me.

Everyone who talks about how great living standards are in this country have literally never had to stick it out on their own. If you just go out for work as soon as you turn 18 with no handouts (that includes living with your parents) it's damn near impossible to escape the cycle and actually make progress on getting a better job and more money. When I hear about the housing and employment situation in the USSR my mouth fucking waters and I wonder why everyone isn't a raging super ☭TANKIE☭.

they will not let you in if you're just some guy in a tent, you have to prove economic solvency etc. cuba has strict immigration / border control. it's not lenient like mexico or ecuador.

well at least:


Imagine that garaunteed employment, laid back,free college, free healthcare rum and cigars, like 4 to one women to men ratio, chilling on the beach and now internet.
The channers paradise.

I failed Spanish class in school
I’ll probably never go there tbh

What you idiotic anti-communists can't understand is that socialism isn't an instant paradise, but if you compare a group of countries with similar GDP, the one with a socialist economy is going to have vastly better living standards, this happens literally every time. Meanwhile the only capitalist countries with decent conditions are those that exploit other countries for cheap labour, or have massive welfare states, or frequently both.

I would rather live in the DPRK tbh

That article left me thoroughly disgusted. The gusanos should have had their citizenship and national status permanently revoked.

That said, it’s only talking about gusanos repatriating, not Americans without Cuban citizenship going there. IIRC, our own government has barred us entry into Cuba.

Shitposting flag

I seem to remember reading that the internet is heavily restricted there. I'd probably be willing to go if I could still watch hentai and import my anime figs.

This. Dominican Republic has a higher GDP per capita but a lifespan is 6 years lower, worse healthcare, worse education etc.

Ya 300$ will let me Lord over the Cuban proles.
Also fuck you thats gross and cowardly while the bourg still live at home.

Burgers get out

Also I dont think there is a lot of work for programmers in Cuba.

Nigga I'm not american

Just gotta rob a few banks and get into a shootout with the cops like Assata Shakur.