Millennial men were much more likely than women to call themselves a socialist or democratic socialist...

Women have zero revolutionary potential and the left's hyper focus on their issues is doing irreparable harm to leftism in the US. The absolute most they are willing to do is walk down the street for a few hours with their mega corp funded march.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is contradicted by your own statistics, which are literally retrieved from BuzzFeed, I might add.

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hmm nah

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Be warned, user, that when you have logically and respectfully dismantled their arguments, when you expose their foolish attempts at 'change' or 'progress' for the sake of women, they will eventually settle for nothing less than "to get women to care", or something along those lines.

Women don't care that much for fixing the problems themselves as much as they care about getting other women to join in on the fight. They commonly believe that their power and strength will come in numbers, eventually. They literally just want to fight. And they do not consider international perspectives. They think the world should treat women better, regardless of the culture.

These posts remind me of 2016 and how everyone assumed few women would vote for Trump after his sexual assault victims came forward and that tape came out. Turns out the majority of white women voted for Trump. lol.

You reactionaries never learn.

ok buddy retard

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Majority of those don't know what socialism means. What they mean is that they want things to be cheaper.

and you would them rather vote for Hillary?

I was just going to post that op.
It is a fact that women have zero revolutionary potential.
I say socialist should promise incels state sanctioned gfs.

You're calling us the reactionaries after that shit you posted?

Attached: that post you made.png (455x59, 3.7K)

Agreed tbh. We should also have a line of state-appointed trap gfs too.

Yes men are the movers and shakers of history, for a myriad of reasons women just don't care as much about politics, war, or competition in general

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im sure your ""democratic socialist"" millenial boyfriend has lots of revolutionary potential OP, make sure to pokemonGO to the polls with him and vote blue!!!1!


Was it not obvious who I was referring to?
Sorry, I forget how much a bunch of kids on here wish English wasn't their first language.
Modern art as photos taken of girls in marches and protests. It's just business.

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You're mostly correct, but don't expect a positive reaction. If the left were capable of introspection and strategic thinking, they wouldn't be in the state they are today.

"Call of Duty Black Ops. Lebron loves his Xbox. Fuck my wife."
~ Citations of great revolutionaries

I say traps get a pass to be sluts.
Who wants to be in a relationship with a trap.


Based women rejecting "democratic socialism" (the left wing of fascism) in favor of the immortal science of marxism-leninism.

Think outside the box. I like it!

In my experience women are less likely to be involved in politics but in the non-profit sector, churches and other community organizations. This often overlaps with politics, though. And a lot of behind-the-scenes organizing and fundraising. This is what it seems like in Burgerland.

Incidentally, the gay rights movement in the U.S. probably owes its success to lesbians, since the AIDS crisis wiped out about 1/3 of the gay male population at least. The death rate was equivalent to the Black Plague in Europe. Lesbians were the ones more or less running the orgs.

You do know stalin promoted the patriarchy dont you ☭TANKIE☭.
Women are bourgeois.
They have the characteristics of the bourgeois by their very nature.
The real working and revolutionary class is composed of men.

Chances are that's the same of all the women as well, this is burgerland after all, really we should be discarding OPs framing of the issue and actually ask serious questions like what are the material reasons why women don't seem to be as engaged in politics, and really pick apart the methodology of the study

You mean Not Socialist.

100% would have been far better.


Nashunul Sauwshalesd.

Interesting factoid: A majority of the Cuban parliament are women with 53.2% as of 2018. It's second only to (oddly, to me) Rwanda which has a parliament that is 61.3% women.

United States is actually #103 on the list. Oof.

There was a shift to conservatism in the '30s but it seems like women had a bit more sway in the Soviet system than the capitalist countries at the time.

They would've just reproduced themselves regardless.

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Irony is that the woman pictured is now a Putin Sycophant and a member of Edinaya Rossiya.
Also iirc the Rwanda thing is a mixture of a traditionally egalitarian tribal culture and the fact so many men died in the genocide.

You mean the parliament of the country that's reinstituting private property?

Like always internet armchair expert to the rescue!

There are more women in the largest socialist party in my country than there are men. The problem isn't women, the problem is you're fucking burgers.

America has no revolutionary potential.

Nuke the universities!

Incels have no revolutionary potential. Incels get the bullet.

I'm not clicking that. Give an archive link or screenshot. (OP, I have a hunch that you are even more of a clickbait artist here than whoever did that article.) Women vote less often than men and are less represented in parties across the political spectrum. As such, any claim like why are there so few e.g. conservative women, highlighting a particular strand while there is nothing special about it with regards to that question, is BS. You would have to make a comparison to an average of female participation. Likewise, when asked to identify with some political strand, women will outright refuse more often to answer at all or say they are not committed to a particular strand. So, you'd have to look for the distribution among those women who identified with one, rather than the raw percentage of women asked.

Daily reminder that the goal of socialist feminism is the masculinization of women.

Theyve shown to have more revolutionary than anyone.
True fax

You must be over 18 to use this board

There’s nothing revolutionary about ramming your truck into a couple ‘stacies’

Sounds revolutionary to me

Men, especially white men, are more likely to be socialist because they have nothing left to gain in the capitalist system. When a white man is doing poorly economically he has no one to blame but either the system of capitalism or the disadvantaged groups that are trying to climb the social ladder to equality. Women and Minorities can still achieve better lives within capitalism by gaining equality with white men, so they tend to focus on gaining this equality by joining feminist/ minority-rights movements.

Aren’t you the deng shill.
Makes sense.

I think it’s more of a matter of education. White men are more likely to actually be exposed to Marxist theory and such in college, while minority men are just unaware of what communism even is outside of high school fearmongering in history class. But once they’ve even been educated a little, they become very militant and revolutionary, more so than the white college guy.

There goes the the liberal bourgeois feminist ladies and gentlemen.
Or should I say gentlemen.
As long as she gets to game the capitalist system to her advantage she doesn't care for socialism.
It is time we all became intellectually honest with ourselves and recognized women for what they are.
Self serving to say the least.
They are not good allies. They are manipulative weaklings.

lmao imagine fucking thinking his. 2/3 of white men who aren't college educated supported the kavanaugh nomination.

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in a capitalist society, a homeless woman just has to open her legs to men of wealth and she gets to live longer

in the same capitalist society, a homeless man will more likely rot and die in the street

that's just one example out of countless showing that basic human biology and the high degree of sexual dimorphism in humans provides in any given society a socioeconomic "cushion" to human females, hence why on average they're less likely to be radicalised and be driven to believe they have "nothing to lose" than men are

do not misinterpret this as a message of women having it easy, rather that the problems for the proletariat of both sexes are different, these realities just have to be accepted (and eventually worked around to fit a truly scientific socialism), that emotional responses like the OP's are the wrong approach as it is not materialist and physicalist, and leads people like him and others who listen to his message into destructive paths like becoming a MGTOW/MRA nutjob like stefan molyneux

Time to learn to talk to women, you losers.

If you're posting on this board and hate women, it's time to leave. The USSR celebrated womanhood, and so did every decent socialist organization. Women will always be an integral part of socialism: they are humans.

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Isn't Buzzfeednews actually considered to be pretty good?

while i'm not against this, you are making an appeal to authority. all the celebration of womanhood in USSR ended up being for naught after gorbachev et al. allowed the union to disintegrate, the people allowed western liberalism and capitalism to take over and the entire Eastern Bloc became a hellhole full of desperate prostitutes

Pretty much this, although I’d argue that we can’t even tell to how far the extent of capitalism(and past modes of production) have highlighted and exaggerated sexual difference, so in Communism abolition of them completely shouldn’t be some pipe dream or wish. It should be an eventual goal.

1. I'm a man
2. My post points out what I believe to be one of many reasons why socialism is not as popular among women as men. Nowhere in my post did I say that this was the right thing, or that women shouldn't be socialist.

I said white men have to either blame capitalism or an outside group like women or minorities for their hardships. Uneducated men are more likely to take the reactionary blaming the other route.

Imagine being this anglocentric that you think an internet site in the GLOBAL LINGUA FRANCA only has native anglophones on it.

bye bye sheboons

I could go through the pains to make a detailed argument, but it would go to waste in a thread that believes women aren't essential to socialism.

When we look at "What is socialism", we can look at theory and practice. Nearly all socialist theorists are pro-women. In practice, nearly all socialist organizations celebrate women and are pro-women.

I don't think you'd say refering to theory is an appeal to authority, but just in case:

1. Woman happen to be humans (shocker)
2. Humans have the ability to do work to further the cause: physical labor, military force, voting, and outreach to other humans.
3. For socialism to win, humans need to put energy in one or all of those areas mentioned before.
4. The more humans, the easier the work is done.
5. Therefore women should be welcomed as socialists and outreach to them is valuable.

Sometimes people might say something short like I did, without listing off their logical reasoning. They may not have reasoning behind it, which makes it a good time to challenge. But sometimes a question has been answered so many times a person would rather make a short post that a spergy 1000 word one.

If I mischaracterized you, sorry. If you're new, keep reading and asking questions. Just going blah appeal to authority can be bad for dialog and your own growth.

This isn't necessarily to you, but to former Zig Forums posters and people false flagging.

Hi pol. Please read a book. Any, please read before you post. Read any socialist theory or history, there's a big thread on top.

You sure can boyoo, but your prejudice actively hurts the progression of socialism because you can't get over Stacey from 6th grade.

“Not a single great movement of the oppressed in the history of mankind has been able to do without the participation of working women.

Working women, the most oppressed among the oppressed, never have or could stand aside from the broad path of the liberation movement. This movement of slaves has produced, as is known, hundreds and thousands of martyrs and heroines. Tens of thousands of working women were to be found in the ranks of fighters for the liberation of the serfs. It is not surprising that millions of working women have been drawn in beneath the banners of the revolutionary movement of the working class, the most powerful of all liberation movements of the oppressed masses.

International Women’s Day is a token of invincibility and an augury of the great future which lies before the liberation movement of the working class.

Working women – workers and peasants – are the greatest reserve of the working class. This reserve constitutes a good half of the population. The fate of the proletarian movement, the victory or defeat of the proletarian revolution, the victory or defeat of proletarian power depends on whether or not the reserve of women will be for or against the working class.

That is why the first task of the proletariat and its advanced detachment, the communist party, is to engage in decisive struggle for the freeing of women workers and peasants from the influence of the bourgeoisie, for political education and the organisation of women workers and peasants beneath the banner of the proletariat.

International Women’s Day is a means of winning the women’s labour reserves to the side of the proletariat. Working women are not only reserves, however. They can and must become – if the working class carries out a correct policy – a real army of the working class, operating against the bourgeoisie.

The second and decisive task of the working class is to forge an army of worker and peasant women out of the women’s labour reserves to operate shoulder to shoulder with the great army of the proletariat.

International Woman’s Day must become a means for turning worker and peasant women from a reserve of the working class into an active army in the liberation movement of the proletariat.”

– J.V. Stalin, “1925 International Women’s Day Address

You know you're doing something wrong when even Stalin had feminist ideas. Self-crit, OP

I think that bourgeois feminism ranks alongside fascism as the most used and most effective ideological ditches of capitalism.
1890s, 1960s and this decade are just 3 examples when redistribution of rights and a slight realignments to the power structure were proposed to placate 50% of the proletariat and encourage its reincorporation and submission, under the cause of socially liberal capitalism. All this while presenting rights and conditions that would be a given under socialism as the object of a fiery struggle to be conducted entirely in the ghostified non language of the Spectacle.
There is a sexual marketplace and it leads to unequal outcomes as all markets do, much of the mainstream left's inability to discuss this is for fear of hurting sacred liberal cows is disheartening to say the least and it often comes with an inability to even imagine daily life under socialism.

btw, has anyone here read Extension du domain de la lutte from Houellebecq?
He's very reactionary, but at least he mentions the intersectionality of incel and wageslave.

wonen are gay and stubid