To understand Zig Forums you first have to understand the Left and Jewish subversion in its totality

To understand Zig Forums you first have to understand the Left and Jewish subversion in its totality.

Principle 1: The Jew does not actually desire a Communist revolution as Marx or even (in a rare case of a Jew acting genuinely) as Lenin envisioned. Jews want a quasi-revolution that empowers THEM at the expense of the goyim, hence their reliance on urbanite bureacrats, vanguards made up of intellectuals, criminals and low-level state officials, etc.

Actual peasant uprisings historically have ALWAYS resulted in Jews being exterminated, particularly in Eastern Europe–I'm sure you're familiar with the Khmelnytsky Uprising, where Cossacks and others essentially rose up against their Polish masters not so much because the Poles were Catholic and oppressing them, but specifically because they employed Jews as landlords and administrators who ruthlessly exploited Ukraine and the Cossacks. Jews do not want organic revolts but controlled revolts–i.e., they don't want ACTUAL left-wing revolutions, they want systemic transfers of power to Jews or Jewish agents which they can *call* revolutions.

Principle 2: As a result of Principle 1, the Jews must ensure that any revolutionary movement is controlled by Jews, or else to ineffectual to actually instigate and win a rebellion against the current social order without Jewish assistance. The greatest weapon in the arsenal of the Jew is Intersectionality, and it has been employed to GREAT effect in every field, but especially against Left-Wing movements in general. Part of the reason why Jews are primarily associated with the Left is that Intersectionality, or Identity Politics, makes it very easy for those movements to control.

Conclusion: Because of Principles 1 and 2, any Left-Wing group that is not currently infested by trannies, niggers, various shitskins, faggots etc, is targeted for mass-inclusion of those peoples because this is the only way that Jews can break up and control them or render them inert. If a left-wing group were actually made up of white men, it might succeed–this is totally intolerable to the Jew, so he finds ways to sabotage these groups by forcing these marginalized mentally ill people into them at every opportunity.

A side-note: This is also what happened to Libertarianism, Atheism (remember Atheism+?) and most recently the "Skeptic" community, and it is what happened to the "Alt-Right" as well. Jews will actively seek to sneak faggots, blacks, Jews, Jew-Enabling goyim and other corrosive elements into any movement, because the very EXISTENCE of diversity grants Jews power within that movement.

TL;DR, Jews sabotaged the Left hard, and Zig Forums is the perfect example of what an ineffectual, weak, and cultureless political group looks like. Halfchan's Zig Forums has also been subverted ruthlessly in this manner. This is why ZERO tolerance is important. ZERO compromise. Any crack no matter how small can and will be exploited to turn your movement or space of conversation into an ineffectual cringe-arena.

Attached: hitler national socialism nazis enemy of captalism pig.jpg (850x400, 82.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lenin was as much a Chuvash as he was a Jew… moron
Lenin's family were literally minor courtisans under the Tsar and lived perfectly fine.

This is all the same old drivel, try again.


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Strasserism is for cucks, too, by the way.

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Weird that that never happened in any socialist Revolution

Stalin was a criminal.

inb4 not count
inb4 crimes committed in imperalist regime aren't crimes


Even if the Holodogulag and 100 zillion were real, those that died are considered subhumans by your standards, so why do you care?

Ukraine are god-tier men so fuck you.

Oy vey

Judaism is a species, not a religion. It persists as a recessive gene and suppresses human DNA, even in minute amounts. It's the ultimate parasite species.

t. slav nazi
how does it feel like to a self-hating non-aryan subhuman?

Read Rosenberg, the Nazis considered slavs to be Aryans, and even when it came to non Aryans they were perfectly amicable with them. Not Socialism is about loving your race no matter what Gentile race you are.


Daily note that the whole hurr kill slav thing is a myth, and many ukies and ruskies joined Hitler's army.

Particularly the ukrainian, they fought very hard.

I’ve read Mein Kampf and there is plenty of complaining about how the Slavs were taking over Austria-Hungary before WWI and some autism about how the Russian ruling class had a Germanic element ruling over a inferior Slavic race.

Tell that to Hitler and the SS who employed them, they called them "оскотинивший русский" Which roughly translates to "savage Russians".

Read fucking General Plan Ost and also

"… the subhuman the greatest enemy of the dominant species on earth, mankind. The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being. Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. Inside of this creature lies wild and unrestrained passions: an incessant need to destroy, filled with the most primitive desires, chaos and coldhearted villainy." (Der Untermensch, Berlin 1942 - Translated by The Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team). And such sentiment was continual, "The war against the Soviet Union is an essential component of the German people's struggle for existence. It is the old struggle of the Germans against the Slavs, the defense of European culture against the Muscovite-Asiatic flood, the warding off of Jewish Bolshevism. This struggle must have as its aim the demolition of present Russia and must therefore be conducted with unprecedented severity. Both the planning and the execution of every battle must be dictated by an iron will to bring about a merciless, total annihilation of the enemy. Particularly no mercy should be shown toward the carriers of the present Russian-Bolshevik system." (Colonel-General Hoepner, May 2nd 1941 cited in Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich By Omer Bartov, Pg 128-129).

So then not the USSR?
That's very vague, murder and rape is a crime, as is breaking and entering or stealing a car.
The statistics shown debunking "stalin's" death count are literally pointing out again and again how Stalin was neither directly responsible for the majority of the claimed crimes, nor were they even close to being as bad as projected.

No genetic basis for this exists, you also understand nothing of jewish ethnicism, such as the fact that even a person who is half-jewish is only considered a Jew by most jews if the mother is fully jewish. Lenin's mother was not a pure Jew, and they never practiced Judaism. Literally read biographies you cunt.

Which again is a complaining of MULTICULTURALISM and how it ruins empire, and this is evident because Austria degraded from THE power of Europe into a weak ass old state to be toyed by the french and the prussians.
Also, hungarians aren't slavs, they are hunnic/magyar.

There is no evidence of general Ost.

Hitler didn't kill all le slavs/poles or whatever.

What? He called them in russian?

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Stalin was a bank robber/thug.

He was a common criminal that later ascended into being a bigger criminal.

The entire majority of Soviet citizens as a whole that joined the Nazi ranks was less than a few hundred thousand. Red Army Partisans ALONE numbered 1 million people, and the number of volunteer soldiers was several million.
Keep projecting.

1) evidence?
2) all the money he got was used to fund the revolutionary movement

Incorrect, he was not a common criminal he was a political activist, poet and philosopher, who became a major politician. Your claims are baseless.

Rosenberg was a pure blooded German and a high ranking Nazi party official. Hell, even his wiki says he wasn't Jewish, and they love to flaunt Jews whenever they can.

Allied propaganda is not a source. "Generalplan Ost" was merely the war plan for freeing the east from the iron grip of the Soviets.

Have you ever asked yourself why stalin was snatching funds for, you moron? Revolutions don't pay for themselves.

reminder that the alternative to serving in the wehrmacht was starving to death in a german prisoner camp

3 million dead men and survivors would disagree.
Sure Goebbels, it's not like lebensraum was a policy or anything.
No I was citing a translation of a diary note and a general idea.
Sure they aren't you cherry-picking prick.

Attached: Joseph Goebbels award.jpg (1132x890, 574.39K)

Yes, I'm Goebbels.

Also, assuming that's true, the ukies and ruskies are from actual revolutionaries who are anti-USSR.

Meanwhile the Soviet "partisan" are actually elements of the Soviet Red Army, of course they are much more numerous.

Yeah, of robbing bank.

I thought the Magyars were from Central Asia originally tho.

golly gee what could possibly go wrong

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Literally 1st paragraph.
that doesn't even make sense
Yes and the Hungarians aren't Magyars.
Literally basic statistics. By the end of the war 1 million red Army Partisans had fought for the USSR.

ROA was 50K people
RONA was 20K people
Mixed Eastern battalions 80K people
Polizai 60-70K people
Cossacks 70K people
OUN UPA highest estimate is of 200,000 but the usual estimate puts it at below 100,000.

that's less than 1 million people. The Red Army at the start of the war number several million people. The number of Soviet POWs was several million collectively over the war, yet less than a million decided to join "the crusade"
Muh no true socialism can fuck off. This is why you people are cancer.

It's really nice that this has never happened. All socialist states with jewish populations had diverse leadership consisting of all nationalities.
Well, guess what: I went through this list looking for uprisings in Eastern Europe and from the dozens and dozens I checked, I found only one to be remotely close to being as anti-semitic as the Khmelnytsky Uprising. This is not very surprising since Jewish people never took part in the actual ruling class, the aristocracy, not to speak about monarchs.
It's not even worth to reply to the other parts of your post. It's pure schizophrenic rambling. Seriously, why does any divide in a group must be the work some ridiculously omnipotent higher and not people thinking differently?

Then who settled in Hungary?

Yeah, loving your race so much you have to "liberate" vast swaths of them for your living space.


Strawman argument
provably false.
stay salty

okay, the communism promises Utopia through a classless society but the ideology itself is fallacious that it caused 100 million starved to death
ommggggggg muh ideology is so shitty it made me reject the reality hohohoho I love you papa Marx

No, he outright says that Russians (and by extension) Slavs are an inferior race, and the only success the Russian Empire ever had was due to the ARYAN Romanov dynasty.
Chapter XIV: Eastern Orientation or Eastern Policy
" For the organization of a Russian state formation was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, but only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German element in an inferior race. Numerous mighty empires on earth have been created in this way. Lower nations led by Germanic organizers and overlords have more than once grown to be mighty state formations and have endured as long as the racial nudeus of the creative state race maintained itself. For centuries Russia drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished."

tl;dr: you're a fucking a cuck