Even other liberals are turning on liberal bourgeois feminism...

Even other liberals are turning on liberal bourgeois feminism. How come "the left" still protects and breeds these parasites?

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The left is not a hive-mind.If some idiot protected someone you dislike it doesen't mean that leftypol agrees with him,idiot.
Also at least read a wikipage on leftism to findout what it means, nazi scum.

The left (in the US at least) has been completely and utterly co-opted by white bourgeois feminists. They are all over Democrat Cops of America, ML, etc circles. The white bourgeois feminist ideology is by far the biggest leading voice in US leftism.

lol a white boy calling me a nazi

Learn to differentiate the spectacle from the scientific historical advancement then come back to this thread. BO has a reading list to start with.

It doesn't matter what "the left" does. What matters is what the socialisy left does, and that should be a complete rejection of these fucks.

different factions of idpozzed liberalism have always consistently torn each other apart, especially when it comes to black issues vs white feminism, this is nothing new, and literally irrelevant

Thats from the socialist party usa site


Not irrelevant when socialists have welcomed bourgeoisie liberal feminism with open arms.

this is good for us
we can use it to show how intersectionality works in practice to expose liberals

genius reading comprehension from the galaxy brains at Zig Forums as always

They say they struggle agaisnt habitual male dominance when theres hardly any dominance of the modern woman in the west.
In fact women complain men are not dominant enough.
The only struggle is in the womans head.

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It is the exact same thing and anyone who isn't being a disingenuous piece of shit knows this. Fuck off back to rose emoji twitter.

Actually unironically kill yourself.

there is no monolithic Left in the united states and, as much as they would really like to, the khmer rose on twitter can't stop you from talking shit about class traitors

What is the difference?

There isn't much of any left in the United States, let alone a monolithic block. The closest thing we have to that is identitarian liberals, who, despite the rhetoric of intersectionality, are more fractious and factional than Trotskyists.

Because "the left" is a clusterfuck of liberals and children who have been completely manipulated to serve corporate interests.
I've basically given up on "leftist" as a useful label for my politics at this point.

Socialist feminism is about as socialist as Not Socialism.

Liberals are ba-

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This is pretty based.
Queers in general need to be radicalised, I'm always sad to see fellow faggots defend their corporate neoliberal overlords because they believe it's the safest option. Granted it doesn't help when MLs online adopt reactionary views and label us bourgeois degenerates, but being seen as agents of neoliberalism will obviously fuck us over in the future and it pisses me off.


pretty obviously not liberals, liberals are still bad.

Rosa Luxemburg barely talked about women's rights dude, did you assume she would because she's the only socialist woman you've heard of?

Point is is that she most certainly was one. Women's suffrage and class struggle hits some petty important points.

Feminism is part of socialism.

feminism is gender communism

hey welcome to the board we don't call random people nazis unless justified or hilarious

I really doubt you have been on this board longer than I am, because if you had been, you would know that threads like this - confusing stupid liberals with leftists are very common Zig Forums raiding tactic,

Depending what you mean by gender and communism, I'm not sure how to take this.

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You know what, maybe you're right. It's hard to tell if they're being genuine or not.

I think the first post wasn't conflating leftists with liberals, but rather just saying libs attacking other libs. Bourgie feminsim does need to be dismantled.

I love it that everytime there's some fracture point here both sides accuse eachother of being nxzis hahaha we're like joos to you

I like /his/ board on halfchan and every day there are Zig Forums users making threads like pictured. Make me really mad.

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Black people deserve to be rounded up and butchered like cattle.

Funny blacks don't care about the exponentially higher number of whites being murdered by blacks.

And we're supposed to care every time some criminal gets killed by the police.

White people are killed more by other white people, how come you don't care about that?

Funny you talk about something that left knows.
I mean everyone know as an example that in USA Asians are richer than whites and blacks because they were allowed to immigrate during middle of the 20 century and majority had diplomas and starting capital. Majority of blacks are descendants of slaves who suffered hundred years of hardship. Black people are poorer, so they do more crime.

You should care because the extreme policing of blacks is at least a totally failed policy. Now the police are extremely dangerous to everyone. Even white people are now at risk of being abused or outright killed by the police.

It's also racist and insanely evil, natch.

The ideal Burger is a dude waving a "Blue Lives Matter" flag while whispering "please sir don't hurt/kill me"

Your Blue Wave is going to be met with pissed off citizens who were just living their normalfag lives until you asked for a bullet in the throat. Fuck you cocksucker. Leftists from Australia like yourself will be set on fire after we get rid of the filth here in America.


I'm from Texas mate

Oh good. Then it's not that far away for me to strangle the communism out of you. I suppose I could walk to your…."place" and kick you in and such.

you know nothing make sense until you realize that capitalism has an expiration date and socialism doesn't.

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Come eat my ass

I mean it

It doesn't so long as scarcity exists.

Except it does, socialism is a regressive system that requires a strong capitalist system to leach off of.

Looks like we've got a badass here.

Socialism isn't welfare you fucking retard, it doesn't "leech off capitalism": it's an entirely separate mode of production.

You shouldn't through stones in glass houses and it is.


…aka the state.

Taking resources from the individual who produced the resource and handing it to someone who didn't is welfare.

Except it does, capitalism takes raw material and transforms it into usable commodities creating value. The state has no mechanism to create value and can only redistribute. Without capitalism creating the value the state will have nothing to distribute.

It's not and neither communism or "stateless socialism" can exist in the material world.

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Wat? You think Rightists don't know that? These people killed my cat and now they are going to be torn asunder.

You should be held down and fucked like a proper woman…

Even farmers, workers, neets, and others get upset user.

except the ussr did it without capitalism because the "workers and the machines" create value.

Except they didn't and the USSR used a capitalist mode of production. Instead of having "companies" they had "enterprises" which was nothing more than a name change. Capital was invested by the state instead of the banks. By your logic Nazi Germany must have been communist also.

Also to add on to that point value is created by converting the product into something even more scarce. More labor, efficient, speed, etc. doesn't increase the value of the product only demand does which is subjectively based.

this video explains it

u only need to change one character to get to the buttom of it

ever thunk about that?!

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What do you think your boss does everyday you brainlet

critical support for racepol in their struggle against reactionary and increasingly retarded genderpol

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Yeah in favor of BLM dumb fuck, no they are not turning on identity politics. Identity politics IS a part of leftism now, regardless of a few fringe groups trying to distance themselves from it.

Imagine being this spooked
