You learn Rhine German and resurrect Karl Marx

What do you tell him? How would he react? What makes you think he's have such a reaction as you claim.

Attached: 220px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg (220x278, 24.36K)

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Realistically I'd ask him if he still thinks the DotP is a good idea after all the failures.

Why would you ask him and not Lenin? It was Lenin's idea.

t. ML

We need the people armed, direct democracy and recallable politicians receiving workers’ wages

I thought DoTP = dictatorship is just a meme by brainlets who don't understand how words change meaning over centuries? If I remember correctly at that time "dictatorship" = "any form of government."

You had me up to here.

Did you read the State and Revolution?

However you want to put it, what I mean is that public office should not become a career in and of itself but instead should be stripped of its political (i.e. class) character until it merely becomes a means of adminstration. People in these positions will be compensated somehow, especially in the lower stages of communism and they should not be privileged anymore than a worker in this.
When Marx and Engels talk about the DoTP they’re just talking about the proletariat organized as the ruling class. It is a class dictatorship of the majority of society. Only people who have never read Marx or are retarded if they think it means a “totalitarian autocracy” in its original sense. Hell, you could call it a “proletarian democracy” and convey the same concept more clearly to a modern audience.
Any state is the product of class contradictions and the “dictator” is whoever is the economically dominate class. We do live under a dictatorship of the capitalist class, more or less hidden behind the guise of universal suffrage

Not even, though. Marx and Engels wrote about it multiple times, e.g. in the CotGP:

And as I understand it they weren't the first to come up with the idea either.


Top kek

You do realize that the DOTP will still be capitalism economically right? The DOTP is meant to transform society from capitalism to communism, and so until that transformation is complete, society will still be capitalist.

Marx would be Chomsky-tier Zionist nowadays, count on it.

This is revisionism of the highest degree

"Trotsky would've been better than Stalin."

Karl Marx, 2018

So what would it be then? As Engels says:

Until private property is abolished, we are still going to be in capitalism. In other words, the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat is still capitalist, but seeks to transform society into communism.

I teach him to dab and ask him to recreate various vines so I can make amusing reaction images upon going back

Karl Marx to be starred in Bad Grandpa 3.

"B-but I am ghey…Morty!"

He would have tried to figure out why capitalism hadnt collapsed after 170 years


He probably wouldn't be so surprised considering how long previous forms of production lasted. But yeah, he'd probably be asking you more questions than you'd be asking him.

just about current year that he woke up to
either kill me or kill himself
do you even have to ask?

I don't think Marx would have much of a problem with the Soviet Union, he'd probably actually really appreciate the post-NEP to Gorbachev period as it's one of the best and most successful examples of surplus extraction being determined by a social decision. Being generally lumped in with repressed political reformers and radical republicans in his own time I imagine he would be somewhat critical of anti-democratic and police state measures of the Bloc states but let's face it, he always cared more about economic relations and working conditions than minor political freedoms.
I imagine he would be very sad at the failure of soviet socialism and the capitulation of China to mixed economy, but again he would take it in stride as simply more data to factor into historical materialist analysis. I think he would in the final analysis remain optimistic about the general direction of political economies as continuing toward a scientific socialist system, just much more delayed than he had imagined thanks to the advent of neoliberalism and the physical threat posed by weapons of mass destruction to revolutionary states.

Honestly tho I probably wouldn't even be able to tell him anything, he would just march straight to a library, discover the internet, and spend the next 10+ years reading.

no, this is you just coming to "consciousness" through memes and wikipedia articles.

philistine fools think a revolution happens in one country and capitalist just stops existing. philistine fools also believe that revolution will just ~happen~ spontaneously in every country at the same time.

marxists live in reality. you fools are still idealists. basically fucking liberals.

"The world has gone to hell since your time. I would tell all but I fear despair would overcome you. To start off though, I would like to discuss the current year…"
Pic related (hyperbole obviously)
Culture shock

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But a capitalist DOTP will never do the necessary steps to achieve socialism/communism. Over time revisionists, reactionaries and conservatives will take control of the party and turn it into a Kruschevite hell.


I get it already, you don't read and basically celebrate anything red as an epic win for communism because it's "the best we could do".

Attached: fedoratip.jpg (480x600, 21.12K)

i redpill him so he becomes a brezhnev bro

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i'd give him as much literature on soviet political economy as i could find and demand at gunpoint that he tell me if they were socialist or not

I'd tell him to go read Lenin so he can make a new synthesis for the communist movement

The thing is that he thought that capitalism would collapse everywhere all at once.
He also thought it'd happen in advanced capitalist economies.
Russia was neither so they had to adopt ML to sustain a war time economy.
But if the conditions he claimed had occurred it could have been a more democratic form of socialism like council communism.
I think.

Not sure why people keep saying that Chomsky is a Zionist. He’s pretty explicitly anti-Israel.

simply epic

I would ask him if he thinks communism will ever be achieved after telling him all of what happened in the 20th century and the state of communist movements today.


DOTP was Lenin’s idea? Hmmm ok

Create a Goodbye Lenin-esque charade as to not break the poor old mans heart.


It'd be nice to speak to Marx in his native language, but he did spend most of his adult life in England, so you could just speak English.

Do any of you ever fucking read?! Holy mother of God, how do you manage this sort of revisionism?! And then people unironically support this? How could the proletariat be in control and the bourgeoisie still control capital?
How does someone confuse the dialectical transformation of society from Capitalism to Socialism to Communism as some metaphysical explosion from Capitalism to Communism once it is sufficiently "less capitalistic"?! You are a false flagger. You are all falseflaggers. None of you are clean of revisionism.

The post you quoted didn't say that their labour still would be owned by capitalists. You're attacking a straw man.
Capitalism isn't just a system where the MoP is owned by capitalists. A country can still be capitalistic if there still exists wage labour, commodity production for the sole reason of exchange, surplus value and capital accumulation. This can all exist in a state without a capitalist class.