This is Adolf Stalin, an unironic nazbol who hates women

This is Adolf Stalin, an unironic nazbol who hates women

what's his endgame? why is he like this?

Attached: WORLD COMMUNISM.png (854x441, 622.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that guy in the pic is "red scare tv" iirc, whats the connection to the channel you linked?

hes a cool guy for the pic

I already have 1/2 flags in the background. How much of a larper am I?

Attached: cf833bfcaea8a88a40196cde248b48e1cc5b9cef718d45ec616bb999708e8881.gif (360x270, 1.28M)

I only see two flags, let me guess you have the DDR one.

don't worry you're not a larper i have nearly 20 authentic flags from the soviet union

We're going to be collaborating on a incel themed blackend industrial/doom metal/noise rock project, I hope you niggas will give it a listen

Attached: JimProfitanime3.jpg (518x725, 68.74K)

i think this is it, the worst, most cursed sentence i've ever had the misfortune of reading

do you monitor Zig Forums for posts about you?
fucking jim profit filename, it's actually him

Nah I barely go here anymore, I'm the NEET who keeps shilling Jim Profit not J Barg btw

Pic related

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b e h e a d t h o s e w h o i n s u l t a u t i s m !

. !

Attached: faceb-2.png (599x384, 479.46K)
lmao not watching the whole thing but the first minute is just him bitching about how people call americans mutts
i hope to god that's not what the whole video is about

also when someone posted a link to that leftpol thread where they cry about all the posters here they don't like i swear i saw someone on there with an adolf stalin trip
did he ever used to post here or what? i don't remember him.

For there to be a Nazbol Revolution

Attached: NazbolRevolutionNow.jpg (690x388, 183.24K) He has a anti Kurdish blacknoise/grindcore project

This dude is mentally ill

nothing wrong with that. ableist fuck.

anyways, I see Persian doesn't copypaste on here. you guys are also racist fucks. bunch of stupid mayo face motherfuckers.

its not, just pointing out irony which is foreign to most people on image boards.

there's nothing wrong with calling american mutts and mongrels, especially if they are nazbol or similar


sorta kinda true, not really, to have a federated syndicalist nation state where christianity and islam unite against the great satan of zion.

no need to feel alarmed, just stroke your nipples and relax.

I feel the power of the NazBol Gods flowing through my nips

Women are property of the state
The state is property of the working class

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