What is your view on the NPC meme? Zig Forumstards say it's about normies who follow their programming...

What is your view on the NPC meme? Zig Forumstards say it's about normies who follow their programming. Does this board do self analysis and introspection with dialogue? I can definitely say Neocons are NPCs. Sometimes I can't tell if my thoughts are mine or Cockshott's though, so that's something I'll be dwelling on.

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sorry ignore the cockshott comment. that is off topic

It was talked about a little bit in this >>2646362 thread which is archived when the EU Article 13 thing was passed, I was basically shitposting though and using the NPC meme as a springboard.

Sorry forgot archived threads don't crosslink 8ch.net/leftypol/res/2645577.html#q2646362


It's a reactionary representation of the extreme alienation we feel between one another to the point of solipsism. For the right it goes pretty hand in hand with the whole redpill shlock. Feeling as though one is the only one aware of one's alienation, without taking into consideration that everyone else feels exactly the same way.

The actual study that kicked off this meme had like 30 people and was basically trash, and really was not even trying to mean the thing it was morphed into.

But the meme itself caught on because it deeply resonates, it was already a meme, the study just made the NPC wojack and gave it some traction. Its the standard p-zombie thing though Zig Forums is too stupid to simply call it that and instead tries to twist it into something the study can 'prove'.

This. its the height of arrogant teenage self-importance, so its not surprising that Zig Forums likes it. Still most teenage boys go through a phase when they think they're hot shit/are the smartest most rational and self-actualised being to ever walk the earth to the point where they develop contempt for everyone and everything around them, i certainly did, its just regular angst tbh and most people (hopefully) grow out of it and develop some degree of humility.
It is worrying that where we are right now modern society/capitalism is so deeply alienating that young people (especially the neet or otherwise internet dwelling types) are particularly vulnerable to never being broken out of their bubble and just aging without ever growing up and potentially becoming the sort of eternal manchildren of arrogance and contempt.

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It's the 'normie' meme, but even more retarded. It's yet more proof Zig Forumsyps are kids and naive boomers.

pic related

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This really. The meme initially had potential to be a quick method of encouraging others to be more of an individual and expose them to the fact that modern capitalism is slowly eroding any sense of individuality we might possess (a similar argument was made by Oscar Wilde in his essay The Soul of Man Under Socialism).

Sadly the meme at current is simply spouted by shitposters, WOKE Zig Forums users trying to demonstrate how redpilled they are and ivory-tower arseholes who believe that they're somehow better than everyone else simply because of an opinion they happen to hold. It really reminds me of that old stickman comic, where there's a group of people on a train all thinking something along the lines of "I'm the only free thinker in a world of sheep". One of the most interesting thing about NPC posting is that those partaking in it are actively going against what the meme is supposedly mocking others for, by repeatedly reposting an edit of an old meme, you aren't creating anything new , you aren't even creating anything useful for yourself or contributing any new standpoint to an argument other than "I don't do/have/believe in X, so that means I'm better than all you mindless drones"

Holy fuck user you read my mind

latching on to this because i'll take any opportunity to shill Wilde's Soul of Man under Socialism, its the GOAT and everyone should read it right now

Interesting and well worded.

even though the view is different, this seems very similar to Zig Forums's feelings as well

So NPC is just normie in other words. A little bit neat, but overall lame.

Has no one pointed out that people with autism lack theory of mind?

It's a joke. The joke is that Zig Forums are autistic and solipsistic and that it's everyone else who are the weirdo subhumans.

It's this but for bitter incels.

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This meme is mostly popular with the pepe /r9k/ crowd of the right, so autism definitely plays a role in this meme.

it mean to an extent its true. what is "mass hysteria"?

soyface exists on men and women alike for a good reason. you see it often from petit borgeious liberals protesting identity politics, from either the right or left. open mouth, empty sloganeering, just follow the pied piper off the cliff tbqh.

you need to go back, child

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Guy Debord beat us to it back in 1967.

So, last week you go on Zig Forums and try hard to consensus crack the NPC theory, and Zig Forums collectively tells you to GTFO, and now here you are now trying to do the same thing on Zig Forums, and they're telling you the same thing. Do yourself a favor shill and an hero.


"Consensus crack"? It's a meme, what consensus is there to fucking crack about it?

I'm not usually one to agree with the opinions on this board but it's nice to see this perspective anywhere on Zig Forums once in a while.
This meme is so completely self-obsessed and deluded that it boggles the mind.

It's fascist as fuck and has a fascist origin. DON'T use it as a leftist, in fact most "meme culture" is despicable.

Huh? No it's just teenage edge, see

It's fucking cringe. Imageboard memes used to be self-conscious and self-deprecating, this one is literally saying "I am smarter and deeper than the normies" without even a hint of irony. The halfchan userbase has finally degenerated to the level of tumblr girls who unironically share pic related while sipping on lattes and taking selfies with the same Camus book they have been reading for the last 5 years

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Dehumanizing people into cattle that only react instinctively is fascist. How is it not? It's just another round-about way of getting more coddled white kids to agree that non-whites don't think like they do. I've already seen it linked to Autism Level and some other youtuber cunt (Think it was that AydenPaladin) saying that most people aren't capable of abstract thought. It's fucking disgusting, made worse that the far right, no matter the age, believes this shit.

You may be onto something but I could easily see non-fascists promoting it just to feel personally superior

have you considered that the desire to feel superior or the belief in one's superiority is inherently fascist?

Liberals with fascist tendencies, so like 90% of them.

The right is doing something even worse: they want us to conceive of human thought as ''formalised', i.e. see it as something that's completely reducible to something that can be described with given sets of qualities. Psychology specialises in describing such formalised and set pathologies, which is why they use it so much, but as any idiot who's read Goedel would tell you, even in the space of mathematical thought, no formal system of algebra can prove itself through its own axioms, hence thought has a dialectical and non-formal character through which new axioms are appointed. This too happens in the very sciences that we continue to build. We are irreducible to psychology, which is where psychoanalysis comes in (it deals with reality at the level of the social field of humans itself including language rather than neurological and biological factors which don't require such advanced language and dialectical thought to exist). What OP is describing is in fact just a symptom of a much bigger ideological problem.

I have always just seen this concept as nothing more than. Some people have the capacity for deeper levels of self observation and self determination, based upon a fully lucid and conscious desire of what they want to achieve for themselves and/or others, while others do not. In my own experience this does not at all mean capability comes with this automatically.

As a result my own personal views on it are that: One who might fit into this catagory of being a "non-npc" is neither better nor worse inherently than anyone else around them, they merely have the capability to recognize such things in themselves at a much easier level. Just as well depending on the individuals world view they may find that such a thing should make them responsible for trying to in some way better the lives of those around them who might not have such a trait (become a life coach, become a psychologist or something like that.)

In regards to my observation on Zig Forums of the consensus I will actually say it seems to be a mash up between people who see themselves as "Vastly superior to npc's and normal fags" (of whom I consider to be separate things entirely) purely because of the trait they may hold alone which I personally find to be quite petty

While others I find in places such as the self improvement threads seem to hold something closer to what I would call redeemable "We who can confirm and demonstrate such a trait should apply it for not only ourselves but for the greater good." However this is a dichotomy I find to be not at all exclusive to Zig Forums and seemingly any group that consists of people who consider themselves in any way "deep thinkers who have the answers to things." including this board

damn I meant to end that with a :
but whatever

normie and normalfag has been a negative term for a long time.
No one here or over on Zig Forums ever looked at some faggot with a "Supreme" hat or "obey" hat and thought "They're better than me"
Maybe on old r9k they would say something like that though.

If you follow any ideology you are an NPC, so all of this board would qualify

made by radical centrist gang

epicly memed my compatriot

Literally everyone follows an ideology.

tbh, its kind of true.

nobody wants to be ravished by someone dressed as a liberal

there we go again. this is why they hate you.

Neolibs are definitely NPCs too. I think it was 70% of the population just goes through life.

I think if someone regularly uses an obscure image board they're more than likely NOT an NPC.

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I'm not too clear on your basepoint. Are you for or against NPC meme? I'm assuming for the NPC meme. Otherwise after that, I really have nothing else to say.

I like this, and this is my favorite aspect of the meme. This is what I hope flourishes out of the idea of the NPC.

what to your mother's house for anal? I hope she has really bad diarrhea so I get shit all over my cock. and if she has a penis, even better. I'll suck her off too.

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Why isn't she blow-torching the flower?

tumblr is thataway

The NPC meme is the genesis of 4chan's worldview. I believe that it will become popular enough for the president to say NPC, while restricting the freedom of speech allowed in video games. Gamers of course will love this.

I don't think you know what that word means.

I hope the sheer irony isn't lost on you

sorry I don't use feminist sites.

I only do things for the irony at this point.

The world is a strange place, pic related

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My personal struggle with being a massive sperglord has involved constructing a theory of mind by relentless contemplation, practice, and trial-and-error. I didn't start out with the intuitive sense of empathy that people usually develop automatically, but it is possible to learn.

The most difficult part of empathy always has to do with relating to the other despite their striking differences to yourself. In my case, I can't be disturbed by assessment of personal qualities because I relate to myself as if I was an unending project which requires constant assessment and critique. Most people tend to be put on the defensive if their personality or characteristics are criticized too directly, unless you know each other very well and have developed trust. This should be obvious, but I've had to learn it the hard way.

There's no real excuse not to work on one's theory of mind if it's lacking, if not via intuition then at least via rationale by studying ethics and the like, unless one is handicapped way worse than just being a sperg. For that reason I think it's unfair to compare Zig Forumsacks to autists in general. The neoreactionary's main issue is pathological apathy and submissiveness which prevents them from pulling their heads out of their asses

"Normies are NPCs" is just pseudointellectual self-masturbation by closet nazis that don't get why other people aren't as obsessed about big black cocks and jews as they are.

It's really typical petit-bourg ideology. There's a screencap covering Alex Jones that mentions this. Petites are between a rock and a hard place, and incapable of genuine class conflict, as such everyone that isn't "them" (Small business owners, managerial class, etc.) either become "evil reptilian NWO jews" or "dumb sheeple".

Okay but how do you explain people with niches and hobbies? Like if someone descides to be a faggot or pick up a new hobby?

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To expand on this take.
I believe that this is a deliberate attempt by porky in order for the MAGA crowd to finally come lock step into porky's genocidal schemes. I wouldn't be surprised that they are getting tired of the upcoming socialist sentiment that is brewing in America. However the forces of reaction will be able to castrate the communist caff before it becomes a bull and then devour it while it's still veil. It is effectively speaking their way of using their waning power and influence in order to bring those that have succumb their willpower towards porky's psychic aims in order to turn America into a fascist hellscape. However these people will always be unable to realize the full extent of their existential suffering. They will become hollowed out, incapable of reason and only capable of responding to base stimuli. To call it even instinct is an insult to animals, who have survival on the top of their minds. The MAGAlords and fascists across the globe are unironically the same NPCs that they deride.
It is this situation that will kill the left, who is unable to respond to the tide of reaction and will be swept away. This act is however merciful in that life for the reactionary proles will be hellish for them. They will always keep a few negros around, who have been literally programed to act as thugs that enforce porky's rule by cuckolding the zoomer's who pass the culling. All other races will be enslaved and forced to rape the women of the men who dare to even think even "liberal" thoughts instead of the correct speech that the fascist have imbued into them.

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I remember there was a Zig Forums "effortpost" about the NPC meme making the rounds, where the Zig Forumsack observes how he tried to initiate conversations with "NPCs" only to be met with blank stares and attempts to change the topic. Betting labor vouchers to donuts he just walked up to random people trying to "redpill them on the JQ" and they tried to awkwardly dodge the topic.

It's literally just a repackaging of the p zombie concept interpreted through video games because that's all those clowns engage with when they aren't watching epic takedowns of sjws on youtube.

It started out from a "study" where a guy asked 30 people to carry a pager and if they weren't thinking something the moment he sent them a page he declared they had no internal monologue. It's junk.

The actual science behind the study doesn't matter. Only whatever conclusions that porky allows the right to draw from it matters.

Robots undeniably have much elevated rates of autism among their demographic, it's a huge reason, if not the sole reason, they're incels. I'm not calling them autistic disparagingly, they don't even deny it themselves.

This sounds super autistic.

There is truth to it, I mean you really think that Proles have Revolutionary Potential when all it takes is SuccDem policies to keep them from rebelling, name me one Communist rising that they gave a shit about Communism besides all its benefits.

And the place wasn't a total shithole.

Classes struggle for their own material gain. Not because of some utopian idea.

Why would I give a shit about communism if it weren't for it's benefits? This shit isn't a religion my dude.

And they only happen when someone from the Labor Aristocracy or petit-bourgeois decides to do something. Tell me one Commie leader that was a Prole.

Russians only did it cause wanted Land and Bread, Chinese cause Cash-Me-Check was retard and people were literally living naked in caves as slaves.

The revolutionaries of the Russian and Chinese civil wars weren't predominately labor aristocrats or petite-bourgeois. Most came from the ranks of peasantry ot urban proletariat. It was the petites (such as the Mensheviks) that in fact opposed them.
As far as the class character of leaders of communists movements go: It's irrelevant. Trying to BTFO communism by appealing to hypocrisy is what petit-bourgs do. That aside though, more than a few old Bolsheviks had proletarian origins.
In the end what matters is what a movement achieves on a material and political level, not who it's leaders are, or their class character.
Communism cannot be reduced to the persona of one individual.

Nah the normalfag/normie/NORP thing was actually quite different. Really normalfags weren't necessarily "normal people" in every sense of the word, you could easily be an incel or a neckbeard and be a normalfag. Its really more people who try to bring in standardized forms or morality and social norms into imageboards expecting anons to conform to them. Really Zig Forums was the height of normalfag cancer for awhile and bringing in all those /r/TheDonald boomers somehow made it worse. That being said this board and Zig Forums are fairly normalfag too unfortunately, a lot of anons here think I should get sent the gulag for fapping to loli/shota and other dumb shit like that.

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I'm not trying to BTFO COMMUNISM EPIC STYLE, but it's quite clear that the Proles have no Revolutionary Potential and it requires people who are not Proles in order to do it. Which is something that the NPC meme talks about.

Oh sweatie….

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You mean this one right? I was the one that screencapped it because I thought it was a good demonstration of their pathology surrounding this concept

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I don't mean to insult or argue with you, but that looks just the same as NPCposting to me, just the leftypol side of the coin.

Go to the gulag. Go directly to the gulag. Do not pass GO, and under no circumstances collect $200, comrade.

What in the world do you take 'revolutionary potential' to mean? You do realise Lenin and the 50 something other Bolsheviks weren't 'doing it' right?

Acc maybe it wasn't this one but I think I know the one you're talking about, doubt I have it saved

The Russian Revolution didn't happen because the Bolsheviks commanded it. It arose spontaneously from the working class engaging in class struggle. The Bolsheviks were largely irrelevant prior to that point. They were able to capitalize on that revolutionary fervour to shape the revolution but make no mistake it was the masses who created the ruptures that allowed the Bolsheviks to rise in power.

Communism only comes to power when people are calling for the deaths of aristocrats and foreign invaders and things are total and complete shit. I don't think it's ever come about through a genuine hatred of markets and businessmen.

And if it wasn't for this group of people the Revolution wouldn't have succeeded.

That's besides the point and I'm not interested in debating counter-factual historical narratives. You stated proles don't have revolutionary potential unless they are commanded by communists when in fact it was the revolutionary character of the proletariat that lead to communists even being relevant at all.

Figures like Lenin and Mao merely guided revolutionary fervor, they weren't the originators of it.

Petites aren't NPCs, they just generally aren't capable of genuinely rallying against a system that ultimately sustains them. I.e. genuine revolutionary class struggle brought forth from an understanding of their own class relations to the system.
Now I don't blame them; similar to how I wouldn't expect capitalists to act against their own interests. But petites generally aren't revolutionaries.
Yes, there are petite parties, movements, etc. But those mainly focus on "treating" the "excesses" of the system I.e. the futile struggle against "crony capitalism", idpol, etc. Not an actual overthrow.
Mind, not all proletarian movements are revolutionary either. (I believe Lenin pointed this out) But I don't know of any petite-bourg movement that advocated an overthrow of the system and it's replacement by "small business owners" and the like. The closest example I can think of are the various movements for direct democracy and small government/nationalism. But then again, the first spring from a lack of class consciousness (petites are not the "silent-majority", nor are those movements exclusively petite bourgeois) and the latter primarily serve the interests of the (haute) bourgeoisie.

Why have one General Secretary when you can have 50,000?

Gulag all proles now

I agree, the reactionary workers are the ones who the fashis try to undermine the bolsheviks when the bourgeoisie mansplain, it is utterly toxic and that is why it is problematic.

stoked that half of my peergroup is slowly turning into mark david chapman while the other ODs on heroin

That's actually the posts I was talking about, just try and tell me the second poster wasn't just going around dumping redpills on random people and getting awkward stares in response lmao

Free will and individuality are spooks. Spinoza and Hegel were perfectly right when they saw freedom as the recognition of necessity. This is the same philosophical strand from which Marx comes from. Namely, his revolutionary shift was recognising that humans are networks of social relations, and that the whole history of philosophy up to that point, which based itself on changing human perceptions of truth and ethical concepts, had reached a dead-end. Fundamental changes in daily life could only be observed by the shifts in social relations, which are really economic relations. These are obviously always collective long-term transformations, and it doesn't really matter what an individual's ideas are about them and how he justifies it.

Proles have been revolting because of class struggle since fucking Mesopotamia, if a Reactionary shows themselves as the best option then they will go Reactionary. It requires leaders to guide the fervor caused by Class Struggle to be Revolutionary.

Shota is love, shota is life

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uhh brainlets…

stalin's dad was petit bourgeois shoemaker, lenin's dad was a state official/school superintendent, trotsky's dad was a prosperous farmer aka kulak. mao's dad was a kulak.

I feel like a really important part of development is to question the capabilities of your own mind, and your ability to see things as they really are, which is the polar opposite of this sort of shit. But I also feel like I am being the exact thing I'm preaching against by posting this, but fuck it. Everyone is an NPC, we are just repeating the shit ingrained in our minds because of our upbringing and surroundings with an unavoidable and inevitable mixture against parts within us we are currently finding unhelpful, and I am an unthinking, pretentious sack of flesh for making this post.

People are not "non-playable characters" in video games.

Wrong, I can play as any one of you, and when I'm done, I'll just move on to the next puppet.

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Can someone make an npc meme where you have clinton, bush, obama and trump npc's. Lined up together. Saying the same thing about life liberty in american or something?

Everyone is an edgy misanthrope on here though.
