In order to destroy poverty, we have to kill all wealthy...

In order to destroy poverty, we have to kill all wealthy, educated and capable people with a triple-digit Autism Level and also ban money.

(c) Lenin

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Together we must destroy capitalism by destroying all industries. Can't have capitalism if there are no jobs


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If thats true how come modern russians are so smart.
Check mate nazi.

This but unironically.

Pol Pot gang

Remember when Soviet Russia introduced one of the strongest gold standards in the world for foreign trade, but Entente powers got so scared they banned the Soviets from ever using it. Figures Zig Forums is right, communists are the real capitalists and vice versa

Well modern communist China has one of the weakest currencies.
But i know you guys will blame the fed anyhow.


They have state owned enterprises, the government owns all the land, they have a national bank…

Communism is when you kill rich intellectuals. The richer and intellectualer the people you kill the communister it is.

With the exception of the national bank (unless you count the FED) so does the United States.
And before someone claims they don't own all the land, look up imminent domain.They can and will take "private property" away from the "owner" for redistribution if it suits their purposes.
It's a matter of semantics at this point.


State capitalism is still capitalism. The libertarian ideal of a laissez-faire night watchman state is irrelevant to the basic definition.

What state owned enterprise does the us have?

This is something that interests me a bit, would you say state capitalism is closer to capitalism or socialism?

Its closer to socialism.
The state owns the means of production.

It's not a sliding scale. State capitalism is capitalism

Also if you look at the ten planks China checks most if not all.

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today on things people never said
this is by far the weakest bait i've seen all month Zig Forums
three lackluster threads? sad!
Knock yourself out.

The ten planks weren't meant to be the ultimate goal of communism, they were "moderate" short-term demands of the Communist Party in the time when the Manifesto was written. They're a step towards socialism to be sure, but if you just stop at the ten planks without working towards completely abolishing private property and establishing a fully worker-controlled economy, you just end up with social democracy on steroids.

Amtrack, crop insurance, just dept institute…
Compare that to state owned enterprises that actually make things.

UNICOR, the TVA, the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, the US Postal Service, Gallaudet University, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Amtrak, Conrail (until it folded).
The government has it fingers in many pies, even if it doesn't own somethings outright, it still maintains a lot of influence.

"kill all educated, intelligent people and preserve the beauty of life only for those who are too ignorant to appreciate it"
- Lenin, 1913


Yeah ok the us is socialist because of the postal service, a train and tv channels nobody watches…
You know as opposed to China owns these


Maybe the government doing stuff is not what makes something socialist and it is actually social relations to the means of production?
Have you ever entertained that thought? Huh?

That's not what my man said

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"Fuck wypipo and shit" - Friedrich Engels

This, by 6-digit autism leveled faggots is the only way tbh.

Guess "high Autism Level" kulaks and porkies really weren't necessary after all.

Only #2 & #10. In fact, it was closer to enacting all of them under Mao.

The ten planks were immediate commands and either Marx or Engels said in one of the forewards that they were out-of-date

How to Communism by Karl Engles
1. Kill everyone that makes lots of money
2. Steal their stuff
3. All food magically dissapears
4. Die
5. Now you're in hell
6. Time to implement communism
7. Overthrow the demonic dictatorship. Power to the souls!
8. Industrialize hell
9. Invade Earth with the armies of skeletons at your disposal
10. Kill everyone so they are then bound to hell
11. Invade heaven
12. Fuck up god and all his angle niggas
13. Now you rule the afterlife
14. Now everyone is effectively immortal
15. with this new found power, expand in the material realm
16. Fully Automated Luxury Skeletal Space Communism
17. Congrats. A winner is you.

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Workposting, actually.

It's not whataboutery.He made claims regarding China's socialism, and I pointed out that by his definition, the US broadly met the same criteria.

You said state run enterprises, you made no distinctions about what they do.