I agree actually, but it would be a great thing if people actually bothered with things like Economic Problems of Socialism because Stalin wasn't an idiot.
Tfw I like both anarchist thought and Marxist theory
Trotsky, akshually.
Not really. We are just going with the name Marxist-Leninists because it's the one we historically use.
It's not impossible for the next ComIntern to use the term "Stalinism" so as to differentiate ourselves from the "not real communism" group.
I mean, Marx got practically normalized by Liberals through the Frankfurt schools, while Lenin is commercialized not unlike Che; only Stalin remains genuine boogeyman, making it clear to everyone in no uncertain terms that there will be no compromises with Bourgeoisie.
For Cockshott it's gulag.
I feel like insofar as for pragmatism it makes way more sense to just reclaim the label and normalize Stalin by using objetively true historical facts to refute nonsense and propaganda but whatever, further make it even more difficult to get proles into communism by using Stalin to be an attention whore
What label?
You do realize that facts don't matter if you don't control mass-media?
Your post suggests a certain level of immaturity.
i have more mixed feelings about that
nothing wrong with holding up Stalin but it's not like he's currently holding office or something
only makes things more about history and revisionism rather than his policies, unless you really just focus on his quotes and actions and name them concretely
just throwing his name around does nothing
i'd much rather see a new man like him, maybe not of the same caliber but worthy enough, to rally behind
Why should it be relevant? In fact, if he was, it would preclude the use of "Stalinism".
Are you high? How the fuck Stalin's name is not associated with his policies?
1) Very few revisionist Marxist movements tolerate his name and most already identify non-revisionists as Stalinists.
2) Outside of DPRK/Cuba, Stalin is practically synonymous with Central Planning - which is the crucial point of our policies.
3) Intensification of class struggle is another concept we should be working on, and it is unique to Stalin.
How are you going to see anyone like hime before the revolution?
Also, why would we need "new man"? It was the party that made things happen, not Stalin alone.
Are you sure you are Communist? Because I didn't see a single sentence that confirms it, while you keep spouting things very uncharacteristic to Marxists.
We are talking about using his name, not rallying behind anyone (which stinks of voluntarism).
how about you don't go on telling me i'm high and instead give this some real thought
ask yourself that question seriously and if you can't answer yourself, then you're missing something so obvious that even straight up telling you isn't gonna fix this
this is what we associate with the name
they don't
talk about those things and defend them, and you defend Stalin
just crying his name does not equate arguing for the policies
and yet a charismatic spokesperson would still deliver the message better, makes it more relatable
we had outstanding comrades even before the revolution, voices people listened to
of course there was a lot of party work, that's undeniable, but it doesn't relativize the importance of this
yeah ok, whatever
eat shit you faggot.
just imagine for one moment to be actually this retarded