Richard Wolff takes on Jordan B. Peterson

I think he means politically. Capitalism evolved naturally sure, but liberalism as the political expression of capitalism was tried and failed many times (English Protectorate, French First Republic, Hanseatic League, etc).

I think he just points out that there were many attempts to set up something similar to the capitalist mode of production, but they failed since the conditions weren't there. Which is true. And personally it seems to me that England's development is kind of unique because it resisted total revolutionary upheavals, most countries couldn't reform themselves to bourgeois republics.

I thought so too but it doesn't mention him being a kike on wikipedia

I don’t know much about Jungian psychology, but I’m fairly sure it isn’t supposed to be the Volkisch bullshit he presents it as.

But in practice, you live 100% under one specific system. Surely you can make conditions for the working class a bit "softer" by imposing social democratic measures, as opposed to full on neoliberalism, but it would still be capitalism. You have to make a choice.

Psychoanalysis gets fucking weird. No wonder the philosophy behind it is so prevalent in some of the humanities. And then there's Peterson presenting himself as the cure to post-modernism when he is himself a post-modernist.

It's interesting that Jung himself said that the Western man is empty, that in his attempt to get closer to Christ, the Western man has only decided to copy the outside and not the inside, and that is the reason he is spiritually poor.
While in the East they have managed to get closer to God/The essence/whatever.

And Plato used to denounce sophists when he was the biggest one himself, nothing new under the sun.

Plato was the prototypical idealist but he was also a dialectical thinker and resisted separating politics from theoretical philosophising. The historical development of Marxist philosophy has a lot to thank Plato, it's pretty cringy when people shit on him.

Hey I don't dispute we owe a lot to sophists, it's not because the term took a negative connotation nowaday- Plato himself have some responsability in this btw- that you should assume i'm mouthing the guy. It doesn't change the fact Plato was a sophist