Is the us headed to a full on racialized political conflict system?

Is the us headed to a full on racialized political conflict system?

I speak not of a helter skelter Nazi masturbation fantasy nown type system but the conclusion of several factors

1. Poltical Polarization skyrocketing
Hyper partsianship and poltical polarization are well documented to be on the rise. Things luke supreme court justices or even the measured elasticity of states show this as well as more and more races being nationalized

2. Political Parties and Identity Poltics being more and more conflated.

I dont use Identity Poltics as a dirty word but rather to note how the ethnic based subtext of the american two party system has hit text. The poltical parties are now more and more procies for social and ethnic groups campaiging on openly racial based policies.

Thus in the Us we approach a political cold civil war at the same time our political system becomes both more openly racialized and furtger racialized. The Democratic party is well on its way to majority-minority status and the GOP turn towards ethnonationalism both mean we are racing towards a world were our poltical system revolves around " Team white guys" vs "Team not white guys"

Other nations have evolved racialized political systems but usually those deal with bloody conflict.

What will the US be like in the decades to come when the two party system becomes a vector for outright racial conflict?

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The reason the Gap in both voting and the parties that they vote for are so wide in the south is because of the Neo-Jim Crow "Felon Disenfranchisement" + "War on drugs" + "Mandatory Minimums" pushed in these states by the GOP which has basically purged a decent chunk of both the poor black and poor WHITE electorate from the voting rolls in the southern states

Of course we can argue that american two party poltics has ALWAYS had a racialized component (The Southern Strategy of Nixon and Raegan and before that the tension between New deal and great society reforms against civil rights pushes, the urban/rural culture war of the 20s with its anti immigrant and black elements, the US civil war and the north/south cold war that drove the western expansion and huge aspects of the national founding itself)

But as demographics shift we are entering an era less of two white guy parties that various cultural and ethnic enclaves sort themsleves into bit rather an era where white guyness has become a key aspect of the GOP cultural platform while the counter has become a key aspect of the Dems.

That is the gop is no longer the party that plays to white suspicion and greviences but is actually becoming "The White Man party"

Likewise if you look at the talk of the 2020 dem primary you see the very fact of being a white guy dragging dowm Sanders and Biden while the counter uplifting Warren and Harris.

The Dem platform has essentially solidified culturally around ethno-cultural groups such as blacks, lgbt and Hispanics while as Hillaries midwest collapse shows up the GOP has driven into classical whiteness .

Theres also all this talk of a suburban revolt which again goes into my point.

We now reach an age when poltical parties arent catering to cultural warfare but a point were the parties are the very weapons of that war itslef.

I've lived outside America for almost a decade.
Being back here, I've noticed that lots of "moderate conservatives" are now openly racist.
But that's probably always been what they've thought; they're just less shy about showing it now.

In any case the idea of demographics = destiny is a losing argument. White Americans are perfectly capable of ruling as a minority through various disenfranchisement techniques, and that's probably the way it's going to go unless Democrats start engaging in serious class politics (lol)

Permit us to have sex with PoC wah-men or else we will be fully ensconced in racial holy war before 2020.

Your call.

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What if I told you POC wah-men wanted to have sex with you?

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I know white americans can maintain that rule; we can easily hit Rwanda tier or the babby version of that.

My whole point was the US political party system becoming essentially ethnic organizations akin to the Flemmings/Wallon ro Tutsi/Hutsi dynamic or the various tribal republican of South Asia and Africa

The GOP not just being a rightwing party that feeds off racism but an outright and open White Man's party.

The Dems not being a left wing party that feeds of blacks and the like as part of its social coalition but an outright black person party.

And as the US is in a constant and ever growing left vs right wing political war, this will natural lead into an outright political racewar.

Its basically almost there, all we need is 2020 to have kamal or someone voted in with minority white votes and we have helter skelter house of cards version

Bernie Sanders democratic socialism isn't that concerned with identity politcs, from what i've seen.
If the democratic socialist faction of the democratic party can manage to gain more influence or seperate and found its own party which becomes then a third force in the U.S political system, it could be avoided.
Otherwise it doesn't look good.

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Can't wait for the Anerican version of Lebanon's Parliament where the President will have to be white, the speaker of the house will have to be at least 30% native American and the Vice President will have to be Italian.

Perect example.

Bernie lost the primary in large part do to Clinton crushing him in the black vote in the southern states

And today even though he would be the surface heir apparent

Women and POCs are ahead of him in the 2020 list of nominees.

We need a lenin to purify the party.
People like bernie sanders don't have a backbone.

Iraq has similar set ups .
Racial poltics is nothing new but the international "race groups AS poltical parties/groups"is coming to US

No, racism in America was worse a decade ago, and even worse a few decades before that.

They could, but they won’t because most white americans are either married to someone of another race, or one of there siblings or cousins are. The reason why whites are becoming a minority isn’t because of immigration or different birth rates, but because of race mixing. Let’s be honest in a century a large chunk of “race mixed americans” will have blue eyes and blond hair.

Bernie “white people don’t know what it’s like to be poor” Sanders

What party? Please don’t tell me you mean the Democrats

No, the vast majority of it is sensationalist bullshit. Politics aren't "polarized", if anything ideological difference is less evident in the US than ever; it's petty tribalism between idiots that think political parties are like ethnicities.

When racism is no issue anymore, colourism will become the new ideology of the capitalists to divide the working class with.

fuck off porkie

Seems like quite the generalization to me

Can’t wait to be an eighty year old white man seeing young teens arguing over that shit.

They already do and have been for years, if you ever actually interact with PoC you'd know this.

While this does seem pretty stupid from an outsider perspective, us whites do the same shit, hell I unironicaly think South Europeans are inferior to Germs and Slavs.

The more the merrier.

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The interracial couple rate is no wgere near enough to cause what you are talking about.

Also I am talking less about hard racism and more about the american party system itslef becoming racialized.

That is instead of the GOP or Dems campaigning to certain racial issues or building them into their coalitions, the poltical parties themsleves becoming racial based entities.

Its happening/happened faster in the GOP than the dems but the dem platform leadership and voter base is very close to being minority led .

They aren't "like" ethnicities. The parties are increasingly based on ethnic platforms.

Also poltical polarization is on an objective and meaurable uptick.

whoda thunk it

Well maybe in certain conditions longitudinal waves emit from the states.
Polarization seems more orderly and pleasing to the eye.

Care to clarify?

An article giving a simialr theme of the two parties becoming for overtly and at the core racial

Read Settlers. That's 21st century lefitsm. Kill Whitey and socialism will thrive.

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The map seems to say this phenomenon is highly concentrated by geography.

Racism was not worse in 2008, sorry.

The president is making speeches on TV where he says he will send the military to the border to shoot immigrants and has the unwavering support of 85% of his party and you are going to look me in the post and say the country was more racist in 2008.

This was done on purpose, the USA was gonna become a Post-Racial Nation.Then Obama fucked up everything, like how he fucked up Libya and Europe, and fucked up Syria.

I know we all want a borderless world, but we live in Capitalism not Socialism.

We uh– we don't shoot people crossing the border. That's an absolutely extreme position to take.

I was thinking about this today and actually I don't agree at all. Obama's fault was that he believed with a lot of conviction in the goodness of America. He wanted to heal and unite the country after the devastating Iraq war. He wanted to reassert the US's position as a just and benevolent global leader. He really though that Americans would be able to recognize the failures and the mistakes that lead to the crises facing the country and correct them, and that with a calm, patient and even-handed leader that the country could be healed.

It's not polarization when actual ideological differences are rarely evident.
When normies start babbling about "extremism" in mainstream politics, not even they know what they are talking about. It is a knee-jerk reaction to a situation in which, god forbid, they might have to take a stance on something, like an adult with principles.

I'm not the crypto-fash Spurdo you replied to, btw.
Anyways, really? What did Obama do as a Senator or before that to give you that impression?

It kind of already is in constant conflict over this. Multiculturalism naturally brings out more tension in population, usually its religious and not racial but the democrats and republicans in US kind of made race (which is just an identity rather than a cultural) something much bigger and it is starting to be similar to disputes over religion.

Only in western Europe and America this will be a big issue. America since its already very multicultural, Europe since it has debt in appealing to markets by importing guest workers in the 60s 70s. They permanently stayed, now they're going to have to pay that debt. They will have to put up with their diversity.

Mind you in Europe the situation is not that bad, its mostly Islamists which are causing huge issues. For the rest its rather quiet with black vs white, its more white vs islam and arabs who are trying to enforce their own original culture on the countries they inhabit. That is actually more a political / ideological issue.

Democrats if they want to win will need to run a black candidate. I doubt they will be able to market as effectively to reach hype levels that Obama had in 2008 though.

Daily reminder that the american civil war never actually ended.

Racial tensions have been dragged on since the 19th century. It's just a matter of time until we face another civil war.

My advide? Start stockpiling a shitload of guns, join your local lefty militia and learn how to effectively use guns for guerilla warfare. No more pussying around, since the right is more than willing to kill us.

Just to drive home exactly how polarized the party system is right now

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More than half of voting age adults do not vote , usually on the lower end of the income spectrum

So now into some specfic. What does the future of America look like when we starr shifting from a Two Party system to a "Two Race System"( that is the GOP as the white party and the Dems as "others")

There are objective economic and social/cultural issues between the us left and right.

ESPECIALLY when it comes to civil rights. Has been for centuries.

Foreign policy may be a bit muddy but their is thw reason the black vote hasnt seriously split since we got it.

An outright sociallly violent upheavel is super unlikely in the us due to several demorgaphic and cultural factors.

For all its warts the US poltical system has provem very effective at being the primary axis of intersectional conflict that turns other countries violent.

In other wars yes we are at an eternal racewar but it tends to show up in ways more like this

Than say full scale armed conflict.

You're already there.

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wtf I love this board now

Marx wrote all about racial cold war. You might have to read several hundred pages to pick it up, but it's there.

You can acknowledge racial tensions exist and that identity politics are out of control without turning into a Nazi retard

i hope you still have that attitude when the shitskins start to run wild all over you

you won't, but in your dying moments just try to remember those who tried to warn you

It's specifically in the third volume of Capital but you have to read the first two volumes all the way before you can get the background references necessary to understand Marx's prediction of a future racial war.

Trust me though it's worth reading it all the way through

Weve beeen in a racial cold war since the idea of races existed.

The very idea of a race is built on conflict.

Why should we worry about this? Race is a spook, it's just arbitrary groups conflicting, no different to any other conflict.

Exactly. Citizens are disenfranchised with politics in general. And I bet the voter turnout for black and hispanic Americans is even lower than the overall turnout.

White trash are energised to vote Republican because the Republicans appeal to them more culturally. Blacks and browns are not motivated to go vote Democrat because what have the Democrats really done for them in the last 40 years? Nothing. If you are poor and black, you were still screwed under Clinton and Obama.

Which is whu the stupid Blexit meme should be replaced with a Blakeover

The dems are shifting from a Majority led party that had minorities as part of its Colaition into a Minority led party.

The cultural context of a two party Nation were each party is an organ of a demographic group is a HUGE shift.

An outright poltical Nazi masturbation fantasy.

Culture is a spook. GOP has a form of Liberalism that is more catered towards staying at home, while the Democrats have a form of Liberalism that is more International.

Look at the Corporations that finance them.

Please expand on this theory.