Atheism caused the alt-right

The collapse of Christianity among working class, white Americans is what caused the alt-right to happen. Next comes actual fascism after Republican Boomers die off. I hope you're happy.

What happens when John Q Millennial hits the work force and can't find a job? Becomes a fascist because he believes in literally nothing, not even God, and isn't class conscious. And no, you're not going to make him class conscious, because you've been screaming at him that he's a "fucking white male" since 2008. Good job, idiots.

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it had nothing to do with me

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Zig Forums false-flag thread

Nice echochamber, faggots.

Fuck your gay concern trolling, I guess you're one of those christ"""coms""" who got tired of pretending to be leftist so you can go back to Zig Forums and larp there


Even though the OP is bait I think this is an actually interesting topic in how atheism was historically connected to strong left-wing ethics in both ML and SocDem countries but in the late 80s and 90s was bastardised to death by Neoliberals and open Social Darwinists while the left moved to New-Age woo (Budhism, and so on), to what degree internet culture (New Atheism, something awful, 4chan) either deepened or simply expressed that trend (with people simply proclaiming "reason, logic and common sense" as the source of their moral beliefs and retards like peterson running with some ad-hoc utilitarianism based on bastardised evopsych and shit like that.

It's funny because "teaching evolution in schools is gonna make people selfish psychopaths" was actually a widely spread stance in the more activist christian groups.

muh freezepeach

And yeah, in actual Far-right circles religion is either openly shunned or at least distrusted or the object of LARP which amounts to commodifying religious practice like ahistorical "Deus Vult" shit, explicitly using religion to make political points to other people instead of practising it on your daily life, or using it as an ego booster/motivational tool like Prosperity Gospel people do.

race war now

climax of the global Darwinian struggle within our lifetime

But I'm not white and voted for Ron Paul back when I was "libertarian"

I never became a proper Zig Forumsyp because I wasn't a fucking house nigger saying "oh i is okay with yall genociding my nigger ass yes suh bawss"

You know, this is an interesting point. Thanks, user.

Cry me a fucking river.

We're communists, retard. We don't care much for liberal idpol here.

I'm an atheist.

The leftypol is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a tanky, a liberal, a classcuck, or a manarchist, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him an idpol loving SJW and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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first and foremost if this is not bait then you are a fucking retard
Americans lacking culture beyond our 'melting-pot' of capitalism & the ideology/advertising/programming that drives the profit motive they worship like a god in the US is what causes people to latch onto identity politics of all kinds because they have literally nothing else. This explains idpol like gamer shit, brand loyalty and sports team fanaticism, all the way up to political preference. Something something base and superstructure, you ignorant fucking nigger

We radicalise him with propaganda that is distanced from preachy, thickbrain shit from 100 years ago; craft it in the way that is best received by the dispossessed masses of modern day consumer driven NPC's. The old manifesto was built for this purpose and the recent threads here trying to make a modernized 'version' are what we need. Read Propaganda by Bernays faggot.

that's where you're wrong bucko

who the fuck do you think we are? we are not the ones doing that shit and never have been, we are the answer to faggots like that and faggots like you.

Good for you. Just wait until you realize that it's the first of several awakenings you'll have in life, if you pay attention and think critically, where you see that what ideas you're being fed literally everywhere serves a purpose and seeks to maintain an order - specifically the ruling order & the interests of that ruling order. Religion & capitalism are the same in this regard. If you can get past the idea of eternal damnation due to apostasy/heresy/disbelief then how hard can a shift in economic thinking be?


No, it's just that if you let it slide you'll create ambiguity. I'm not even going to try to talk about projection with a literal nazi faggot.

golly, you sure are one limp-dicked nutsac
a core tenet of this board is rejection of idpol, at least to a logical extent
you can't just label everyone you don't like "muh SJWs", it isn't going to work here.

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If you want to know it was a multitude of things that caused the Alt-right.

First off gamer culture and then geek culture became battlegrounds of the culture war and previously politically ambivalent and somewhat left-libertarian leaning gamers were made to feel that they were under attack and gamers turned to the only group willing to give them any kind of support, the extreme right. And this turned many of them into the alt-right . Which is a syncretic mixture of right and left wing ideologies born of a devil's bargain between people who shared a common foe. The alt-right is an unstable bastard ideology which will eventually fizzle out. They supported Trump as a giant fuck you to the radical feminists and crypto-fascists in denial that supported Hillary and attacked them.

wanna wager a bet?

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Except there is a meta-Darwinian struggle which is not tied to the survival of genes but the survival of a 'human phenome' - as FED calls it, it's the meta-social plane of existence within the material world. Your reasoning, as I outlined in is a biological reductionism which is the result of the new reactionary pinnacles of bourgeois thought. Not that the bourgeoisie and their lackeys are obliged to care, there is no natural law which tells them to do so as reasoning entities. What an utter paradox these supposedly-distanced observers find themselves in!

wanna make an argument?
you can't, because you know I'd win that bet.