Zig Forums
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Right Politics #27
Right Politics
Hillary yeets on Berniebros
News 1/26
Video Games Thread Reborn
Post-industrial America and the Proletariat
Alternatives to Marxist Leninism
Redpill me on Robespierre
#4 on trending
What if Lenin had died in 1964?
Trump reopens government without wall
Trump is calling to reopen government
Matamoros Strike General
Dead Landlords
Zig Forums is hosted on US government servers. This is a honeypot
Why do people see global warming in an alarmist cult like acceptance of their fate?
Quick practical question
Zig Forums in the 1920s
Am I the only one who thinks the concept of "love" is inherently reactionary and incompatible with socialism in any...
Reminder that this is what the right believes, found it in paranormal /x/...
George Soros just asked the whole world to declare war on China
Only Cuba can save Venezuela. What and how can it do it?
Hey, I'm new to this whole "leftism" thing, but won't have time to read a lot of books for the forseeable future...
Climate Engineering
Call to Organize
Bolsanaro auctioned off the rainforest
70K Mexican Workers go on strike. No coverage by the media
Romanavs and the fall of tsarism
Trump recognizes US-backed head of Venezuela’s opposition Juan Guaido as country’s interim president
Mods do not delete my thread, I am not here to break any rules
How would they work?
What the fuck does it mean to be 'philosophically left-wing'?
How would leftypol solve this
Becoming Disillusioned
Syria threatens to ‘strike Tel Aviv airport’ unless UNSC acts against Israel’s impunity
Pour one out for Comrade Kirk. If only there was a system of health-care that could have prevented this
We need to produce more memes
Hey so I'm doing a radio show tomorrow, gonna talk about socialism/communism and wanted to farm suggestions
What is left communism? Isn't all communism left? Why does everyone mock left communism?
Purely hypothetical question
What exactly is Self-Crit? I hear it brought up most often by Maoists. Anyone have first hand experience with it...
Vietnam and Laos life expectancy
Education in socialist countries
Corporation hate
Is late capitalism just rent seeking?
/br/ Brazil Thread - Fio Brasileiro
Is Natalie Wynn, aka contrapoints is liberal. I seem to remember her saying some liberal shit out of character once
News 1/21
What can be done?
Why is social democracy so hated here when alongside unions it's the thing that actually helps the working class on a...
This what happens when u protest against fascists
Show if you actually are a Communist
Anybody else noticed that in the past year or so...
Labor Vouchers or Gift Economy
Why was he such a fucking faggot?
Linda Sarsour
New here what ppl think of bobby sands?
Why do most us "leftists" support prostitution...
On stalin
Are Worker Cooperatives Actually Socialist?
Is he right, Zig Forums?
Good Left Wing YouTube Channels
The absolute state of Zig Forums. They fall for it every single time...
Memeball thread
Who is your favorite revolutionary and what is something cool they did
Trade with Chinese Characteristics
Have Aliens Found Us? A Harvard Astronomer on the Mysterious Interstellar Object ‘Oumuamua
/scandi/ Scandinavia general
0301 Free Food Day
The elephant in the room
Capitalism wasn't invented
If racism is why minorities fail, why do Asias do better than whites?
Where do modern Maoists get their politics? Doesnt look like it's from Mao
News 1/17
Marxist-Leninist/Third Worldist party in Ghana in the media
Leftists fight each other currently because taking the fight to their capitalist state is too risky and probably not...
A startup called Ambrosia that charges $8...
Why inequality is different in Japan
Jasic Incident
What does Zig Forums think of Nicolae Ceaușescu?
Bat'ko and the Pierre drama
Four Chinese Tycoons Just Transferred $17 Billion to Trusts
Dengoids will defend this!
Latin America general
Who NOT to read?
Let me get this straight, the Catholic Church...
Fireman who was protesting with yellow vests shot dead by government
Things appear to be heating up slowlg with the situation in Venezuela...
Porky Laughs
White Supremacy
My pronouns are him/her/xir
Can we talk about the capitalist fuckery that is the entertainment industry?
The holohoax
Leftybirtpol Brexit vote day edition
Dialectic failings of Idpol
German scene
Yo I leave the board for a year and this place seems infested with SWERFs and TERFs. What the fuck happened?
News 1/14
Lately i notice allot of people on the left supporting democracy when did this change happen?
Why is it that we always dream about how amazing a socialist country would be, but in real-countries like Cuba, USSR...
Are there any relevant marxist critiques of Shulamnith Firestone and other marxists calling for abolition of the gender?
So how many of you are gay?
Jonestown Thread
Is Fascism actually a threat?
Jupiter is Coming
This is the end of Drumpf *for real*, isn’t it?
South Africa
What if the rich just keep on maintaining robust welfare systems to placate the proletariat and prevent them from...
Zig Forums the hypocrites at it again
The Nigger Problem
Badmouse's new vid
German families were starving under hitlers prewar rule
Ban All Democrap Shrills
Weird anti-Communist Laws in Your State
Tulsi 2020
Thousands to mark the deaths of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht in Berlin this weekend
Goes on a diet
Black Panther Party Thread
Shitty Right-Wing Comics (No Ben Garrison or Kelly)
Left unity, and sectarian discussion general thread
Rise of liberalism since 2016
Georgy Malenkov
Does anyone know any good "de-spook" book...
What is your honest opinion on ContraPoints?
Let us discuss! Please be reasonable
What are some Zig Forums approved American political figures? I'm sick of the JFK circle jerk from liberals
Thoughts on feminists and libs wrecking the newly and barely resurgent leftist movement in the US?
Pickup lines from the (former) richest man in the world
The absolute state of the far left in America. This is just incredibly embarrassing and kind of sad in a way
Zizek has been interviewed in a new Vice episode. Go to about 20 minutes in
Most insane things you've seen from reactionaries lately...
The State Department of the US has its eyes set on South and Central America lately
So what are the chances that Capitalism isn't a superorganism that will eventually consume mankind?
Zig Forums here, I really hope we can work together to get rid of these bankers...
News 1/10
ITT Zig Forums approved media
Zig Forums here
Stalin's Daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva
Back to USSR: Record number of Russians regret collapse of Soviet Union
Racism with Chinese Characteristics
Questions about Vladimir Putin
DiEM25 for Europe?
A new path for Europe? also /eug/euro-general/eug/
Why Socialism? by Albert Einstein
Literally every historical right-wing reactionary dictatorship has collapsed from declining popular support over time
French Yellow Vests Plan To Sink Banks With Withdrawals
Richard Ojeda: The Poor Will Eat the Rich
News 1/9
Cockshott Thread: Dickblast Towards a New Socialism
I have two important questions for Zig Forums
Capitalists always side with each other against communis-
Daily reminder that both capitalists and communists have a fundamentally materialist view of history and are both...
Brainlet here
Glass ceiling: SHATTERED! MacKenzie Bezos set to become world's richest woman
People's Republic of China general
Russia Warns US: Military Action In Venezuela 'Catastrophic'
Moderation Appreciation Thread
Encounters with lolberts and other creatures of the night
Defend the DPRK
How come they couldn't stop nationalism?
Give me some good info on imperialism
I didn't think it was possible...
Martial Law Gamethread
Leftoid/twitter leftist cringe thread
News 1/8
In Defense Of Democratic Socialism
Wallstreet and the Bolsheviks
An AfD politician got beat almost to death
Anderson Cooper: When people hear the word socialism, they think Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela...
Jimmy Dore's conservative fans OUTRAGED after his defending of AOC's college dancing video and mocking the right-wing...
C-c-china isn't doing anything to help u-
Why does economic centralization always seem to fail...
The great purge
Do modern leftist anarchists realise that Mikhail Bakunin – one of the founders of modern anarchism – was a race...
Let’s be honest, AOC will be president one day...
How do you guys rectify your ideology with the fact that the majority of the actual working class is very right wing...
Have you ever noticed how much stormfag s hate pit bulls?
How about that, you racist crypto-drumpfies?
Early Soviet Science
Soviet space program
Banks and conspiracies
Incels and feminism
Anti-Communism in Pop-Culture
How would you design a floor plan for subsidized basic housing...
Is the DPRK Maoist or Marxist-Leninist
Food Stamps and the Shutdown
Xi Jinping Thought
Is there an actual economics-based Marxist critique of SocDem economics?
Whats the difference between the other leftist boards?
Decentralization vs centralization
Ultra Far right crypto fascist nativists are not based and redpi…
Life of a Billionaire's Son
All three cia directorates will now be headed by women
There is a Huge MORAL CRISIS in China
Zig Forums is nothing but a bunch of kautskyite chauvinist crypto-fash masquerading as "leftists"...
Nuclear war may be the only way to stop human extinction
Lefty/k/ thread
Xi's article on dialectical materialism to be published
German leftwing movement 'will take to streets like gilets jaunes in 2019'
In praise of anarchism
Are there Juche organizations/movements outside of the DPRK?
What is the Marxist explanation for why, despite Eastern Europe being poorer...
China is making scientific breakthroughs on the moon while Americans think the Earth is flat
Kim Jong Un's New Year Speech
Conservatives Vs Nazis
Would you vote for any democrat over Trump...
Sorry, but there wil no democratic nomination for creeps like you, Bernie. Class is not everything
How does one effectively argue AGAINST social democracy not on a hypothetical basis, but a pragmatic one?
Bow down to the real revolutionaries, cishet white men scum. Women’s place is in the front
News 1/3
Anarchism is nothing but an aversion to discipline, prove me wrong
Coming war
Review your state’s D.SA
Non-american here. What type of person tends to join the Democrat Cops of America...
ITT: theorists who are never discussed on here, who should be
Vermin Supreme running for LP presidential nomination
Syrian War / R**java thread
Help thread
Soviet military hardware performance
Is the anti-IDpol left rising?
News 1/2
Identity politics v class politics: CPGB-ML
Marxism-Benninism Thread
New England is the future of American Socialism
If you had to choose one religion to remain intact after the Revolution (all the others will wither away)...
Dresden Bombing Hoax????
Brutalism is awesome...
Scans prove there’s no such thing as a ‘male’ or ‘female’ brain
Insect Socialism
What the hell is Cultural Marxism?
Nordic mode: explained and debunked
Thoughts on 2019
What would it take for a Armed Peoples Revolution in the US
David Graeber and Anti-Leviathan
Reminder that the same people that complain about any small reference to communism in any way don't give a shit about...
Why is the right on the internet full of so many shysters in the form of grifters, and sophists...
How time do you spend on Zig Forums and other leftwing online spaces...
Revolution general
Karl Marx was redpilled on the jewish question
Opinion: We should back a mainstream candidate in 2019
Daily reminder that you will never escape Natural Law and Human nature
Are you willing to lose your job over your politics?
WE DID IT, Zig Forums!
Reminder that marx wasn't an atheist. you are all the victims of orthodox marxist fabrications or ignorance
Trotskyist here
Why do you love Stalin?
New Zizek show on RT
2020 American Elections
Why does the western bourgeoisie pour money into the third world instead of their own countries?
'pearls' of capitalism discussion
Statement by James Flynn Regarding IQ Research
National Action Thot
Why is Trotsky usually hated around socialist circles of all sorts...
Where do you stand?
Decolonialism related questions
"Millennial men choose to be unproductive members of society because their parents told them they can 'become anything...
If you can't afford to pay your workers a living wage, you shouldn't be allowed to run a business. - Jimmy Dore
Dice Revolutionopoly - The Aurelian Revolution
Insects are based
What's your opinion of H. P. Lovecraft, comrades?
Wiesenthal Center releases list of the "top ten antisemites in 2018"
What does Zig Forums think of him?
ITT: Screencaps, copypastas, hot takes, anything to initiate a newfag or curious lurker
What is your class background and current class?
How do we destroy oppressive patriarchal beauty standards in society...
P2 Lodge
How do Christcoms want relations between different religions to work...
21st Century Leftist Aesthetics
American Socialism General - /asg/
Contemporary Thinkers
The left still can't meme
Are coperatives the ultimate redpill?
Opinion on the roman empire?
What about Ethiopia
What's Zig Forums opinion on the Nigger Question (NQ)...
Just discovered Conservapedia
M-L here. I want anarchists to give me some reasons why anarchism is preferable to marxism-leninism. (Genuinely curious)
Molyneux breaks into tears during Polish far-right demonstration, says he's now a collectivist
News 12/26
Happy Birthday Comrade Mao
Moishe Postone
Why so much hate against indians ?
Message to you, board owner and mods
Why the fuck is this book not popular among current-day socialists? Am I missing something?
Forgetting the cause
Why does the state won't kill me?
Does the entire world have to "mature in capitalism" in order to successfully transition via proletarian revolution...
Request of interesting thinks
Need help getting back into radicalism
Trotskys supposed ties to fascism
Is he a Comrade or a Reactionary?
A Normie Raider in AnComs' Board
A social project happening in my city
Merry fucking Christmas, wagies...
This is the gayest article I've read all year
Dengism and the Western Left
Capitalist Innovations
Is power really naturally concentrated?
Zig Forums /SIG/ – Self Improvement General
What is the consensus on this guy Zig Forums? is he based or a maniac?
Marx anime by china
The Death of Stalin (movie)
The year is 2050
Be the Soviet Union
Charter Schools
Subculture and Lifestylism
China is anti-imperiali-
45-year old Swedish social democrat politician woman who worked as a refugee center manager at her leisure...
Habbening in Sudan
Libertarian / person skeptical of marx reading vol. 1 of Capital; I have a question
Coming to the left wing
Corbyn says Brexit will go ahead even if Labour wins election
I disagree with Chomsky. I totally disagree. It's the time we get the eff out of the Middle East. - Jimmy Dore
How is it possible to be both a Sternerite and a Marxist at the same time...
The Hypocrisy of Capitalism
The Amerikkkan situation
ContraPoints interview with The Economist
Trotsky (Netflix series)
What's the most minimum type of work a communist society would still consider work?
What do you comrades think about the Wild West? How can we view it from a socialist of workers' point of view...
On violent media
Marxian economist are becoming more and more outdated as more and more markets that don't operate under his axioms...
News 12/21
Daily reminder
Cuba reinserts 'communism' in draft of new constitution
Gun channels on youtube
Friends, I'm new to leftypol, this is my first post in this forum...
Music thread
What's Zig Forums opinion on denuclearization?
Capitalist innovation thread. Because we all know that this is the greatest system producing the greatest results...
Jason vs Spencer
How to make a propoganda film?
Whats with the recent resurgence of christfaggotry among the left...
How intelligent do you have to be to understand Xi Jinping thought?
join a communist organization in Israel
The White Working Class (tm)
I don't understand "leftists" who support prostitution
Spencer v. Unruhe Debate: Starting Soon
News 12/19
Yeah i watch anime
Hungary: Stop the slave law
Trump administration plans to pull U.S. troops from Syria immediately, defense official says
What is your take and opinion on 2016 presidental election?
‘Male-free’ music festival ruled discriminatory by Swedish authorities
Epin Russian trolls
Why do they want to ban possession of firearms? It sounds like they want to create a type of gun library...
Sup boys. I’m new to Zig Forums because 4chan is down...
Hegel was wrong about civilization, objectivity can't subvert tradition...
Right-wingers are so incredibly stupid!
Hey bro, redpill me about socialism, I'm giving you one chance
Disgusting video on V.Lenin
I think I found a way to remove Identity Politics from leftist organizations
Tfw had argument about Bolshevism with ☭TANKIE☭ mom. Older generation of Russians is hopeless...
Were a lot of Stalin photos doctored?, his face looks fake as fuck in this one
The kurds were sellouts
What's leftypol opinion on economic decrease as alternative to capitalism?
Migrated from r/socialism
What does Zig Forums think about BDS and anti-BDS laws?
What is the deal with Nick Land?
Red Guards Austin "are no more"
Q: How does Marxist economics work to efficiently produce goods and services without becoming a corrupt self-defeating...
UN migration pact will be binding after a vote in the UN!
Is it actually possible to maintain a technological civilization that isn't destructive to the environment and human...
Veganism must be embraced by the Revolutionaries
For those wondering why jac.obin is jakkkobin
Plato's Republic
The ultimate debate
Are things still as bad here as when Zig Forums was created?
Law and Anarchism
Is sexual deviancy a product of capitalism?
Shiggy diggy doo man is literally /ourguy/
Leftybritpol - New NK Ambassador edition
Why should I join the DSA if it claims to be a "big-tent multi-tendency organization" but rejects central...
Misandry on the Left
When I was in school...
Is reading The Communist Manifesto required?
On Karl Marx and "uncivilized" nations
Dependency theory
Be me
If the value destruction of WW2 made capitalism recover again...
What are your thoughts on democracy? Are revolutions undemocratic? Should elder people vote...
Besides the enforced caste system was it a dystopia?
Professor pol (straight from /cuckfasc/ )
Vendors under socialism
I don't see one, so let's get a meme thread going
I'm toying with the idea of writing about representations of Palestinian resistance in western literature for my senior...
Lab grown meat
Mindless Consumption
ITT: we describe our family members and friends ideologies
How do I be less offensive
Only country where Marx isn't demonized
News 12/13
Is there a good documentary on what the fuck happened with greece, for someone with burger education?
Alternative infrastructure
If you don't have a strong foundation of theory your 'movement' is just shit
Julian von Abele
Marxist Texts About Fascism
News 12/12
Watch this to die immediately
Zig Forums eternally BTFO
Can we have a thread of appreciation for the brave heroes that protect our freedoms?
Communist eschatology
Against Anarcho-Liberalism and the curse of identity politics
Land of the Free
Tfw leftypol finally got over it's Stirner phase
2019 Year of ... ???
News 12/11
Marxism and K-Pop
Tfw leftypol finally got over it's Stirner phase
Zizek defends Ilyenkov's dialectical materialism
Trotsky's support of the Gold Standard
Medieval Iceland
How can peopel be so stupid? Where is the revolution?
It seems like porky must be getting scared of this succdem. This is some serious mask slippage here...
I'm never gonna read das kapital, is this a worthwhile alternative or is there a better way?
Hey guys the yellow vests are in America now
I'm super far-right and know i need to change...
Is capitalism the force responsible for declining birthrates and replacement migration? If so...
Texas Roadhouse Forcing Workers to Dance
Have you ever felt like you were brainwashed or convinced by right wing propaganda?
How do you control specialization?
I know this is probably pointless but what would be the most convincing argument here?
How can you have a good grasp on Marxist philosophy if you haven't studied Kant, Fichte, Hegel and Feuerbach?
New militant Maoist bodybuilder movement in Berlin
Going forward
Any limes going to counter protest this shit right now?
Had identity politics successfully destroyed the possibility of an actual leftist, worker based revolution in America?
Concept Art
What are your thoughts on school and university, is it just stealing your money?
I really want to read communist literature
Marxism and Labor
As we all know...
Bash the fash
Can someone please explain to me how leadership works in the DPRK
No, you have not discovered a grand truth hidden by the elites...
/leftyaus/ 40°C Aussie Christmas Edition
Why are lefties so obsessed with space exploration? How about we just figure out a way to keep asteroids, meteors...
Why Threads on America Are Pointless
Why can’t people realize that humanity was a mistake?
People's republic of Bulgaria
BurgerBowl 2020
Labor Theory Of Value
A 35 USD Ariel doll earns the chinese worker 1p
South Park did a commie episode where they literally quote Marx and set up a worker's revolt plot against Amazon
Zizek: If we want to survive on this planet, we need to abandon the cause of the nation state
Cubans are getting internet
One world order
Leftybritpol - It's the end of the world as we know it edition
Converting halfchan
Why do you push away "IDPOL"? Also, has anyone converted any? How?
Is there something like RT but for China? just to gain a general awareness of what Chinese people see on the news
Israel vs Hezzbolla confrontation
Alt-right cringe thread
My socdem friend told me that Marxism was irrelevant because the Labor Theory of Value was wrong and the relative...
Zig Forums drawthread
Fiat currency
Gilets jaunes / Yellow vests general
News 12/3
Libertarian here. Thanks guys for fighting the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Federal Reserve🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 with us!
The free will question
Requesting real life pictures of the alt-right and kekistan? Thank you…
What if you had capitalism, but all land is owned by the state and cannot be bought or sold...
Trump and China declare 90-day truce on new tariffs
Stop this gender shit
How did Libya fall?
Why is leftypol opposed to UBI exactly...
Balkans General
ITT: leftist "theorists" who should have never theorized
The Soviet Education System
Voice of America Jazz Hour
Why did the US bomb Iraq after the Gulf War ?
Is some sort of truce or coalition between communists; anarchists; and turd positionists...
1. Your cunt
No matter what extreme poverty line you choose, the share of people below that poverty lin
Why do certain resourceful third-world countries like the gulf countries...
US is starting propaganda campaign against China
Plato or Aristotle, comrades?
Young Activists Go Missing in China, Raising Fears of Crackdown
Protestant extremism
Can we get a celebration thread going Zig Forums? He finally kicked the bucket!
I don't want to work anymore, it's very silly...
And do not forget goyim...
Communism hinges entirely on volunteerism and social unity...
Why can't Kim Jong Un just hire Cockshott and Cottrell instead of pulling this bullshit?:
Exploitation (according to the Cambridge Companion to Marx)
Reactionaries triggered
Progressive International
Meanwhile in Russia
Has not experienced a significant economical crash since before ww2
I want to learn more about the Frankfurt school, New Left and what pol would call "cultural marxism."
Lets ignore that this isn't a real Bookchin quote for a moment...
The american education system is hilarious. We're learning about world religions and I was handed this
News 11/29
TYT's dislikes on its anti-Wikileaks video mysteriously disappear
The Transgender Question
What are some goooood, general news sites which aren't offensively liberal?
I saw a CDC report that US life expectancy is decreasing on account of young deaths due to suicide and drug abuse
What is your opinion on this book?
Is Stalin worth reading?
New DPRK documentary
What are some good sources on how life in the gulags actually was (first hand accounts are appreciated)...
Anya Parampil: Ocasio-Cortez is a Progressive Fraud
What did they mean by this?
I'm homeless, AMA. I'm also trans. I've been homeless a year, I'm from L.A., and I'm currently in Portland, Oregon
News 11/28
Zig Forums is a bad influence for socialists or anyone with even a modicum of intelligence
Why are these primitive ethnocentric lumpenproles allowed to horde their wealth away from taxation...
What happened to the Stirner/Egoist flags. You guys don't like Stirner anymore?
Hello comrades
"Right-Left Movement Coming Together to End Unauthorized Wars."
Reminder that Third Worldism is, in praxis, futile until this happens
Soviet-Afghan War General
Julian Assange: Sanders as president would not lead to peace
Why did nonrussians in the USSR hate the soviets?
A Georgia county official has taken her oath of office by placing her hand on The Autobiography of Malcolm X instead of...
The spectacle
Be me
Mainstreaming socialism/communism in the US?
News 11/27
Commune Thread
Christianity and Fascism
Are you against subcultures?
George Orwell was a capitalist stooge
Whats the best argument against pragmatism/radical centrism...
This changes everything
Ruin a wiki
What should be the language of Comintern 2.0 or international revolutionary socialists in general?
How come no socialists are talking about this?
Who here is actually involved in real life organising?
EU Politics General
Imperialist body armor
American Socialist
The Democrat Cops of America is NOT Helping the Cause - New SCATHING Jason "ROO!" Unruhe video attacking Democrat Cops...
Braking:Tensions flare up in Azov sea.Ukraine to declare martial law
Recommend reading materials for a former militant neonazi who grew tired of it and has an increasingly interest for...
Arguments against free market and individualism
Ostalgie Thread: Bunker edition
Dat self-proclaimed "communist" dude who has an obsessive ideological fixation on feminism
Is North Sentinel Island NazBol...
News 10/24
"Progressives" in US politics and Imperialism
I’m new to left wing politics but from studying and cleansing my blackened soul...
Nazi coup planned in Germany
Slavoj Zizek “attacks” Jordan Peterson and Steven Pinker at Cambridge Union
/Liberty/ BTFO
What would've happened if it was him instead of Stalin? Do you think he could've handled it better?
Ben Shaprio
Communism for the everyman
Rare porky thread
Alors qui va aux gilets jaunes demain
Liberal Bullshit like Gays and Trannies are Holding Us Back
Bertrand Russel on his meeting with Lenin
What's the opinion of Richard Spencer and Eric Striker by the people who post on this board using the Killing Fields...
To become a superpower it is absolutely essential to have a developed economy, an army equipped with atomic bombs...
I have little love for China, but I’m feeling skeptical of this Uyghur business...
Galaxy brain, I love my local ancap
Zig Forums, redpill me on Communism...
Would Government Contractors Be Allowed in a Socialist Society?
Reminder that transwomen aren't women and that trans ideology is the most cancerous idpol
News 11/22
Chinese Reaganomics
Convincing people of your beliefs
How would labour be valued?
How do stalinists defend the Great Purge? Do they believe they were all lies...
DFNS YPG/J thread
Why do you guys hate white people? Why do you guys reject everyting they have done?
Name one thing better than bashing in the head of a capitalist with a brick while singing the japanese internationale
Xi Jinping
Marx the Reformist
News 11/20
Thoughts on Antifa/SJWs/NeoLeft?
Well, user, why aren’t you a Nationalist yet? There is literally nothing wrong with Nationalism
Why call them people of color?
Eventually all the older people who actually lived during Socialism will die
Civics in Socialism
Why are right wingers so obsessed with "Communist deaths"...
A smoke in times of rest is a great companion to the solitary soldier
If diversity is a strength then why is race mixing allowed? This will lead to a homogeneous society
Foreign leftists thread
What do you think about Fight Club? Is it an anarchist or an fascist movie?
Why do they hate her so much?
18 as age of consent is problematic
Wether you like it or not, pic related makes trump soil his pants
What goes through nationalist/traditionfags minds...
Immigration and Capitalism
Spent so much time on here arguing for co-ops now look people are doing it and its working
The left betrayed france yesterday
Should Rich People Be Allowed to Exist?
4chan Zig Forumsack here lets talk
Climate Change
Daily reminder that "tankies" don't exist...
ITT: proto-communists
What does Zig Forums, think of Lavrentiy Beria...
Mao and Maoism
Looks like halfchan's having a bit of trouble. What do you believe to be the cause of this...
Lefty liberals are weak and unaesthetic
YPG and DFNS thread
Favorite / Interesting Marx and Engels quote thread
News 11/16
Why is it wrong to use the term 'nigger', comrades?
Ancap tears
Howard Scott and the Technocracy Movement
On gun control
What is the reason for non-whites/mixed people getting caught up in the Alt-Right?
Extremely based and redpilled move by China
The new class is used as a polemic term by critics of countries that followed the Soviet type of Communism to describe...
Earth Strike!
News 11/15
Freedom of speech
Nordic countries
What percent of the left do you think is against idpol as of now?
Economic Freedom Fighters Thread
The Pentagon Is Planning a Three-Front ‘Long War’ Against China and Russia
What is the problem with social justice exactly? I don't see Jordan Peterson's point of view...
Do you support Sargon in his fight against the alt-right?
So let's get me banned
We have the best DoP economy laid out for us, but what about the government for social policy...
If you're a leftist you should be getting in shape. The revolution needs big, strong people...
Are psychology and psychiatry largely prole-control?
Frozen Out of China, American Farmers Refuse to Sell Their Soy
News 11/13
Did gamergate start off as a leftist movement? What went wrong...
/ita/ - terza edizione
Is Marxism a pseudo-science?
Can you recommend any literature for someone who was a Fascist in the literal sense of the word and not some Trump...
News 11/12
Which technological development led to from the transition of the slave society to the feudal societ
Ethnic conversation of European indigenous people and ethno pluralism
DSA Refoundation - the trot + maoism + idpol faction - just collapsed and dissolved itself over a sexual harassment...
Stan Lee, creator of Spider-Man, X-Men and Avengers, dies aged 95
Your thoughts on the current Sargon dumpster fire?
Why are burger pop scientists like this?
Is situationism liberal pseudospience? how the fuck can you break the spectacle by invoking unusual thought patterns?
The Nietzsche question
Realised that capitalism is not going to collapse on its own
Finding Competent Staffers
I fucking hate neoliberals. These people are beyond contemptible...
After The Revolution
Reminder that it's veterans day, Zig Forums...
Lenin and the DSA
What do people here think about 'Jugendwiderstand'? For those not aware...
The only "successful" communist countries that existed depend on massive trade surplus with western capitalist...
How can communism deal with worker strike?
What ideals does Zig Forums stand for?
/leftybritpol/ - shooting fireworks at 1am edition
Brave New World
S-socialism has only ever been attempted in third-world shitholes!
Stalin was a stupid ass nigger
(Vietnam thread
I am trying to make it easy to NPC's to wake up. I want to make this pill perfect so it can't be argue in any way...
On unrecognized states
How do tankies justify arresting soviet scientists?
Be marine
Buthurt Balts against Soviet symbols
The Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement. Don't bother watching the rest...
Midterm Thread
Climate Change
Elon Musk fanboys ENRAGED after RT attacks their libertarian darling "genius" "entrepeneur" and his SpaceX company for...
In your ideal communist society, would schooling be mandatory...
News 11/7
October Revolution Anniversary
Stupid Question
Mfw my economics professor thinks that buying and selling votes on free markets in elections is a good idea
Open source economic planning
So this is the power of the blue wave?
I-I voted
My brain is kind of failing to wrap around this...
What does /keftypol/ thinj aboutt American Civil War?
Price controls
When you get into power, will you use your police force to find and punish fascists retroactively...
What's the difference?
Santa was a communist
When I say "cultural appropriation isn't real" and someone replies "you just say that because you're white and have no...
Zig Forums basics
Why should I support open borders? Open borders are an impediment to communist revolutions...
So lets say, hypothetically, that there IS no blue wave on tuesday… what should we do? what will you do...
What're some leftist youtubers you always seem to go back to
Conservatives We Respect
Foro de São Paulo
Q - The Plan To Save The World
Does anybody think that third worldism is pointless?
Adam Curtis
Why is it so fucking hard for Red Liberals to understand that not only would ending racism, sexism...
Does this board read libertarian or capitalistic literature?
Colombian president Ivan Duque proposes to Bolsonaro to organize a joint invasion of Venezuela
I want to make marxists analysis of chinese cartoons as a didactic exercise for me and maybe post it on /a/ to troll...
US government: Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are "Troika of Tyranny"
Any burgers here voting in the midterms?
Marxian Economic Theory
Is there any reason, outside cold war era propaganda or Liberty Prime quotes...
Guns are awesome. Every leftist should own at least one firearm. Don't post what firearm(s) you have in this thread...
News 11/2
Political censorship and abuse by discord moderators
My relationship with society
Okay First Worldists
Have y'all seen this yet...
Trump administration to reinstate all Iran sanctions
Are there any right wingers who actually argue against socialism instead of against their own misinterpreation of it?
So is idpol just the old tactic of divide and conquer, promulgated by porkies to maintain their power?
Redpill me on DPRK
The falling rate of profit
For those of you who kept claiming Partisangirl/SyrianGirl (Mimi al-Laham) was "right wing", you're wrong once again
How do you combat edgy "libtard triggering" memes & disinformation?
What do you guys think of Inejiro Asanuma's assassination?
How do you defend Homosexuality, ethically, morally, and biologically?
Brazil General
News 11/1
Can you point me towards some leftist authors who are openly critical of the identity politics/PC culture?
Petite Bourgeoisie
When and why have westeners lost the will to suevive?
I'm a 95 prole with severe (non diagnosed) depression that fuels my pot addiction...
Fascists being sellouts
Steve Keen
On the scale from Enver Hoxha to Eduard Bernstein, how revisionist are you?
Wtf…are Americans insane...
It's *just* like black mirror guys
"Wealth Dynasties" Generating Highest Inequality in Hundreds of Years
Left Buzzwords
Why leftypol should be libertarian
Russia bombing
Report this antisemitic neonazi homophobic trash from violent sex pervert neonazi Sam Hyde
Atheism caused the alt-right
Reminder that Maoist Third-Worldism is idpol! It's literally putting racial identity over class issues and takes away...
Why should class vs. class be thought of as the main dialectical cleavage in today's society if, in several places...
Anti-Fascist Action
Last threads
Why are white people so violent?
Support roflcopter2110 torrents, I give out Red Pills of TRUTH via BitTorrent PART 2
Harnessing Mass-Shooters: How to Save the White Race
DDoS protection shutting off in two hours
The end
Right Politics
Zig Forums is under attack
List of recent coincidences
El Paso False flag shooting
Connor Betts, Ohio Shooter, Died in 2014
Corbyn: An exception to first world electoralism
Right Politics
Why aren't we shitting up Zig Forums
Study: Racial Patterns and Mass Murders
Trump says 'hate has no place in our country'
Alternative News
Don't be a retard like El Paso faggot