So it seems high ranking military officials in Germany were planning a coup.
According to Jason Unruhe only RT and dailymail reported this while mainstream media covered it up.
So it seems high ranking military officials in Germany were planning a coup.
According to Jason Unruhe only RT and dailymail reported this while mainstream media covered it up.
Other urls found in this thread:
it was on RT too though
The actual way they got into power was also very coup-like, contrary to popular belief that Hitler was democratically elected?
Disregard that interrogation mark, had a mini aneurysm there
I might disagree with Unruhe but I don't think he's ever reported false news
Yeah I read something about this on WSWS a few days ago. Roo’s still shit
what? the NSDAP won a lot of parliamentary seating.
yes they were sanctioned by the Capitalists to fight Communism, but they didn't really do anything that Weimar would have considered illegal.
They wanted the feminazis to take over. Be warned…more #metoo slandering incoming.
WSWS reported on this a while ago. It's pretty scary tbh.
ok next we need to destabilize the country to justify our takeover !!!! /s
seriously dangerous stuff.
I read it from newsanon.
Thanks based news user
when has he ever been wrong
Most original source go back to german websites, not really sure about the trustworthiness of those sites since I'm a burger. There is a wiki article on it too:
Seems to be also connected to a plot for false flag refugee attacks too?
The tabloid reporting I read said there were hundreds of crack German Nazi commandos preparing to overthrow the government, but the original German language article said something about several hundred current and *retired* soldiers who were also tied up with the survivalist community – and some of whom were involved in special operations. Concerning but not the same thing.
Half and half. They never got an outright majority in a democratic election. But as soon as they were the dominant party in a majority coalition, they banned all opposition and abolished democratic checks. Beyond that they formed a paramilitary state inside the state.
so basically they are one giant testament to the failure of liberal "democracy"
From the intelligence agencies to the police, our state apparatus is full of nazis and at this point it's not even a secret anymore.
it was less of a failure than a conscious decision to out an end to bourgeois democracy. hindenburg appointed hitler under the pressure of the german bourgeoisie who had realised that a liberal-democratic state would no longer be able to defend their property from the rising masses. when you look at italy or spain, the development was a very similar one.
Yeah, by calling it a failure it makes it seem an unwanted outcome while it was the required outcome to combat revolution.
Focus was started in the 90s as a weekly print mag and is mainstream conservative with a professional self-image (so it only has a moderate dose of celebrity stuff). Deutsche Welle (German Frequency) is a public broadcaster. So, it's like the Telegraph and BBC World are reporting on it.
As an EVUL AMERIKKAN, I can't help and laugh that literally all it took for Actual Literal Nazis to take over in Europe was a couple of shitskins. Like, we've had to deal with them for fucking eons and we have had to deal with it or else get called EVUL NAZIS and you guys become Literal Actual Nazis when some get into your precious wittwe actual literal entho-states.
holy fucking shit this is just fucked.
we will win
If they get power they're gonna be fucked up 2x as worse
your win means your loss
this has nothing to do with refugees. the police and intelligence services didn't suddenly decide to become nazis in 2014.
I'm sure that a group of people plotting for when all hell breaks loose because of refugees has literally nothing to do with refugees.
The US-backed BDR didn't have any meaningful denazification (unlike the based DDR) so the state apparatus has been filled with nazis for 85 years now
neck yourself.
But there's no USSR to stop the nu-Reich from lebensrauming all the slav lands
Neoliberal Russia does have its own Black Hundreds though, they'd probably resist the nu-Reich but anything can happen
and yet, not only is any form of nazism against the law, they actively have cointelpro in Ukraine shutting down nazi movements.
What? I don't see the government shutting down, or the police not arresting people with any soviet imagery?
Don't idealize Russia just because it was communist once. It's no different from all other bourgeoisie dictatorships and will buddy-buddy with fascists if it benefits its goals. While it is suppressing neo-nazis in Ukraine for geopolitical reasons it simultaneously promotes right-nationalist rhetorics in Europe and at home.
they have a communist party. it's the only country which "allows" it.
tons of countries have legal communist parties
this is Zig Forums level delusion about taking advantage of some coming collapse of the government and society because of muh refugees. Only they could see that an some inevitability.
I'm not justifying Russia, I'm just saying Nazism as a philosophy stands completely no chance in the outside world. it worked in Germany when Jews were confined to ghettos and the upper class was mostly non-Jewish white, but it can't gain traction in any contemporary bourgeois state because there is always the contradiction of Jews being well within the ranks of the right-wing and upper class.
imagine believing this
this story is fabricated. there are around 12 guys larping as nazis in the ksk and thats what this story is based on. rt and unruhe are reporting bs.
the nsu trial and the maaßen case should make it clear that there's more to it than that.
So its fake then
Yes they did. They sent the SA around to intimidate, beat up, and murder political opponents.
At least a third of the German population (incl. Austria) should've been purged after the war.
Abba Kovner did nothing wrong
Agreed. Apprently the rarest thing in Germany in 1945 was a nazi dog.