The only "successful" communist countries that existed depend on massive trade surplus with western capitalist...

The only "successful" communist countries that existed depend on massive trade surplus with western capitalist countries, notably the U.S

When that all dries up, everything ALWAYS goes down hill (for example: Venezuela pretty much tanked overnight when America stopped importing their oil).

Find an exception to this rule.
Protip: You can't.

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Soviet Union?

Attached: Flag-map_of_Cuba.png (1908x2041 52.6 KB, 252.98K)

Soviet Union depended massively on trade with the United States, especially during ww2

The only "successful" crapitalist countries that existed depend on massive πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§))trade surplus πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ with colonized continents, notably Africa.

US reached top of the world thanks to unrealistically good geography and imperialism.

Top kek

You realize that period was extremely short right?

that's quite the overstatement

The "communist" nations were all things considered successful in transforming broken nations into superpowers.


How dare those East Germans demanded food, coffee and other essentials that they could not get under communism?

East Germans did get food, coffee and other essentials, what the hell are you rambling about?

I love how these countries are simultaneously "not real communism" and also examples of communism succeeding without capitalist influence.

No one here claims these countries "Aren't real socialism" that's a retarded straw man built by conservatives

So if I am reading everything correctly, there was deficit of coffee because Africa was occupied by the west, but it was fixed after good guys won in Vietnam?

coffee is as essential as cigarettes, its just an addiction with no real benefit

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Why in the world would you want to associate yourselves with these countries then? The most successful one of the three, China, has basically devolved into a technological dictatorship.

So are you going to admit then, that Venezuela is another example of socialism failing?


Whoops, realized I've mistaken the 2nd image. I looked at it too quickly.

Why do you even want to live in a shithole where you can’t even get coffee?

Is why socialism fails because it can never provide what the people want

very big-brain take

Jesus Christ, the problem was overcome when good guys won in Vietnam.

the way crapitalism gets what few want is by exploring the many.


By your logic capitalism definitely doesn't work because all homeless people want a house, starving people want food, etc, but somehow they cannot get it (which they could get under socialism).
Capitalism never provides what the people want, up and to housing, healthcare, education and even clean drinking water. But no, its only bad when socialism cannot offer you some arbitrary luxury product, but not when capitalism cannot get people actual basics of living.


Another self own from free market advocates

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We'll it could be used as an example of a social Democracy failing but not socialism or Marxism or socialism since those are mentioned nowhere in the PSUV's party manifesto

If anything the issues arose because it wasn't hardline enough and remained to Market orientated

Because socialism is a mode of Production not just "Well when standards of living is high it socialism"
And in general with the exception of outliers like fucking Romania / Albania or some shit the vast majority of these countries gained massive increases in their standard of living anyway so…



There it is again, that line X)


No I'm simply pointing out that the Venezuelan Goverments conception of socialism was never vaguely Marxist to begin with and was built more upon a Populist Social-Democratic Model

It never achieved either a Dictatorship of the Proletariate or managed to put in place a socialist economy

Pointing out that something literally isn't socialistic isn't "Le not real XD" meme

The mental gymnastics

China has more public sector than vuvuzela

China has an actual Marxist goverment that (Despite its extreme corruption) does hold a socialist economy and a Dictatorship of the Proletariate as its goals in its party line
And despite it having a Market economy this Dosent automatically rule out the possibility of future socialist reforms as seen in the USSR in the 1920s



Yay China,Vietnam and socialist India!!

the soviets controlled the heartland for almost a century and still got their asses kicked in
we were still outcompeting Britain when they controlled one fourth of the world's landmass

They litterally have shit geography, the only reason they managed to hold on is because they could reteat to siberia and scorching down their entire core industry and farmland.
America is essentially a super fertile, virgin island country, with inhospitable desert to the south and ice to the north, with vast oceans to either side. You cannot invade it.
Keep in mind that before the russian empire formed, it was one of the most often invaded and subjegated places. There is a reason the word for "slave" in most european languages is derived from slav. Mongols, huns, germanic tribes, etc etc. The USA has been ininvaded and unconquered since its conception. Russia has been invaded many many times since 1770.
Which does not have good geography (although it does have better ones than the rest of europe) as it is heavily involved and targeted in both world wars, those wars lead to the decline of the european powers on the world stage, by the way.

They even made a whole video about why russian geography is shit.

Also because brittain got cought up in two world wars is the reason it lost its dominant position.